Start building your bunkers people. “Serious national threat”

My brother, who is not NSA, says millions and at least 90% are carrying a big load of fentanyl. Most have been released from prisons and insane asylums to come here. And every single one is allowed to vote Dem now effective immediately. Only country in the world dumb enough to allow this to destroy themselves, he says.
WITAF?!? Is this a parody account?
It’s great man. Ever since Covid. Wanna hit?

I'm not sure it will get by the head pills the VA gives me.

excited jake fowler GIF
My brother, who is not NSA, says millions and at least 90% are carrying a big load of fentanyl. Most have been released from prisons and insane asylums to come here. And every single one is allowed to vote Dem now effective immediately. Only country in the world dumb enough to allow this to destroy themselves, he says.

I heard 3 of 4 people in America are actually Chinese secret agents.
Well, when you have hundreds of thousands a month and it happens for 3 years, you can get into the millions pretty quick.
But Trump is friends with Russia. We have nothing to worry about . . . LOL when will the house turn and start giving funds to Ukraine LOL. If this is true, watch the existential threat that is the Republicans view on Russia change quickly. Doubt we will see Tucker Carlson go back any time soon LOL.
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Damn I love Hort sometimes.

Democrat: there is a very real threat of being attacked.

Hort Dems: the Republicans are just trying to scare people!!

If you do not own a few pounds of rice and dried beans, buy them.

If you do not own a few gallons of vinegar or pounds of baking soda, buy them.

If you don't own a small generator, buy one.

If you don't know basic first aid, educate yourself.

If you don't have a small seed bank, buy some.

The world doesn't give a shit about equality and "fair" they want the entire globe to believe what they believe and we have let hundreds of thousands of unvetted people into our country.
We're going to get blown off the map by supersonic space missiles, but Whiskey's got the market cornered on pork 'n beans.
Edging I think also has a component of about to get off and then pulling it back. Edging bros are effing weirdos for the most part. It can be a several hours process and they like to tell ladies they do it as some subtle brag attempt.
What the ****.
But Trump is friends with Russia. We have nothing to worry about . . . LOL when will the house turn and start giving funds to Ukraine LOL. If this is true, watch the existential threat that is the Republicans view on Russia change quickly. Doubt we will see Tucker Carlson go back any time soon LOL.
It could be Russia, putin is likely to do something drastic before he dies. Or, it could be china, just last week we were talking about a cyber attack.
Good plan.

I’m going to find the hot girl at the bar, then head to the epicenter.
now just hold on there a minute fellas, i'm putting my house on the market in the near future -- just a mere three miles from the Pentagon!!! I'll sell it to you cheap!
Was just talking about getting a thermal scope the other day......better to have an advantage and not need it than to need one and not have it....