The Epstein Documents In Full

Or could just be doing a stand up morally correct thing. We could have DeSantis for prez this cycle but boomers want their rematch.
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I still think the most interesting part of the whole Epstein underage girls prostitution ring for the powerful and wealthy is the fact his career began prior to becoming a supposed investment guru, as a high school teacher at the prestigious Dalton school, despite being really unqualified. And the principal of this school? Well it was Donald Barr, former Attorney General and Trump protector William Barr’s dad. And where it really gets nuts is that William Barr’s dad wrote a novel that sexualized adolescent girls.

“Becky Ferreira has described the novel as "highly unsettling", due to its depiction of rape of enslaved people, particularly teenage girls, and other coercive sex acts. The sex acts described are performed "for the dual purposes of entertainment and controlled procreation".[5] Ferreira found disgusting the novel's fixation on the sexualization of adolescents. She notes that the adult characters are subjected to infantilization. The novel's dialogue includes "casually unsettling observations". She cites as an example a character remarking that pederasty lacks in "aesthetic appeal".[5] She views the novel as sexualizing minors and fetishizing rape, claiming that such elements were normalized in science fiction.[5]
Imagine that, a convicted sexual abuser now being found out that he likes little kids. I'm sure the religious right will love Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser more for this, won't they? Jimmy Swaggart and Jerry Baker say, right on my man! You go!
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Imagine that, a convicted sexual abuser now being found out that he likes little kids. I'm sure the religious right will love Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser more for this, won't they? Jimmy Swaggart and Jerry Baker say, right on my man! You go!
When was Trump convicted of being a sexual abuser? I know he's been found liable in a civil action, but wasn't aware he'd been convicted of anything.
When was Trump convicted of being a sexual abuser? I know he's been found liable in a civil action, but wasn't aware he'd been convicted of anything.
There's certain times when arguing semantics is necessary or is a good move.

When it comes to Trump, and him being found liable of sexual abuse by a jury of his peers...not one of those times.

This is why some folks make fun of others on here. Folks say they hate or dislike Trump but will argue shit about him or defend him when there's absolutely no reason to.
Technically speaking, Trump hasn't been convicted or fined. His cases were civil, not criminal.

So you admit you lied when you said he's been convicted and fined. There's a huge legal difference between that and civil matters. You lie, but call out Trump for lying.

When was Trump convicted of being a sexual abuser? I know he's been found liable in a civil action, but wasn't aware he'd been convicted of anything.
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Trump with porno prostitutes now Trump with children... quite presidential.
There's certain times when arguing semantics is necessary or is a good move.

When it comes to Trump, and him being found liable of sexual abuse by a jury of his peers...not one of those times.

This is why some folks make fun of others on here. Folks say they hate or dislike Trump but will argue shit about him or defend him when there's absolutely no reason to.
You realize it's not just semantics, right? One is an actual crime that requires unanimous proof beyond a reasonable doubt. The other is a civil action that only requires the preponderance of evidence.
So cute how you defend a man that's on Epstein's list. You're such a cute good little keyboard warrior.
I didn't defend anyone. I simply told the truth, which was being distorted. Did I say that losing a multi-million-dollar civil suit was a good thing?