Texas football coach: Water breaks are "woke"

He implies he wasn’t allowing them.
Odds are some kid complained to their parent and social media ran amuck, someone suggested that a coach that has been doing this job for some time practice 45 and take 15 off as if he weren’t at all concerned about his players.
Having coached for 30 years this would be the norm.
He implies he wasn’t allowing them.
Odds are some kid complained to their parent and social media ran amuck, someone suggested that a coach that has been doing this job for some time practice 45 and take 15 off as if he weren’t at all concerned about his players.
Having coached for 30 years this would be the norm.
You may well be correct.

The problem is that his response to the public on the very platform he was/is attacked on was stupid. This being in Texas however means it is highly unlikely the coach will face any backlash from his superiors.
I hope the academically-gifted back up QB is getting a piece of this ass for all this suffering.

He is an idiot. However, none of the ruling bodies I’ve ever seen have ever had a good answer to dealing with the heat.

Currently, most are using a wet bulb to determine whether or not you can practice in pads or at all depending on the reading. Now that’s all well and good. However, there is no wet bulb on game days. So, for the first month or so they make you play in the exact conditions they don’t let you practice in. Ending up in 30 breaks for players cramping and extra water breaks and such. It’s mostly all CYA without any thought put into it.

That said, 15 minute water breaks is stupid. We brake for 5 every 20 minutes or so in extreme heat and keep the water available at all positions during drills. Hydration is never a problem if you do it right.
In 2023 Greg Abbott signed some kind of law that overturned mandatory water breaks for construction workers in Dallas and Austin. if you Google search it, it's all over the internet. It's been in the courts . I don't know if the judge might have overturned it ...I'm wondering if somebody took all that controversy and adapted it to football on the sly... Plagiarized everything and took it over to football ...and changed everything from construction worker to football player...
The one that is protected by the Governor of Iowa and the Iowa National Guard…. Right? Texas…. Home of Steve’s, queers and bigots! Yahoo!
Yeah along with other states who agreed to help us out and send troops down here... Since Joe Biden is invading America
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