Stolen valor - Is there anything more pathetic?

I have this weird thing where I start to feel bad for people who are caught on video with no explanation or excuses. These Stolen Valor videos are the worst. I cringe when they start saying stuff like “I couldn’t tell you, it’s classified” or “I was in SEALs for a bit but transferred to the Green Berets.”

Mental illness in play a lot of times.
I have this weird thing where I start to feel bad for people who are caught on video with no explanation or excuses. These Stolen Valor videos are the worst. I cringe when they start saying stuff like “I couldn’t tell you, it’s classified” or “I was in SEALs for a bit but transferred to the Green Berets.”

Mental illness in play a lot of times.

Definitely a lot of that. Attention seeking losers too. And people out for a free lunch.

sweating key and peele GIF
I have this weird thing where I start to feel bad for people who are caught on video with no explanation or excuses. These Stolen Valor videos are the worst. I cringe when they start saying stuff like “I couldn’t tell you, it’s classified” or “I was in SEALs for a bit but transferred to the Green Berets.”

Mental illness in play a lot of times.
Whenever someone says it was so long ago. And it deals with something traumatic they are usually full of it.
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The thing that boggles my mind is that these stolen Valor types always claim to be Special Forces, Rangers, SEALs, Marine Recon, etc. They pick the easiest thing to disprove. Had a guy tell me he was SF in 5th Group one time. I asked him how school was, he said "Great, the AIT was tough". Yeah, there's no AIT for SF. Then I asked how he liked Ft Bragg, he loved it...yeah, 5th Group isn't at Bragg.

Here's a hint kids, if you want to claim the "glory" of serving without actually serving...88M, 91B, 42A. But if you pick one of those, don't talk about patrolling, riding in helicopters, kicking in doors, etc. Those are truck driver, wheeled vehicle mechanic and HR.
The thing that boggles my mind is that these stolen Valor types always claim to be Special Forces, Rangers, SEALs, Marine Recon, etc. They pick the easiest thing to disprove. Had a guy tell me he was SF in 5th Group one time. I asked him how school was, he said "Great, the AIT was tough". Yeah, there's no AIT for SF. Then I asked how he liked Ft Bragg, he loved it...yeah, 5th Group isn't at Bragg.

Here's a hint kids, if you want to claim the "glory" of serving without actually serving...88M, 91B, 42A. But if you pick one of those, don't talk about patrolling, riding in helicopters, kicking in doors, etc. Those are truck driver, wheeled vehicle mechanic and HR.
None of those get the empathy they crave. Being logistics or a box kicker isn’t going to get u a bunch of free stuff. Or fawned over.
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Longtime Miserychant poster Pben

That was nuts. He was very believable, IMO.

I think I remember him posting how he shot a guy in Somalia on a rooftop or someplace.
The thing that boggles my mind is that these stolen Valor types always claim to be Special Forces, Rangers, SEALs, Marine Recon, etc. They pick the easiest thing to disprove. Had a guy tell me he was SF in 5th Group one time. I asked him how school was, he said "Great, the AIT was tough". Yeah, there's no AIT for SF. Then I asked how he liked Ft Bragg, he loved it...yeah, 5th Group isn't at Bragg.

Here's a hint kids, if you want to claim the "glory" of serving without actually serving...88M, 91B, 42A. But if you pick one of those, don't talk about patrolling, riding in helicopters, kicking in doors, etc. Those are truck driver, wheeled vehicle mechanic and HR.

I use a military credit union for my banking. My Grandfather was in the Navy and another in the Army.

Once a year or so, a cashier will ask me if I was ever in the military. I wasn't.

Next time, I should be like these stolen Valor douches and claim I was in 'Nam in the Ping Pong Delta to get a $2 discount.

There are many things more pathetic, and I'm not devaluing how pathetic stolen valor is.
You have no reason to be a dick to me. I was called out, again, falsey for stolen Valor. I'm the one who should be pissed.
I didn't call you out, I said there are worse things while also saying it's pathetic as well.
I have this weird thing where I start to feel bad for people who are caught on video with no explanation or excuses. These Stolen Valor videos are the worst. I cringe when they start saying stuff like “I couldn’t tell you, it’s classified” or “I was in SEALs for a bit but transferred to the Green Berets.”
I feel bad for the guys who actually have a unique service history and probably get questions.


The Coast Guard did a pilot program where something like two or three officers went through SEAL training (SQT) and may have done a Teams rotation.

The idea being that the training would be beneficial in port protection and MSRT. I guarantee most people don’t believe them.
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Most of us veterans aren't even comfortable with "Thank you for your service" comments. Can't imagine tying to cash in on it with BS stories, etc.
My grandfather had an Ex-POW (legitimate) license plate because the registration was free.

That thing was a “Get Out of Jail Free” card in Pinellas County. Cops in St. Pete and Treasure Island let him drive 20 years longer than they should have. He had a gigantic Mercury and must have hit every car on the island.
That was nuts. He was very believable, IMO.

I think I remember him posting how he shot a guy in Somalia on a rooftop or someplace.

I pretty much always scrolled past his posts, in the days before the ignore button, because he was a relentless attention seeker. I do remember him talking about being involved in the same operation as the Blackhawk Down incident.

We were talking about him a while back in another thread.

Pg 14 - Post 549 and posts that follow

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I pretty much always scrolled past his posts, in the days before the ignore button, because he was a relentless attention seeker. I do remember him talking about being involved in the same operation as the Blackhawk Down incident.

We were talking about him a while back in another thread and others remember him saying one of the characters in the movie was based on him.
The worst was he’d say stuff to Larry80 (an actual combat medic from Vietnam) basically commiserating about the horrors of war.
Most videos I’ve seen, the person is very obviously mentally or emotionally handicapped.
If you've never heard of Don Shipley - his videos are great. He takes fake SEALs down all the time and it's classic. Pathetic that people do this but par for the course for a lot of losers in America I guess.

Why does this bother little **** hairs like you so much when you have never served in any capacity?
The worst was he’d say stuff to Larry80 (an actual combat medic from Vietnam) basically commiserating about the horrors of war.

Shows how good I was at ignoring that guy, because I missed that. What an asswipe.

One of my fraternos, who I talk to pretty much every day in a long running FB chat with a group of OXs, lives in the same area of Virginia and is FB friends with Pben. I’ve known that he has been FB friends with him going back to the time when he was outed but never cared enough to ask how well he knows him. Now that we have this thread, I will ask.

Edit - I must have asked about him back when he was outed. One of the other guys in the chat seems to remember talking about him.
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Pben’s stolen valor pages

From the comments on the valor guardians page

This sounds like someone from Miserychant

"Great to see this lying fraud finally outed. Those of us who know him have done our homework and found out he never attended William and Mary or Florida State. He also told a lot of us he played football at FSU. Kind of hard to be on a team that has no record of you and a registrar that has no record of his enrollment. He always made claims of being in Blackhawk Down and told some of us he was wounded and earned a bronze star for valor. He is a total fraud and can not be believed on any topic. We even found his marriage license to his first wife and he even lied about his age."
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