some great Iowa related videos going up today on Flo. Highly recommend you check them out! Pro not required.
Old Man strength!A lot of videos...thanks Flo. On the interview with Spencer, he's talking about how he can do an avg of 56 pull ups. At the Olympics, he was all proud of that and than Dennis was like "is that all?" and rips off 112. Dude is a beast.
some great Iowa related videos going up today on Flo. Highly recommend you check them out! Pro not required.
And Turk has a very solid Greco background.
There was a story told by Herbert (I believe) that when Tom got to VT campus there was records posted in the wrestling room for pull ups, and probably others. Kind of like football has bench, deadlift, squat etc. As the story goes Tom grabbed the bar in his street clothes and promptly broke the record. I don't recall where I saw that interview but thought that was pretty damn boss.A lot of videos...thanks Flo. On the interview with Spencer, he's talking about how he can do an avg of 56 pull ups. At the Olympics, he was all proud of that and than Dennis was like "is that all?" and rips off 112. Dude is a beast.
Did Spencer's parents move to Cedar Rapids? Did I miss this?
We knew it all along! Truth comes out! You have to really love HR now that we gave ya an appreciation thread. We give you money and say thanks! Isn't that enough to love us?shut up, Turk.
the only reason we went to Iowa was to protect Cael's aura b/c we're PSU fan boys!![]()
shut up, Turk.
the only reason we went to Iowa was to protect Cael's aura b/c we're PSU fan boys!![]()
I'll say it again: I love flo. Anyone who disagrees should go back in time 12ish years ago and remember how much coverage the sport had.
This is the love part of my love/hate relationship with Flo. I commend Flo on these great videos. Now can Willie get back to me on why they buried the huge news Cael/Taylor tantrums and ran with the Gilman Midlands story immediately? One was an epic story while the other was a nothing to see here.
Mendoza - i met LaxHawk that night at WTT's. Good dude.
as far as the Cael vid thing - it was pretty simple. but 1) it gets old trying to defend things and 2) am i really to believe that if i post a justification everyone will accept it? or will it just further devolve?
the simple answer is this - our camera's didn't pick up the cael/dt thing. if you looked at our vid, the cam ops were focused on J'Den and his corner as you might typically expect cam ops to do after a win. we actually had a post WTT production meeting yesterday and this was addressed.
so the flowrestling team is the last people out of the arena at around midnight. they had a 6am flight back. there's no conspiracy and no delay. we got the article up as soon as we could with the asset when we hunted it down and got permission to use it.
This is the love part of my love/hate relationship with Flo. I commend Flo on these great videos. Now can Willie get back to me on why they buried the huge news Cael/Taylor tantrums and ran with the Gilman Midlands story immediately? One was an epic story while the other was a nothing to see here.
A good journalist would quote what DT said not dangle the carrot for clicksWhat good would any explanation do? Many of you have proven time and time again to be wholly unreasonable with touches of paranoia.
The moment it happened, we looked through all our footage to find it. Our cameras didn't shoot it, nor did our highlight shooter. We reached out to other photographers and shooters who weren't flo affiliated, none of them that we reached out to had it.
We went home with nothing. Saw Chris' tweet later, asked him for the footage and permission to post, and immediately put it up and lead a freaking newsletter (big, big, deal) with it.
While Iowa fans whine about how long it took to get up, on the other side word got back to us that neither Cael nor DT were pleased (DT to a far, FAR more extreme degree) that we ran the footage at all, to say the least.
Whining on both sides? Good.