The Biden admin is considering bringing Palestinians to the US as refugees...

If the USA taxpayers dropped 1,000 Palestinians in Bloomfield, Iowa, Busen would flip his/her shit. One could only imagine how they would get along with the Amish and the amazing diversity down there.
I’ve stood up about excessive debt, cancelling school debt and going back to school during Covid, I’ve discussed encouraging free speech but not when it escalates to violence or anarchy. I’ve said Joe is too old but is better than the alternative. You can’t even come close.
I've been through this no less than half a dozen times with the dems on here. Do 2 things:

Search my name and "idiot" you will find me calling multiple Republicans idiots for outlandish stuff.

2: take a look at the thread I just tagged you in and feel free to add your input.
I've been through this no less than half a dozen times with the dems on here. Do 2 things:

Search my name and "idiot" you will find me calling multiple Republicans idiots for outlandish stuff.

2: take a look at the thread I just tagged you in and feel free to add your input.
I did I saw nothing terribly wrong with it for OT standards.
If the USA taxpayers dropped 1,000 Palestinians in Bloomfield, Iowa, Busen would flip his/her shit. One could only imagine how they would get along with the Amish and the amazing diversity down there.
Who the hell is Busen??? Secondly any of the southern counties would struggle with 1000 but a couple hundred maybe. Personally I would be fine. Honestly I think most people would just continue on. Personally I would love to see it if could get enough housing in southern Iowa . Increase the population by 10-20%. Right now need more population in the southern counties.
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I said dumbasses like you, you have aligned with ihhawk or whatever his name is read the thread. He said Israel needs to finish the job which means eliminating Palestine.
I stand with Israel in this war. They were invaded and their civilians were purposely target to rape and kill. That includes women and children. These scum then paraded the freshly raped and dead bodies through the streets where “innocent” women and children celebrated what they just did.

I stand with Israel taking this to completion. If civilians die then so be it. I do know that Israel won’t rape their women and parade their bodies through the streets though.
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I stand with Israel in this war. They were invaded and their civilians were purposely target to rape and kill. That includes women and children. These scum then paraded the freshly raped and dead bodies through the streets where “innocent” women and children celebrated what they just did.

I stand with Israel taking this to completion. If civilians die then so be it. I do know that Israel won’t rape their women and parade their bodies through the streets though.
Thank you.
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I stand with Israel in this war. They were invaded and their civilians were purposely target to rape and kill. That includes women and children. These scum then paraded the freshly raped and dead bodies through the streets where “innocent” women and children celebrated what they just did.

I stand with Israel taking this to completion. If civilians die then so be it. I do know that Israel won’t rape their women and parade their bodies through the streets though.
You are taking an isolated event to justify killing and destroying all of Palestine. Their political structure I disagree with, their use of force to control their citizens I disagree with. Just as I disagree with Israel killing thousands of people in retaliation.
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You are taking an isolated event to justify killing and destroying all of Palestine. Their political structure I disagree with, their use of force to control their citizens I disagree with. Just as I disagree with Israel killing thousands of people in retaliation.
Israel is not walking the streets killing women and children like Hamas did. That needs to be understood. That “isolated event”. You claim is why started this whole thing. Nice job of downplaying it bud.

What Israel is doing is taking out Hamas command centers and rocket sites that are embedded in areas with civilians. That is completely justified in this war. Hamas just fires rockets blindly into residential Jewish communities

America does it too by the way. When we drone a dude in Iraq or Afghanistan we always kill the women and children around that person.
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Blame Hamas for hiding behind them.

Hiding behind civilians doesn't give them a free pass.
It's amazing how much this gets overlooked.

If "canada" had "hummus" and they ran across the border, killed American civilians, ran back to Canada, hid behind civilians we could not stop until they were all dead. The moment you stop, they are just going to run across the border.

The frustration needs to be with Hamas for using human shields.
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Killing and destroying an entire city/nation is not the answer.
Then the people need to stop aiding Hamas. War is ugly, when hamas killed 120p people, it became war.

Also, still waiting on the call outs old chap, plenty of dem material for you to look at.
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The "polls" there have been like the ones in Russia since the early 2000s.

Akin to what you and the MAGA GOP want America's "elections" to work like nowadays...
Well bud, if the data we have says 90+% are pro hamas, and we have people activily stopping aid, we are going to have to accept some death in the effort to kill terrorists. Don't forget, Hamas are terrorists.
I think I am finished too, and may be adding 2 to the ignore list. Outright encouraging annihilation of any group of people is grotesque.
The people you want to bring in as refugees want the annihilation of Israel and most likely the west
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That group of people does not assimilate into other cultures and has never.
lol, tell that to Iowa City’s numerous Persians who party, support gat marriage, and aren’t religious. (That would involve going to the big scary college town full of people who aren’t white though, so you probably won’t be doing that.)
lol, tell that to Iowa City’s numerous Persians who party, support gat marriage, and aren’t religious. (That would involve going to the big scary college town full of people who aren’t white though, so you probably won’t be doing that.)
I was in Chicago all day yesterday piss pants.

Pic of Persians?
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