The Elon Musk Twitter shitshow

Another platform improvement. Say what you will, he gets shît done.

Why are you bringing this whack-o-shit up. Millions of people losing jobs due to President Rasputin's purges, consumers paying thousands of dollars more due to the Orange Dumbfvck's tariffs, inflation increasing, this great nation's government crumbling away as we watch.

You MAGAs love this. You are and have been stupid to help enable this. Go fcvk yourselves and when you finally realize how dumb you've been, you got what you deserve.

Oh, and forget the LoL.
He wasn’t paying 11%. They lost money on the transaction.

Show your math.

Feb 14 (Reuters) - Banks led by Morgan Stanley (MS.N), opens new tab have sold to investors another chunky portion of loans that formed the $13 billion debt supporting Elon Musk's $44 billion acquisition of Twitter, now X, in 2022, a source with knowledge of the deal said.
On Thursday, they completed the secondary sale of $4.74 billion of secured loans which mature in October 2029. The loans paid a fixed rate yield of 9.5% and priced at par or at 100 cents to the dollar, said the source. The loan sale was upsized from an initial $2.97 billion.
Published December 8, 2022

Twitter’s $3 billion of unsecured junk bonds reportedly yield 11.75%, far less than what investors could obtain in the markets now. A month ago, Bloomberg reported that some hedge funds offered to buy the bonds for 60% of face value, a price that would force the banks to book hundreds of millions of dollars in losses. So the banks have been holding the loans on their own books instead of re-selling them to investors as planned.
Show your math.

Feb 14 (Reuters) - Banks led by Morgan Stanley (MS.N), opens new tab have sold to investors another chunky portion of loans that formed the $13 billion debt supporting Elon Musk's $44 billion acquisition of Twitter, now X, in 2022, a source with knowledge of the deal said.
On Thursday, they completed the secondary sale of $4.74 billion of secured loans which mature in October 2029. The loans paid a fixed rate yield of 9.5% and priced at par or at 100 cents to the dollar, said the source. The loan sale was upsized from an initial $2.97 billion.
The debt was $12.5 billion. The quarterly interest was $300 million. $1.2 billion is not 11% of $12.5 billion. They’re at $2.4 billion in interest paid.

They offloaded the entire $6.5 billion in original secured term loans at .96¢ on the dollar.
$ -260 million.

They repackaged their remaining $6 billion in secured and unsecured loans into a new offering of a partially-secured synthetic first-lien term loan of $4.74 billion.

They have $1.26 billion in unsecured garbage only returning 11%, so the book value is bad bad.

Throw in almost three years of opportunity and administrative costs.
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The debt was $12.5 billion. The quarterly interest was $300 million. $1.2 billion is not 11% of $12.5 billion. They’re at $2.4 billion in interest paid.

They offloaded the entire $6.5 billion in original secured term loans at .97¢ on the dollar (a generous estimate given the private sale beforehand) for a loss of $ -195 million.

They repackaged their remaining $6 billion in secured and unsecured loans into a new offering of a partially-secured synthetic first-lien term loan of $4.74 billion.

They have $1.26 billion in unsecured garbage only returning 11%, so the book value is bad bad.

Throw in almost three years of opportunity and administrative costs.

How much is 2.4 billion minus 195 million?

You’re now asserting that the banks losses were in opportunity costs? Hate to see those taxes!

Isn’t that the case for everyone who didn’t buy bitcoin in 2022 instead of, well, everything?
How much is 2.4 billion minus 195 million?

You’re now asserting that the banks losses were in opportunity costs? Hate to see those taxes!

Isn’t that the case for everyone who didn’t buy bitcoin in 2022 instead of, well, everything?
Oh, you’d rather pretend there isn’t a time value of money? What was inflation between 2022 and now?

The first sale was actually -260 million. The second sale, which was inferior debt certainly would have lost more.
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Oh, you’d rather pretend there isn’t a time value of money? What was inflation between 2022 and now?

They still booked billions of dollars profit. They made money.
That’s not a loss. You can’t measure it against if they had bought NVIDIA or bitcoin and say they lost money.
That’s nonsense.