Texas football coach: Water breaks are "woke"

You may well be correct.

The problem is that his response to the public on the very platform he was/is attacked on was stupid. This being in Texas however means it is highly unlikely the coach will face any backlash from his superiors.
Unless he doesn’t win. Then it will be a big deal and he will get fired over it.
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One of the most backwards places on the planet
Where in Texas did you live? I assume you speak from firsthand knowledge - correct?

It’s funny because both my brothers played HS football here in Jacksonville in the 60’s and there were no water breaks. My husband played for a legendary high school coach at Coral Gables and there were no water breaks in Miami either.

The common theory then was some wrongheaded fear of health issues if the kids drank water but thankfully it’s gone by the wayside nationally including in Texas. I taught high school in Texas in the late 90’s and the kids practiced at 6:30 AM and after 7 PM during two a days to minimize heat exposure and water breaks were standard.
The coach who wrote this memo was probably mad at some woke parents and I agree he didn’t do himself any favors with a poorly written commentary.
Assuming he isn't just being a gasbag and the kids get all the water they want ........

Unless all the kids are 18+, shouldn't this bring up some concerns with the local medical establishments and/or law enforcement about endangerment?

With such an erroneous statement like "nobody's ever died in the heat before", this guy isn't exactly a brainiac.
Where in Texas did you live? I assume you speak from firsthand knowledge - correct?

It’s funny because both my brothers played HS football here in Jacksonville in the 60’s and there were no water breaks. My husband played for a legendary high school coach at Coral Gables and there were no water breaks in Miami either.

The common theory then was some wrongheaded fear of health issues if the kids drank water but thankfully it’s gone by the wayside nationally including in Texas. I taught high school in Texas in the late 90’s and the kids practiced at 6:30 AM and after 7 PM during two a days to minimize heat exposure and water breaks were standard.
The coach who wrote this memo was probably mad at some woke parents and I agree he didn’t do himself any favors with a poorly written commentary.
Remember the Alamo!
So we've got zero names from zero towns in Texas and we have no clue if Torbee himself didn't just type it up. I'm not accusing.

This is a tale a little too tall for you to believe? It truly amazes what you believe and what you call BS on. Do you have to have some kind of brain damage? Crash a lot during BMX?
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Does anyone really think the coaching staff did not allow water?
Yes. I moved to Texas my Jr year and went out for football. After I blacked out running burners at the end of the first practice (two a days) I was told that I owed him the last two sprints that afternoon. I blacked out because “ water was for varsity”.
I cover high school football games on Friday nights in Illinois. Don’t know if it’s a state rule or not, but seen several times where the refs stop the game for a water break. I don’t know how this or having more water breaks could be a bad thing.

Damn where were these rules when I ran cross country?
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Assuming he isn't just being a gasbag and the kids get all the water they want ........

Unless all the kids are 18+, shouldn't this bring up some concerns with the local medical establishments and/or law enforcement about endangerment?

With such an erroneous statement like "nobody's ever died in the heat before", this guy isn't exactly a brainiac.
This is why water breaks are standard operating procedure and have been for years.
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Fake or not

I would love to see these folks in Vegas or Arizona.

Yes precautions are taken…don’t move to Vegas if you do not want your kids out late…little league games don’t even start until 7pm or later
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This is why water breaks are standard operating procedure and have been for years.

Not 15 every 45

I grew up in Minnesota…different era…different rules…but I can promise ya that in December I never had a practice last less than the max allowed by rules…was more physical than anything you can imagine… and was done at a dry 115 everyday

…then when it was over we as students stayed and worked out without coaches for another couple hours

Wrestling life
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To this day I still chuckle at the 8th grade studs that thought I was less than a man than them because I decided on Home Ec over Shop
You still weren’t getting any girls because you’re a low T Marxist loser.
Coach Giesler in his first year at Clinton High in 1983 only let us have ice cubes and salt tablets during two a days.

No friggin clue where he came up with that.

The next year we got water.
When I watch football games and there are multiple cases of players cramping, can’t I assume there’s a hydration issue?
You can, but it’s not necessarily the fault of the coach. The water they are getting at practice and games is expelled during the event. The water they actually need is what they drink at home, including vitamin intake and such.

Kids eat and drink like shit at home. Half the time we have a kid go down in the morning heat his first statement is “I didn’t eat anything this morning.”
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Shit burner, huh?

Close, I was a deputy dog in the poop patrol.

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You can, but it’s not necessarily the fault of the coach. The water they are getting at practice and games is expelled during the event. The water they actually need is what they drink at home, including vitamin intake and such.

Kids eat and drink like shit at home. Half the time we have a kid go down in the morning heat his first statement is “I didn’t eat anything this morning.”
There is actually a formula of how much to drink 2-3 hours prior to an event, an hour prior, how much during the game/practice and then how much after. Not that anyone really follows it, but there is data out there.
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