Surgeon dies in Israeli custody.

Kind of weird why Bibi would support Hamas all those years then, huh? ( It’s like it’s all a f***ing game and the US taxpayers are footing the bill.

Most of the time, Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset. Far-right MK Bezalel Smotrich, now the finance minister in the hardline government and leader of the Religious Zionism party, said so himself in 2015.

There’s a reason Washington told us to stay the hell out of these foreign entanglements.
Yeah, about that. . . why are we importing en masse the foreign entanglements? See Dearborn, Michigan. See islamic "death to america" chants in America. See open border. WTF?
Yeah, about that. . . why are we importing en masse the foreign entanglements? See Dearborn, Michigan. See islamic "death to america" chants in America. See open border. WTF?
Agree 100%. Which is I won’t be voting for Trump or Biden. They’re complicit in this BS.
Innocent? What percent think they Israel has no right to exist? What percent think Mohammed’s descendants should rule the earth? What percent think Mohammed’s warlord’s descendant’s should rule the earth? What percent are simpatico with “death to America?” What percent supported Oct 7? What percent supported 9/11? Innocent. Right.
Dumbest excuse for killing noncombatants yet.
Kind of weird why Bibi would support Hamas all those years then, huh? ( It’s like it’s all a f***ing game and the US taxpayers are footing the bill.

Most of the time, Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset. Far-right MK Bezalel Smotrich, now the finance minister in the hardline government and leader of the Religious Zionism party, said so himself in 2015.

There’s a reason Washington told us to stay the hell out of these foreign entanglements.
They'd be doing this with out US involvement. We're not funding everything.
Wasn’t an excuse. I just didn’t agree that the adults that support Hamas in Palestine are “innocent.”
You have no idea that the surgeon who died in custody supported hamas, but he was Palestinian, so that’s enough for you and trad and the others.
You have no idea that the surgeon who died in custody supported hamas, but he was Palestinian, so that’s enough for you and trad and the others.
That's putting words to my thought process that haven't been voiced. I don't happen to agree with them either. Rather, I am fully aware that Hamas' primary goal in this conflagration that they started on purpose and in which they killed and raped young people and took hostages while bragging about it and filming it, is propaganda fuel to weaken support for Israel. Given that, the fact that a "doctor" died in custody is not by itself sufficient evidence to suggest that Israel did anything wrong. We do not have a cause of death released. For all we know, he was shanked by someone working with Hamas.

You can see in our own media other propaganda attempts that are similar in strategy. For example, making the rounds is a frat guy doing gorilla movements to a morbidly obese woman on the Hamas side flipping off the crowd, who happens to be black. Rather than focus on the anti-semitic, anti-US Hamas supporters across the country threatening people, vandalizing college campuses, and generally spewing hate, a component of the media and people online have focused on the singular instance of "white supremacy" they've been able to find thus far.
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You have no idea that the surgeon who died in custody supported hamas, but he was Palestinian, so that’s enough for you and trad and the others.

The Palestinians could end this today if they'd rise up and turn over the Hamas leaders to Israeli forces.
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Once Palestinians raped/murdered/maimed over 2000 Israelis and tourists on October 7, Palestinian lives no longer mattered.

I don't think they just get to do that and then demand Israel go easy on them...
It's hard to decide which is more troubling? The belief that civilian lives do not matter, or the collection of clowns including our MM who gave your post a like.
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They'd be doing this with out US involvement. We're not funding everything.
This may be the most delusional thing ever posted here. Israel wouldn’t even EXIST without the U.S. dollars (courtesy of several hundred compromised politicians). 7 million Jews in the ME surrounded by 330+ million Muslims.

We should have let them work it out 70 yrs ago.
This may be the most delusional thing ever posted here. Israel wouldn’t even EXIST without the U.S. dollars (courtesy of several hundred compromised politicians). 7 million Jews in the ME surrounded by 330+ million Muslims.

We should have let them work it out 70 yrs ago.
Why should those colonizers (every Muslim in the me) be allowed to run roughshod over Israel? There was never a Palestine. This is territory the Ottoman Empire lost. The Brits tried to help out. The Muslim fueled ex Jordanians and ottoman remnants won’t give up. It’s a massive affront to them that non Muslims control that land.

West should recapture Constantinople.
This may be the most delusional thing ever posted here. Israel wouldn’t even EXIST without the U.S. dollars (courtesy of several hundred compromised politicians). 7 million Jews in the ME surrounded by 330+ million Muslims.

We should have let them work it out 70 yrs ago.
Establishment of the Israel state required help from outside forces. That was then.

(not that this was necessarily a terrible thing -- you haven't explained that part)

That said, they're an established affluent nation now and we have limited input on their behavior.

