Because you (and the others) would be right. I've said over and over this isn't about Howard, everything Howard did from the moment he got pissed off at the timeout onward was wrong.
I'm talking about Gard's actions, and only Gard. Gard was pissed off too, he was dropping F bombs in the huddle during the timeout and Howard set him off again which caused him to grab Howard and get in his face. His post game remarks were derogatory towards Howard. Gard did not need to grab a pissed off Howard in the handshake line. Howard was just running his mouth, Gard could have just shouted back or better yet just kept walking and address Howard off camera, after they both have cooled off. Instead Gard decided to settle it during a hand shake line, in front of 1000's of fans, and a television audience then have the audacity to lie about it in the presser saying Howard was the one who came after him pointing at his chest.
None of this is an excuse for Howard's actions and what he did was 1000+ times worse than what Gard did. Which is why the league office gave Howard a 5 game suspension while Gard only got a fine. Gard is not blameless in this incident and I don't get why some of you can't see that. Just because Howard was the one who set him off, acting like an idiot, doesn't exonerate Gard.