What good would any explanation do? Many of you have proven time and time again to be wholly unreasonable with touches of paranoia.
The moment it happened, we looked through all our footage to find it. Our cameras didn't shoot it, nor did our highlight shooter. We reached out to other photographers and shooters who weren't flo affiliated, none of them that we reached out to had it.
We went home with nothing. Saw Chris' tweet later, asked him for the footage and permission to post, and immediately put it up and lead a freaking newsletter (big, big, deal) with it.
While Iowa fans whine about how long it took to get up, on the other side word got back to us that neither Cael nor DT were pleased (DT to a far, FAR more extreme degree) that we ran the footage at all, to say the least.
Whining on both sides? Good.
I thought you were a smart guy. A smart guy would know that you have treated Cael with baby gloves by the fact he got mad at your minimal coverage. Seriously, that character fraud was mad at Flo for burying the biggest story of the summer? Is that really true? And if so, does that not tell you all you need to know about how you have handled his program?
You guys completely buried saint cael and the raging unicorn, and they were still mad at you because they are used to you putting them on their pedestal. There is nothing unreasonable about expecting coverage of the biggest blow up in wrestling since the mongolians got naked. This act was much bigger due to the fake persona of those involved. Just calling a spade a spade. You guys need to own it.
With that said, you guys put out a lot of great stuff. The recent videos of World Team members was excellent work. Your streams were also very good. That was the first time I haven't had issues streaming one of your events.