(yes, long term, if we didn't provide/sell them any weapons they may suffer -- although there is still the rest of the world they have to work with)
Establishment of the Israel state required help from outside forces. That was then.

(not that this was necessarily a terrible thing -- you haven't explained that part)

That said, they're an established affluent nation now and we have limited input on their behavior.

(yes, long term, if we didn't provide/sell them any weapons they may suffer -- although there is still the rest of the world they have to work with)

The U.S. isn't the only arms dealer in the world? Imagine that!
One of the main reasons most members of Congress don't represent the majority of Americans who want a ceasefire: The Israel lobby gave Congress $58 million last cycle; only 33 members didn't receive donations.This dark money poisons our democracy.

If there was no lobby pushing Congress in a particular direction in a really forceful way, the position of the U.S. Congress on the war in Gaza would be fundamentally different," John Mearsheimer, a political scientist at the University of Chicago political who co-authored the book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, told The Guardian.

Days before The Guardian's report, Arab American Institute founder James Zogby wrote on social media that much of the money raised against progressives from pro-Israel groups comes from wealthy Republican donors.

"Why won't Dem leaders call them out? They would if it were for any other issue: guns, big pharma, etc.—but Israel gets a pass," Zogby said.

"We tried to get the DNC to ban dark money in primaries. We were shot down and no vote was allowed," Zogby continued. "This money is damaging our democracy and allowing supporters of Israel to shield Israel from sanctions or even criticism.” (Buying off Congress let’s you get away with things like blowing up the USS Liberty, burning Palestine to the ground then getting the Anti Semitism Act passed to outlaw any criticism of your actions).
One of the main reasons most members of Congress don't represent the majority of Americans who want a ceasefire: The Israel lobby gave Congress $58 million last cycle; only 33 members didn't receive donations.This dark money poisons our democracy.

If there was no lobby pushing Congress in a particular direction in a really forceful way, the position of the U.S. Congress on the war in Gaza would be fundamentally different," John Mearsheimer, a political scientist at the University of Chicago political who co-authored the book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, told The Guardian.

Days before The Guardian's report, Arab American Institute founder James Zogby wrote on social media that much of the money raised against progressives from pro-Israel groups comes from wealthy Republican donors.

"Why won't Dem leaders call them out? They would if it were for any other issue: guns, big pharma, etc.—but Israel gets a pass," Zogby said.

"We tried to get the DNC to ban dark money in primaries. We were shot down and no vote was allowed," Zogby continued. "This money is damaging our democracy and allowing supporters of Israel to shield Israel from sanctions or even criticism.” (Buying off Congress let’s you get away with things like blowing up the USS Liberty, burning Palestine to the ground then getting the Anti Semitism Act passed to outlaw any criticism of your actions).

Yeah, nothing biased about "" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Israel, therefore, faces a long-run dilemma which she must someday meet. Either to continue on her present course and, after years of mutual hostility and conflict be overthrown by Arab people’s guerrilla war. Or – to change direction drastically, to cut herself loose completely from Western imperial ties, and become simply Jewish citizens of the Middle East. If she did that, then peace and harmony and justice would at last reign in that tortured region. There is ample precedent for this peaceful coexistence. For in the centuries before 19th- and 20th-century Western imperialism, Jew and Arab had always lived well and peacefully together in the Middle East. There is no inherent enmity or conflict between Arab and Jew. In the great centuries of Arab civilization in North Africa and Spain, Jews took a happy and prominent part – in contrast to their ongoing persecution by the fanatics of the Christian West. Shorn of Western influence and Western imperialism, that harmony can reign once more.

That essay is an absolute joke. Particularly the part above.

The Jews have been persecuted and pushed all over the globe since the dawn of their religion. There is no chance that Jews would be able to live in a single state with Arabs as a majority. Zero.
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Dumbest excuse for killing noncombatants yet.
The biggest clue as to which side to choose in this side is happy to simply exist as a religion, the other, in many areas, demands conversion to their religion.
What would have been a more appropriate way to conduct the war in Gaza? How would you have singled out Hamas from citizen there?
By utilizing targeted strikes against militants in Gaza. By going after their leadership where they live. Qatar. Israel has not marginalized and isolated the leadership of Hamas. A more effective strategy would be to go after the financing of Hamas and their political power. New leadership for the Palestinians as well as the Israelis will end the war more quickly than Israel pounding Gaza into rubble with conventional weaponry, and occupying it for years with 300,000 soldiers. There isn't a number of dead civilians that will end the war more quickly in Israel's favor. Promoting new leadership for Palestine, agreeing to land for peace, and allowing for some form of self rule with economic development will end the war.
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