Texas Republicans Reserve the Right to Secede

Maybe they should invest in their power grid. And, where will they get funds when the next flood or hurricane hits? This is all stupid crap that the GOP thinks makes themselves look tough or something. They aren't going anywhere. They need the FED.

Meanwhile GrOuPies will complain about The Fed nonstop, particularly when they don’t control the White House
Does Texas have state income tax? They could just bump tax rates to 30 if they aren’t paying the IRS, but they would also have to bump property tax and sales tax to build up enough funds to have their FEMA
Maybe they should invest in their power grid. And, where will they get funds when the next flood or hurricane hits? This is all stupid crap that the GOP thinks makes themselves look tough or something. They aren't going anywhere. They need the FED.

Texas would do just fine on their own.

  • The $2.4 trillion Texas economy is now the eighth-largest economy among the nations of the world, larger than Russia, Canada, Italy and more.

The former Republic of Texas does not have the right to secede.

If most Texans want to no longer be politically tied to the rest of the US, what is the moral case for compelling them?
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Does Texas have state income tax? They could just bump tax rates to 30 if they aren’t paying the IRS, but they would also have to bump property tax and sales tax to build up enough funds to have their FEMA
Texas doesn’t have an income tax, but they do have very high property taxes. Utility bills are also really high.
If most Texans want to no longer be politically tied to the rest of the US, what the moral case for compelling them?
I’m not here to boost moral cases about statehood but like it or not Texas and the USA need each other.
If there are moronic politician R’s who want to engage in puffing out their chests and talk about seceding that’s all they can do - talk.
I’m not here to boost moral cases about statehood but like it or not Texas and the USA need each other.
If there are moronic politician R’s who want to engage in puffing out their chests and talk about seceding that’s all they can do - talk.
Northern isn't going to like this.
The Supreme Court already tried this case and it was determined that states couldn't actually succeed. I suppose that could be yet another centuries old precedent that these jackasses on the Supreme Court could overturn but someone from Texas would have to pull out the wallet for that.

On the other hand, it would be fun to watch what happens to Texas as all the businesses that have moved there in the last 30 years scramble to leave the state to get back in the country they do business in.
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The Supreme Court already tried this case and it was determined that states couldn't actually succeed. I suppose that could be yet another centuries old precedent that these jackasses on the Supreme Court could overturn but someone from Texas would have to pull out the wallet for that.

On the other hand, it would be fun to watch what happens to Texas as all the businesses that have moved there in the last 30 years scramble to leave the state to get back in the country they do business in.
So they couldn’t succeed at seceding?
You are correct- but I doubt SCOTUS would even touch it since it’s a silly empty threat.
Your point about business leaving is interesting though.
Close all the military installations, move all the assets to the other 49, order all military personnel back to the other 49, cut off all residents from SS and Medicare, and … reform the electoral college minus TX 40 votes?

So they couldn’t succeed at seceding?
You are correct- but I doubt SCOTUS would even touch it since it’s a silly empty threat.
Your point about business leaving is interesting though.
Dang it, I hate it when I screw that spelling up.
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Are they ? REALLY high?
Texas houses tend to be bigger in square footage and need more than one A/C.
In the late 90’s we were living in a 4800 sq ft house with three units. Our August bill was over $600. This was 25 years ago. 😵‍💫
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Texas would do just fine on their own.

  • The $2.4 trillion Texas economy is now the eighth-largest economy among the nations of the world, larger than Russia, Canada, Italy and more.

