The Funny Thing About Kaleb Brown's Breakout Game


HB All-State
Nov 19, 2019
After just 1 catch in Iowa's first 9 games, Iowa's biggest WR recruit in a decade had a breakout performance against Rutgers, tripling his career production in just 1 single game.

While I've seen silly speculation on what prompted the breakout performance, from "finally learning the system" to "gaining confidence," I have yet to see anyone anywhere note the obvious. Brown's big game happened for one reason..."smilin stone hands" Vines got hurt. It allowed Brown to actually play rather than sit on the bench behind a 2 star who can't catch (but had the all important "experience in the system"). Brown didn't suddenly learn how to play WR...he was simply given the opportunity to play out of default.

This has been an age old problem with Ferentz coached teams. Guys are named starters in week 1, and then become entrenched as starters regardless of how badly they play. The same for Spencer Petras (3 yrs) and now Deacon Hill. Backups are an afterthought regardless of the starter's performance. Imagine if Hill went down and Lainez finally got to play and played well. While the media would attribute his sudden success to "finally learning the system" or "gaining confidence," the fact is no one will ever know how well he can play in a game because he's never even been given the opportunity to take a snap.

It's never good to root for injuries to your own team. However, it weren't for Vines injury, Brown would still be ripe for transferring out of the program (like Charlie Jones did), there would be zero optimism in Iowa's offense going into next week, and Vines likely would have added 2 more drops to his resume last week. Perhaps if Hill were to get the flu this week, we might find out that Lainez is a stud. We might know what it's like to have a mobile QB who can escape the rush AND throw accurate passes. Barring an injury to Hill, we won't find out this year and we're not going to find out next year either.
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@IowasLaw said:

So as we turn the page to 2023, Iowa's most objective sports prognosticator, IowaLaw, will once again make some predictions for the year ahead. Will he have a 100% accuracy rate like last year? Time will tell:

NFL Success Ahead for This Year's Seniors? Much of the praise and NFL hype this year went to Iowa's 2022 MVP, Sam LaPorta. IowaLaw never saw it, and was outspoken that LaPorta's stats were misleading. While there's no denying LaPorta had a ton of catches (he led Big 10 tight ends with 58), his productivity was clearly a product of the system and not of being a star. LaPorta had the benefit of playing along side ZERO Big 10 caliber wide receivers. He caught passes from the most paranoid, conservative, happy footed QB in football. Despite being Iowa's primary target, LaPorta had just 1 touchdown catch (incredibly low for a TE), led the team in drops, and was a below average blocker. LaPorta may indeed end up getting drafted ahead of all-Americans like Moss and Campbell, but LaPorta won't have more than 5 receptions in the NFL next year.
How do you explain Kaleb Johnson going to RB3 then if he was not injured? Was he or was he not RB1 to begin the season?
Kirk's dog house. My guess is weed or late to practice...or "doesn't block as well." He is still the best RB out there and led the team against Rutgers with 5.4 yards per carry. When multiple guys see playing time at the same position, you can actually see who the best player is. When only one plays every snap, you don't.

Now you explain Hill taking 100% of the snaps every game despite ranking last in college football in most major passing categories and being unable to run or complete 50% of his passes. Being a Kirk apologist and all.
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Kirk's dog house. My guess is weed or late to practice. He is still the best RB out there and led the team with 5.4 yards per carry. When multiple guys see playing time at the same position, you can actually see who the best player is. When only one plays every snap, you don't.

Now you explain Hill taking 100% of the snaps every game despite ranking last in college football in most major passing categories and being unable to run or complete 50% of his passes. Being a Kirk apologist and all.
So you have a built-in insurance policy with your take that KF has a loyalty program by explaining away every anomaly with a speculative "dog house" rebuttal. Why don't you take that same policy and apply it to the QB position and say that Labas is in the dog house?

