You proffer yourself as informed on PEDs previously implying people use them by beating testing without proof. It steals your credibility.
Sarm vs steroids is a big distinction. Your lack of understanding does not make it irrelevant. The sale and distribution of testosterone and its derivatives is a felony. It is a controlled substance per DEA and is usually injected (not always ie dianabol) leaving marks. Not so for SARMS which are taken orally and are not illegal. The ease of purchase online and route of administration of SARMS with its selective stimulation and no legal risk lends itself to abuse. Ostarine is the most common abused Sarm and is often found as a contaminant in unregulated supplements.
"Pedantic" LOL. You sound defensive. How is that online thesaurus working for you? This is pedantic--Steroids as PEDs are a 1980s holdover misnomer. A steroid is a 4 ring 17 carbon atom with 3 dimensional structure with both cis and trans isomers. Additional ligands (ie hydoxyl or methyl groups) change the functions
There are 3 major classes of steroids naturally manufactured by a human, glucocorticosteroids (control inflammation and blood sugar) , mineralcorticosteroids (control blood pressure) made in the adrenal glands and sex steroids (estrogen progesterone testosterone) made in the gonads. There can be peripheral conversion of any steroid hence "bitch tits", fluid retention, diabetes, hypertension etc
That was free form off the top of my head while watching the medal rounds so feel free to "google that shit"