Teacher celebrated by community..

Why the Neanderthal hate broseph?
Air Caveman GIF
I imagine he and his wife took a vacation to Florida last year & drove across the Sunshine Skyway Bridge while it was lit in rainbow colors for Pride Week. Poof! Just like that he turned.
I bet he turned gay in 5th grade because he had a gay teacher. I believe it's called "the gay agenda." A vicious cycle of never ending gay conversions.
These have gotta be it. Because we all know a person isn't born gay. They're born straight, but then turn gay because of things that happen to them. Like being around gay people, or seeing gay stuff.
These have gotta be it. Because we all know a person isn't born gay. They're born straight, but then turn gay because of things that happen to them. Like being around gay people, or seeing gay stuff.
maybe he wasn’t born straight or gay. initially he was around straight people, so got married to a woman. then he was was around gays so let her go in favor of a dude.
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I don't remember my teachers in elementary sharing stories and pictures of their dating life. Maybe that doesn't need to be shared.... Whether you are gay or straight?

Would make things a whole lot simpler wouldn't it? We learned about school subjects/topics, not our teachers personal life.
Straight teachers regularly have pictures of their spouses on their desks. Why is that ok?
I don't think anyone should talk about their personal lives in the office or especially with their students.

When I worked in an office, I stuck to talking about fishing and sports when anything personal came up.

I suppose you would not have been in favor of me and my coworkers having upside down margarita parties and waking up under my patio table and in the bushes? My KC going away party they had a "party van" and took me to a strip club... my boss was the ringleader. I'm lifelong friends with all of them.
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This story says MUCH more about the parents than the teacher. Apparently these parents hate gays more than they want their students to have what appears to have been a fantastic teacher to their children:

"Knight, who taught fifth grade, was so popular that parents specifically angled to get their children placed in his classroom."
I don't remember my teachers in elementary sharing stories and pictures of their dating life. Maybe that doesn't need to be shared.... Whether you are gay or straight?

Would make things a whole lot simpler wouldn't it? We learned about school subjects/topics, not our teachers personal life.
It's only "simpler" now that gay people are living their true lives in the open. I knew of the vast majority of my teachers' spouses. Perhaps because Key West wasn't a big town...
This story says MUCH more about the parents than the teacher. Apparently these parents hate gays more than they want their students to have what appears to have been a fantastic teacher to their children:

"Knight, who taught fifth grade, was so popular that parents specifically angled to get their children placed in his classroom."

No wonder the best teachers are leaving the profession.
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My kids classrooms had lots of little flags to make kids feel welcome. State flags, Israeli flag, pride flags, sports flags. The idea is that everyone is welcome.

As for personal stuff one teacher had an entire wall dedicated to their obsession with Star Trek. Kids thought it was great. They only learn to hate at home.

Didn’t realize you needed flags in the classroom to make an “inclusive community.” Maybe to touch all spectrums we should throw some MAGA flags and back the blue flags in 3rd grade classrooms
Yeah, that's what the story said. He was talking about who was top, who was bottom and how he shared dik pix with deangelovickers.
Your over the top examples says it all. As if that's where the line between your personal life and and your job TEACHING 5TH GRADERS should be drawn.
The person in the story is clearly an attention seeking narcissist who's obsessed with his sexual preferences.
He knew he was gay when he was in 1st grade so he wanted the 5TH GRADERS to feel welcomed and comfortable if they too feel gay. Give me a break. You're a teacher. Teach. It's not about you!
If you haven't read the entire article you don't understand the story. It was clear some parents manipulated their children or twisted things their children said to use against the teacher. The teacher finally wore down from the pressure from good christians.
If you haven't read the entire article you don't understand the story. It was clear some parents manipulated their children or twisted things their children said to use against the teacher. The teacher finally wore down from the pressure from good christians.
Were you there?
Until he came out as gay.
Some of these areas will have a real hard time finding teachers and doctors at this rate.

Doctors especially. They have other choices.
Red states are seeing a self imposed desert of healthcare grow in their areas.
And, which top end educator/teacher will look for work in hateful areas? The young ones are especially gonna avoid those posts, unless they have perhaps familial ties.
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