Maybe, just maybe there is no conspiracy and that the 2's are just not as good as the 1's. Ever thought about that? As far as Hill goes, especially for a guy that hasn't played, he needs all the reps he can get. If he is our best option right now I want him to play as much as he possibly can. At this point in the season, in the stretch run in November, there is no reason to try to develop depth because our success or demise is going to be riding on him. I do not have an argument against that in the non-conference, I do think that all the QB's should have played, but I also understand that as well because at the time Cade had missed a lot of practice due to the quad and they were wanting to get him up to speed and build chemistry as much as possible and there is no better time than against an actual opponent. You have to keep these things in context and the time these decisions were made. Like right now, if we knew that Hill was going to get hurt against Nebraska, it would be great to get Labas or Lainez or both in against Illinois if there is a cushion. But we don't know, all anyone can do is make the best decision for the present.

As far as Kaleb Johnson, I do think he is a very good back. But I think he is a much better runner outside of the tackles than inside. There has been a major shift this year and during the season to more inside zone and gap blocking schemes, to fit the talents of this line, and Leshon and Jaz are better suited for those tougher inside yards. I don't think there is a dog house thing at all going on, he still plays, we just have 3 very good backs that have different talents.
So you have a built-in insurance policy with your take that KF has a loyalty program by explaining away every anomaly with a speculative "dog house" rebuttal. Why don't you take that same policy and apply it to the QB position and say that Labas is in the dog house?

Maybe, just maybe there is no conspiracy and that the 2's are just not as good as the 1's. Ever thought about that? As far as Hill goes, especially for a guy that hasn't played, he needs all the reps he can get. If he is our best option right now I want him to play as much as he possibly can. At this point in the season, in the stretch run in November, there is no reason to try to develop depth because our success or demise is going to be riding on him. I do not have an argument against that in the non-conference, I do think that all the QB's should have played, but I also understand that as well because at the time Cade had missed a lot of practice due to the quad and they were wanting to get him up to speed and build chemistry as much as possible and there is no better time than against an actual opponent. You have to keep these things in context and the time these decisions were made. Like right now, if we knew that Hill was going to get hurt against Nebraska, it would be great to get Labas or Lainez or both in against Illinois if there is a cushion. But we don't know, all anyone can do is make the best decision for the present.

As far as Kaleb Johnson, I do think he is a very good back. But I think he is a much better runner outside of the tackles than inside. There has been a major shift this year and during the season to more inside zone and gap blocking schemes, to fit the talents of this line, and Leshon and Jaz are better suited for those tougher inside yards. I don't think there is a dog house thing at all going on, he still plays, we just have 3 very good backs that have different talents.
So Charlie Jones was a backup for a reason. Got it.
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After having just 1 catch in Iowa's first 9 games, Iowa's biggest WR recruit in the past decade had a breakout performance against Rutgers, tripling his career production in just 1 single game.

While I've seen silly speculation on what prompted the performance, from "finally learning the system" to "confidence," I have yet to see anyone anywhere note the obvious. Brown's big game happened for one reason..."smilin stone hands" Vines got hurt last week which allowed Brown to actually play. Brown didn't suddenly learn how to play WR for a team with no WR talent...he simply got a chance to play.

This has been an age old problem with Ferentz coached teams. Guys are named starters in week 1, and then become entrenched as starters regardless of how badly they play. The same can almost certainly be said for Deacon Hill. Imagine if Lainez finally got to play next week and played well. While the media would attribute his sudden success to "finally learning the system" or "gaining confidence," the fact is no one will ever know how well he can play in a game because he's never even been given the opportunity to take a snap.

It's never good to root for injuries to your own team, but if it weren't for Vines injury, Brown would still be ripe for transferring out of the program (like Charlie Jones did) and there would be zero optimism in Iowa's offense going into next week. Perhaps if Hill were to get the flu this week, we might find out that Lainez is the future of the program and we might know what it's like to have a mobile QB who can make plays AND throw accurate passes.
I have a book. You ought to read it: The Official Lawyers Joke Book.
So Charlie Jones was a backup for a reason. Got it.
No. Charlie Jones was a backup in a broken offense because of offensive mismanagement. That's a huge problem in a general sense at Iowa and the biggest reason why Brian won't be back next year. In spite of being the most talented player in an extremely weak WR room today, Kaleb Brown is only getting extended reps because Vines got hurt. I hate the term "union card" that gets thrown around all of the time so I won't use it here. It's just very obvious that this staff struggles in every way from an offensive perspective. There's no denying that based upon the results on the field.
No. Charlie Jones was a backup in a broken offense because of offensive mismanagement. That's a huge problem in a general sense at Iowa and the biggest reason why Brian won't be back next year. In spite of being the most talented player in an extremely weak WR room today, Kaleb Brown is only getting extended reps because Vines got hurt. I hate the term "union card" that gets thrown around all of the time so I won't use it here. It's just very obvious that this staff struggles in every way from an offensive perspective. There's no denying that based upon the results on the field.
This comment was sarcasm
After just 1 catch in Iowa's first 9 games, Iowa's biggest WR recruit in a decade had a breakout performance against Rutgers, tripling his career production in just 1 single game.