Yes there is enough size and scale in Texas to be its own country. But unlike those you listed it would have to start from scratch. Building the following would be an incredibly expensive, distracting venture:
  • Social safety net: are you going to fund social security and Medicare or just let old people fend for themselves?
  • National defense: if you secede you have to pay something for defense. I’m sure as shit not using my tax dollars to defend the state if they don’t want to be part of America
  • How about funding your highways, bridges and infrastructure. Texas can’t maintain its own power grid properly.
  • Trade agreements: you would need to negotiate from a position of weakness. You would get savaged on the global stage.
  • Currency, banking rules and oversight: this would be an EU scale development. Look at how much the bureaucracy in Brussels costs.
  • Corporate HQs: most companies wouldn’t want to be headquartered outside the USA, especially if there is no bi-lateral trade/taxation agreement. And what incentive would the US have to install such an agreement? The companies would simply move back to the US where the much larger market for their goods lies. Or are you planning to nationalize them a la the soviets?
  • Exodus of the wealthy: here is the thing about all that GDP Texas generates. Most of that is coming from the educated “elite” and the companies they work for. Those folks are not the ones that want Texas to secede. They would lead, or follow their companies right out of the state.
  • Offshore Oil: you think the USA is going to give that up without a fight? You think Texas is going to win that fight?
Secession would be the dumbest possible thing Texas could attempt. It would almost certainly fail, but even in the incredibly slim chance they managed to secede, it would bankrupt the state. So then you are printing money and have hyper inflation like Argentina.
Texas houses tend to be bigger in square footage and need more than one A/C.
In the late 90’s we were living in a 4800 sq ft house with three units. Our August bill was over $600. This was 25 years ago. 😵‍💫
Thanks for the history lesson on Texas utilities. I have lived in Texas for 18 years now and in the same house for 12. I just checked and our highest bill in the last 12 months was 316 and lowest was around $90. 3500 sq ft house 3 AC units and a pool.
I’m not here to boost moral cases about statehood but like it or not Texas and the USA need each other.

In what ways?
Can these not be met with trade?
For what reason does Texas ‘need’ to be subjugated politically to Washington DC?
I’m not here to boost moral cases about statehood but like it or not Texas and the USA need each other.
If there are moronic politician R’s who want to engage in puffing out their chests and talk about seceding that’s all they can do - talk.

They don't "need" one another.
I'm guessing if they wanted to cut themselves off from the federal government completely they would probably have to put an income tax into place as well.
If their goal was to mimic the federal government’s wastefulness that would be a critical step.
If their goal was to mimic the federal government’s wastefulness that would be a critical step.

There is a lot of financial aid, aid in building and maintaining infrastructure, etc.

Things are going to change a lot when that all goes away.
In what ways?
Can these not be met with trade?
For what reason does Texas ‘need’ to be subjugated politically to Washington DC?
Texas is a hugely important part of our Union. It’s a cross between Cali and Florida and offers some of the same advantages:
Strategic coastline and border
Energy source
Agriculturally significant
World class universities
World class medical facilities
World class research and technology facilities
Why wouldn’t it still be important?
This is all moot. They’re not going anywhere.
This is all moot. They’re not going anywhere.
But yet people will bitch about it for 2 pages as if it is. I've been living here 20+ years and outside the gawd-awful summer heat, I've rather enjoyed it. What people also don't realize is Dallas, San Antonio, Houston and Austin are all blue.

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Texas would do just fine on their own.

  • The $2.4 trillion Texas economy is now the eighth-largest economy among the nations of the world, larger than Russia, Canada, Italy and more.

Awesome...they should stop crying when they need federal help after a disaster. Pay for it themselves. And pay the feds back for all the federal roads that carry their goods around the state. Charge them $7M a mile (that's cheap) for 3200+ miles...that comes to something north of $22B. They can afford that easily. Somebody else can do the math for all the federal property they'd need to buy. And, of course, they would lose access to all federal help at the border so that's gonna cost 'em. And the GOP loses those EC votes...yay!

TIA for leaving.
Texas is a hugely important part of our Union. It’s a cross between Cali and Florida and offers some of the same advantages:
Strategic coastline and border
Energy source
Agriculturally significant
World class universities
World class medical facilities
World class research and technology facilities
Why wouldn’t it still be important?
This is all moot. They’re not going anywhere.
Unfortunately the part about the strategic coastline and border hasn't applied for some time now.