I don't know. Just from reading his posts, I firmly agree that right wing and echo chamber apply. But there is a point to his complaint:
I feel as though TennesseeWaltz1 has an accurate view that college is NOT for everyone. There simply aren't enough good jobs for about half the graduates. If I'm a high school graduate, or a parent of one, I have to ask if I am willing to take on massive debt and what will be my reward? A degree in sociology?
Maybe being a hairdresser or welder might be a better idea? Less investment and then I'll own the biggest trailer in the park and maybe, just maybe my own shop someday. Meanwhile the guy with the sociology degree will be shift manager at the fast food place.
Now of course the idea of a law against a certain degree? That's complete nonsense. There should never be a law against being stupid, it is one of the few freedoms we have left!