While I've seen silly speculation on what prompted the breakout performance, from "finally learning the system" to "gaining confidence," I have yet to see anyone anywhere note the obvious. Brown's big game happened for one reason..."smilin stone hands" Vines got hurt. It allowed Brown to actually play rather than sit on the bench behind a 2 star who can't catch (but had the all important "experience in the system"). Brown didn't suddenly learn how to play WR...he was simply given the opportunity to play out of default.

This has been an age old problem with Ferentz coached teams. Guys are named starters in week 1, and then become entrenched as starters regardless of how badly they play. The same for Deacon Hill. Imagine if Hill went down and Lainez finally got to play and played well. While the media would attribute his sudden success to "finally learning the system" or "gaining confidence," the fact is no one will ever know how well he can play in a game because he's never even been given the opportunity to take a snap.

It's never good to root for injuries to your own team. However, it weren't for Vines injury, Brown would still be ripe for transferring out of the program (like Charlie Jones did), there would be zero optimism in Iowa's offense going into next week, and Vines likely would have added 2 more drops to his resume last week. Perhaps if Hill were to get the flu this week, we might find out that Lainez is a stud. We might know what it's like to have a mobile QB who can escape the rush AND throw accurate passes. Barring an injury to Hill, we won't find out this year and we're not going to find out next year either.
Hard to lose a spot when the passing game has been as brutal as it has. It’s not like any of our wrs we’re getting any catches prior to last Saturday anyways.
Having spent my childhood in Council Bluffs I also hate Nebraska.
It doesn't come naturally for me. I don't live near Nebraska. For me it was the level of self entitlement/importance that exuded from their fanbase on fan forums. They've sunk to the bottom of the heap years ago but it's still there. You see it from the many Nebbers who troll these boards getting angry because we don't care about the 80's and 90's. God help us if they ever reach even Iowa's level of success. They're already insufferable.
Vines has been getting better as the season goes on. But with poor routes and an even poorer offensive scheme, it's hard for any WR to get better. But if his injury let to Brown finally getting a chance, then so be it.
Brown had a couple bad drops early in the season. He wasn’t playing for a good reason.
Brown has had 1 drop all year. Vines averaged 2 drops per game every game...sometimes on back to back plays. The guy started every game in October...and totaled just 3 catches. Even that didn't get the guy benched in favor of Brown.

I guess it makes sense, to you, that one drop would get Brown benched for the entire month of October. Merit is irrelevant, right? It's who tries the hardest in practice.
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It doesn't come naturally for me. I don't live near Nebraska. For me it was the level of self entitlement/importance that exuded from their fanbase on fan forums. They've sunk to the bottom of the heap years ago but it's still there. You see it from the many Nebbers who troll these boards getting angry because we don't care about the 80's and 90's. God help us if they ever reach even Iowa's level of success. They're already insufferable.
Thru marriage I am related to their last Heisman winner. By the way he is a super cool dude. Honestly the whole Omaha family is cool sans the few cousins. Because of that relation those cousins have this weird entitlement like they are apart of the program. They talk ish even on the annual Memorial Day get together. Its god damn May! Usually as soon as I bring up Wrestling, both Bball programs or lately baseball they shut up. F Nebby.
Whatever opinions are, do we have to name-call athletes? Yes, I know they are big boys, yada yada yada. But it really reflects poorly on a fanbase when they resort to insulting nicknames for players.
This deserves repeating:

