The Biden admin is considering bringing Palestinians to the US as refugees...

Thats a horrible analogy.

Israel needs to finish the job. Quit supporting terrorists like your other liberal friends
Quit being a Nazi. You realize just killing and destroying Palestine would be the nail in the coffin for Israel right?? There would be such a revolt, you want to start WWIII have Israel finish the job. How stupid can people be.

Are all white Americans racist because we still have the Ku Klux Klan? Are all republicans idiots because they continue to follow Trump (never mind don't answer that). And yes, stating all Palestinians are Hamas or terrorists is an extreme position and to say they need to be wiped out is an awful take on this situation.
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He's representing a government which has given unconditional support to genocide in those folks own land.

I don't approve of vigilantism, but he got off lucky.
lol, then you could say the Palestinians who are alive got off lucky. Anyone who ever supported ISIS, Hezbollah, the KKK should all die. I’m good with that interpretation
lol, then you could say the Palestinians who are alive got off lucky. Anyone who ever supported ISIS, Hezbollah, the KKK should all die. I’m good with that interpretation
So you are fine with us dropping off an atomic bomb in the middle east and wiping them off the face of the earth??
So you are fine with us dropping off an atomic bomb in the middle east and wiping them off the face of the earth??
Too many complications. What I desire is nuclear power plants here powering our new grid. Not importing oil from the ME. Rendering them powerless and basically useless. I was mocking WWJDs stance
I've talked to a couple Palestinians actually. They state yes there is some deep seeded resentment, over how Israel was created in 1948 and their treatment of Palestinians in the last 70+ years.

Yep. They have gotten shafted at every step since's really a sad saga...
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I've talked to a couple Palestinians actually. They state yes there is some deep seeded resentment, over how Israel was created in 1948 and their treatment of Palestinians in the last 70+ years. They do not hate Jews and state most just want to live their lives peacefully where ever that is. Netanyahu has been one of the worst leaders of Israel. There is no question about that. You know there are Palestineans here in America. The ones I have talked to stated there should not have been an attack, but that they have been boxed into a corner as well.

Now lets be clear how many Palestineans have died at the hands of Isreal - over 100,000 since 1942. You know how many Jews 3,200. Get your numbers right on who the aggressors are. They continue to knock down Palestinian buildings and set up new Jewish settlements. This is the entire issue.

What Hamas did is wrong. How Isreal has handled Palestinians for years has been wrong.
You are still wrong, but nice try at trying to justify your position.
Quit being a Nazi. You realize just killing and destroying Palestine would be the nail in the coffin for Israel right?? There would be such a revolt, you want to start WWIII have Israel finish the job. How stupid can people be.

Are all white Americans racist because we still have the Ku Klux Klan? Are all republicans idiots because they continue to follow Trump (never mind don't answer that). And yes, stating all Palestinians are Hamas or terrorists is an extreme position and to say they need to be wiped out is an awful take on this situation.
Me the nazi? You are the one defending the folks that hate the Jews. You might want to look in the mirror sir and ask yourself why you hate Jews so much
Somehow, all Palestinians are oddly viewed as terrorists by the far right. It’s a very shallow and ignorant position to hold.
Possibly terrorist sympathizers, which is not good either. I would say there is a sure bet they hate Jews and would not embrace or conform to American values. Though this country is built on immigrants, it really is hard to justify at this time bringing over more people from the Middle East with anti-semitic views and a very low opinion of America and the values we hold. There really is no logic to bring them here. Let other Middle Eastern countries open their doors.
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Me the nazi? You are the one defending the folks that hate the Jews. You might want to look in the mirror sir and ask yourself why you hate Jews so much
No I think calling for deaths annihilation of Jews, Palestinians or any group of people is Nazi behavior. That you don't understand that is on you. Its not that I hate Jews I don't and I have friends that are Jewish. However I can have a negative view on Netanyahu. I can have a negative view on their heavy handedness on treating Palestinians in general. They have also killed 20 Palestinians for every Isreal that has died in the last 70 years. Those are facts, that you don't understand simple math . . . I don't know what to say.
No I think calling for deaths annihilation of Jews, Palestinians or any group of people is Nazi behavior. That you don't understand that is on you. Its not that I hate Jews I don't and I have friends that are Jewish. However I can have a negative view on Netanyahu. I can have a negative view on their heavy handedness on treating Palestinians in general. They have also killed 20 Palestinians for every Isreal that has died in the last 70 years. Those are facts, that you don't understand simple math . . . I don't know what to say.
I’m sure Jewish friends have no idea the at you hate Israel this much
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He hates Jews…it’s that simple
Please show a single post of mine that states that. I do have an issue with you saying Israel needs to annihilate Palestine (yes those are your words).
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I’m sure Jewish friends have no idea the at you hate Israel this much
Again, where in my stance is there anything of me hating Israel??? I can dislike their leadership and some of their military attacks killing Palestinians?? What is wrong with that? You call for the annihilation of all of Palestine. I think we can see which one of us off the deep end.

Fyi, and yes I have had discussions with them about this. Doesn't seem to be an issue. 1 did defend Isreal's reaction, which fine. Another is completely against Netanyahu and thinks they need a new leader. Both stances seemed reasonable.
Again, where in my stance is there anything of me hating Israel??? I can dislike their leadership and some of their military attacks killing Palestinians?? What is wrong with that? You call for the annihilation of all of Palestine. I think we can see which one of us off the deep end.

Fyi, and yes I have had discussions with them about this. Doesn't seem to be an issue. 1 did defend Isreal's reaction, which fine. Another is completely against Netanyahu and thinks they need a new leader. Both stances seemed reasonable.
You. You are siding with nazis. You are off the deep end
Again, where in my stance is there anything of me hating Israel??? I can dislike their leadership and some of their military attacks killing Palestinians?? What is wrong with that? You call for the annihilation of all of Palestine. I think we can see which one of us off the deep end.

Fyi, and yes I have had discussions with them about this. Doesn't seem to be an issue. 1 did defend Isreal's reaction, which fine. Another is completely against Netanyahu and thinks they need a new leader. Both stances seemed reasonable.
The Palestinians are killing themselves.
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Isn’t it amazing how many practicing the Islam faith or being Palestinian descent in U S but they aren’t murdering homosexuals or adulterers. Damn they just can’t integrate.
It's almost like certain areas are more extreme in thier beliefs than others..... weird...

The guy flat out said, homosexuals should be killed, yet you "play" dumb.
It's almost like certain areas are more extreme in thier beliefs than others..... weird...

The guy flat out said, homosexuals should be killed, yet you "play" dumb.
Dumbasses like you just said we need to eliminate Palestine. So yes people say stupid shit. Trump once said he could get way with murder.
I said dumbasses like you, you have aligned with ihhawk or whatever his name is read the thread. He said Israel needs to finish the job which means eliminating Palestine.
Well I don't agree with eliminating "palestine" I do agree with eliminating hamas.

Would you like me to associate you with chis?
Bull fu.cking shit.

I've literally called out dems a handful of times on here asking if anyone was going to point out someone being stupid.
I’ve stood up about excessive debt, cancelling school debt and going back to school during Covid, I’ve discussed encouraging free speech but not when it escalates to violence or anarchy. I’ve said Joe is too old but is better than the alternative. You can’t even come close.

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