The eloquent Marco Rubio on Iraq

Chris Wallace is a one-trick pony. His act is at this point stale and boring.

He twists his questions into pretzels and then after you answer a question, he acts as if he had asked a different question ... and he interrupts and interrupts. When it is all over and the film is in the can, he acts as if he had been in a debate and not an interview.

Fox needs to offload him. Give his job to Jesse Watters who at least asks follow-up questions instead of asking one question ten different ways.


Edit: Rubio handled that "interview" just fine. It became mostly, a waste of his time.
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What did Obama do to earn the job? I'll bet you voted for him.
Doesn't really matter who I voted for. The question is what has Rubio done to make him qualified to be President? At least Obama had two of his bills passed in the Senate. Rubio has gotten zero.

I guess I'm confused how the cons can complain that one first term Senator is woefully unqualified to be President but another first term Senator somehow is. Where's the consistency?