“LaPorta won't have more than 5 receptions in the NFL next year.”
- Iowaslaw prediction

— Through 9 NFL games this year, Sam LaPorta has 47 receptions totaling 474 yards and 4 TDs. He is on pace to record 85 receptions this year.
Brown had a couple bad drops early in the season. He wasn’t playing for a good reason.
Sure but Vines has had a number of drops too. Way more than Brown. He has made one good catch all year. Otherwise if I was the QB I wouldnt throw to him if is was critical.
Deacon Hill’s passing looked completely different this past weekend. Throws were 70-80% as hard and catchable. Night and day difference to the receivers.

It’s almost as if someone on the team or coaching staff read my posts and actually applied it.

Thank goodness.
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This deserves repeating:

“LaPorta won't have more than 5 receptions in the NFL next year.”
- Iowaslaw prediction

— Through 9 NFL games this year, Sam LaPorta has 47 receptions totaling 474 yards and 4 TDs. He is on pace to record 85 receptions this year.
Maybe it was….. well… maybe the op just didn’t have a clue
Sure but Vines has had a number of drops too. Way more than Brown. He has made one good catch all year. Otherwise if I was the QB I wouldnt throw to him if is was critical.
Of course, he's had more drops. He gets more playing time.
And there you have it. Brown single handedly beat Illinois for the struggling Iowa offense, with 7 catches for 71 yards. That's the best performance by an Iowa WR all season...yet it was just the second game all year that Brown saw more than a handful of snaps.

The team owes stone hands Vines a huge debt of gratitude. By getting hurt, he generously offered Brown his only possible path toward playing time...and offered Hawk fans the only possible chance at keeping Brown around next year.

Is there any doubt at all anymore that Ferentz plays favorites and does NOT always put the best players on the field (especially on offense), despite his coach speak "we put the guys on the field who give us the best chance to win." Charlie Jones went 7th team WR at Iowa to 1st team all-American the following year. I guarantee you the same is the case at quarterback, where once again Hill was absolutely terrible.

I challenge anyone to argue with a straight face the Vines deserved to start each of Iowa's first 9 games ahead of Brown.
And there you have it. Brown single handedly beat Illinois for the struggling Iowa offense, with 7 catches for 71 yards. That's the best performance by an Iowa WR all season...yet it was just the second game all year that Brown saw more than a handful of snaps.

The team owes stone hands Vines a huge debt of gratitude. By getting hurt, he generously offered Brown his only possible path toward playing time...and offered Hawk fans the only possible chance at keeping Brown around next year.

Is there any doubt at all anymore that Ferentz plays favorites and does NOT always put the best players on the field (especially on offense), despite his coach speak "we put the guys on the field who give us the best chance to win." Charlie Jones went 7th team WR at Iowa to 1st team all-American the following year. I guarantee you the same is the case at quarterback, where once again Hill was absolutely terrible.

I challenge anyone to argue with a straight face the Vines deserved to start each of Iowa's first 9 games ahead of Brown.
I knew when I saw the injury report going into the Michigan game it was the worst possible outcome seeing Diante Vines listed as probable/healthy. That meant that Vines would automatically take reps from Brown because he's got a union card.

Sure enough, while it is clear as day that Brown is the best WR on Iowa's roster, and it's not even close, Brown was given the chance to ride the bench and watch Vines go out there and pick up right where he left off in his last game (where he had 4 drops and Brown was getting a hand full of snaps per game)...he was targeted once and, shocker, the ball bounced right off his hands for a drop.

Fortunately, Brown made the most of the reps he did get, with 5 difficult catches and 2 solid runs on jet sweeps. The very fact that someone of Vines' skill level was out there should make every fan out there question Kirk's judgment on Deacon Hill playing 100% of the snaps this season. Had Deacon got hurt against one of the cupcake opponents Iowa beat, imagine what could have happened if the backup was given a rep or two. Fans would actually have a reason to be optimistic.

Kirk is a very flawed man who plays favorites and buries the guys he doesn't like. It's a sad day when merit has little to do with playing time or his coaching hires.
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