The Acolyte

Anakin wasn't special after all

It's all female coven but so is wonder woman's group that she was born into.

And George Lucas already established in Episode 1 that a person can be conceived by the power of the force. Because Anakin was.

I'm not ruling out that there will be clear references to lesbianism in the future or we may learn more about the twin's conception that might involve something like that. I'm just saying I think you are reading more into it than necessary and Wonder Woman who was a character invented I think in the freaking 1930's came from an all female group.
I think this will end up tying into Darth plagueis. "Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life…
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Meh I don't like her because she's obviously got an agenda that falls far outside of just producing great TV/movies.

That said I just judge the show on it's merits and not one what people have said about it.

I feel like their hatred of her has basically colored people's views to just hating anything that Disney releases in star wars.
They should try making their own content then instead of polluting loved and treasured franchises. This series so far reads like an internet fan fic
Anakin wasn't special after all
I think this will end up tying into Darth plagueis. "Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life…
He just needed a strong independent woman to tell him how it was done
They should try making their own content then instead of polluting loved and treasured franchises. This series so far reads like an internet fan fic


He just needed a strong independent woman to tell him how it was done

Take it up with George Lucas, he sold the franchise and it wasn't like he was hurting for money. This wasn't an I have to sell Lucasfilm or I don't eat decision.

Also I don't think you should confuse the stupid girl power messages thrown into the movies/TV with just a strong female lead. I don't see any problem with strong female leads in Star Wars. The problem I have is instead of acting like a normal human being the "strong female lead" has to break the 4th wall by dropping weird girl power catch phrases into conversation.
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My twin sister wants to go be a Jedi, my reaction is to try to kill her and set fire to a stone building that kills all these witches that can use the force/thread. High quality stuff
Seems like they jumped the shark in that episode. It could be that the Jedi had a kill all order on the lesbian witches but doubting that.
I grew up on the books. I don’t like Kathleen Kennedy, but the hatred of the Acolyte has crossed over largely because of the lesbian witches and black protagonist.

Where was this energy for The Book of Boba Fett?
I don’t hate it. I’ll never watch based on that one single scene I posted. I know nothing about it other than that scene…which is insanely terrible when put up next to The Emprire Strikes Back…and possibly Jar Jar Binx.
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I don’t hate it. I’ll never watch based on that one single scene I posted. I know nothing about it other than that scene…which is insanely terrible when put up next to The Emprire Strikes Back…and possibly Jar Jar Binx.
The opening scene of Book of Boba Fett is taken word-for-word from Patton Oswalt’s speech on Parks and Recreation.
You really think I would wear a mullet?

My hairstyle is pretty much like the one Stephen Colbert has. At least from the front. Mine is a bit shorter in back and on the sides.
What's wrong with a mullet? There are certainly advantages:
  • Versatility: Business up front, party in the back (duh)
  • Hair Protection: Keeps the sun off your neck
  • Distinctive Look
  • Low Maintenance
  • Cool Factor
I'll probably watch since Disney+ is free with my credit card. I like the star wars series' but have never been a big star wars fan generally.
I have killed Trinity and Tommen, on my way to kill Chewy, nah, I think I am just going to turn myself in

Sith Lord can just "force" several Jedi away to save from having a light saber fight, due to the budget

High quality writing
I have killed Trinity and Tommen, on my way to kill Chewy, nah, I think I am just going to turn myself in

Sith Lord can just "force" several Jedi away to save from having a light saber fight, due to the budget

High quality writing
The budget excuse is bananas. What did they spend the $200 million on?
I have killed Trinity and Tommen, on my way to kill Chewy, nah, I think I am just going to turn myself in

Sith Lord can just "force" several Jedi away to save from having a light saber fight, due to the budget

High quality writing

Not sure if there will be no lightsaber battle because it kind of ended on a cliffhanger but I did find the idea that he can just push them all back like that a little eye rolling.

Not as bad as Ahsoka destroying a starship with a lightsaber from the wing of another star ship though.
Not sure if there will be no lightsaber battle because it kind of ended on a cliffhanger but I did find the idea that he can just push them all back like that a little eye rolling.

Not as bad as Ahsoka destroying a starship with a lightsaber from the wing of another star ship though.
Ahsoka had some good moments if you are a fan of Rebels. Also, the acting was better.
Never watched Rebels. But the space whales and the fighting a starship from the wing of another starship really made me roll my eyes.

The rest of it was ok.
Rebels provides a lot of context for Ashoka. Honestly if you haven't seen it then it is hard to understand why you should care about the characters. My daughter loved Rebels so that is why I am familiar with it.

For those with short tension attention spans, here's the TL;DR version:

I've been a Star Wars fan since 1977, enjoying the series through in-person conventions and trades. The internet's rise in the '90s changed fan interactions, notably with the anticipation and subsequent criticism of "The Phantom Menace," which affected actors deeply. Today, some fans' negative behavior towards new projects disrespects the hard work of creators. While critique is valid, it should be constructive. We should remember the effort behind these productions and choose respectful discourse over harmful comments, reflecting on the impact of our words.
Also doesn't it seem a little odd that one crazy enraged little girl starts a fire and a whole place full of grown adults all die in the process? Like none of them ever managed to try to put out the fire or attempt an evacuation?

The whole thing seems a little odd. If your kid went pscyho and started a fire in your home you would think you would become aware of it and would either be able to put it out or at the very least get your family out. But this girl starts a fire and that whole group of adults just gets roasted by it with zero people escaping?

There is probably more to it. Seems very suspicious.
One of my students did this and the heroic father :rolleyes: jumped out a window and left the infant to die in the flames. "I thought someone else was getting her."
This series has been pretty meh for me but this next episode should be LIT AF. The pacing of the last episode was trash tho. The only part worth a damn was the last minute but I guess Disney makes these creators make a 8 hour movie then just edit and cut it down where they think makes sense. This hinders the final product imo.

To me it seems like Qirmir is the acolyte using Mae and serving a Sith Lord. Not sure who that may be but I’m leaning towards one of the mother lesbo witches or Vernestra Rwoh. Or they can be bland and just make Qirmir the Sith Lord but I feel like that would be lazy writing but most of Star Wars lately has gone that route.