The impossibility of separating Trump from Project 2025


HB King
May 29, 2001
For more than 40 years before he first ran for president, Donald Trump was in the business of persuading people to buy things. And not in some idealized, best-of-American-capitalism sense: He sold real estate in New York City, which is a bit like selling used cars anywhere else. Eventually, he just sold himself and his name, which was less anchored to reality and a good jumping-off point for seeking elective office.

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We can see how he sold real estate and the Trump brand in how he sells his candidacies. He offers few details and sweeping assertions, little in the way of specifics and a lot in the way of promises. He tells people what he thinks they want to hear, often trying to tell people different things at the same time. The goal is to make the sale, dealing with complaints once the money or the vote is in hand.
You can see it at work in his effort to distance his campaign from the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, a road map for a Republican president to overhaul the federal government that has become a point of attack for Trump’s critics.

“I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it,” Trump wrote on his social media platform. “I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”
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He knows nothing about it … and disagrees with some of it. He thinks they are doing ridiculous things … and wishes them luck. If you are a Trump supporter, you see this as a way to slice off problematic components of the project’s proposals. If you are an undecided voter, (Trump presumably hopes) you will see this as Trump putting the plan at a distance from his campaign — so all those news reports about the extreme components of Project 2025 get bucketed at some distance from Trump himself.
There are just two problems with that bucketing. The first is that Project 2025 is obviously intertwined with Trump’s universe of allies and staff. And the second, related problem is that a second Trump administration will depend on those allies and that staff to run the government.

The conservative site Daily Signal — an offshoot of the Heritage Foundation — began promoting Project 2025 more than a year ago. It noted the involvement of Russ Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget during Trump’s administration. It highlighted an interview between Heritage’s president and John McEntee, who joined the Project 2025 effort in May 2023 to continue work he began under Trump: maximizing the number of Trump loyalists in government.
In November, the Trump campaign first tried to distance itself from Project 2025. Senior staffers noted that “none of these groups or individuals speak for President Trump or his campaign.” That’s technically true. Trump has his own scattershot set of policy proposals, ones heavily responsive to the state of the Republican presidential primaries when they were published in 2022 and 2023. But the idea that Trump’s campaign has no overlap with Project 2025 is a fiction.
For instance — as President Biden’s reelection campaign pointed out over the weekend — longtime Trump adviser Stephen Miller is shown in a video promoting Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy. Miller dismissed it as “an advice video for students,” though the hefty Project 2025 “Mandate for Leadership” document sits on a table next to him. (That video also features the Trump campaign’s national press secretary, Karoline Leavitt.) Miller’s organization, America First Legal, is also listed as a member of Project 2025’s advisory board.


Vought would almost certainly play a significant role in a second Trump administration, potentially White House chief of staff. So would McEntee, who said in a podcast this year that “we’re going to integrate a lot of our work with them” — the “our” being Project 2025 and the “them” being the campaign.
“But,” he added, “I think keeping the two separate is actually the most beneficial way to go about it.”
This is the point. It is useful for Trump and his allies to maintain the perception of a barrier between what Project 2025 documents — the desired outcomes of conservative and right-wing activists — and what the guy on the ballot says he himself will do. Trump wants voters to assume that he won’t simply implement what conservatives and the right-most elements of his party want to see. He then intends to be elected and staff his administration with people who will do precisely that.

In that sense, Project 2025 is quite useful. Since Trump won’t explain what he plans to do as president with any specificity, there’s little recourse but to figure out what his appointees might do. And the Heritage Foundation compiled a 900-plus-page tome that gets a lot of potential appointees on the record. Its Presidential Administration Academy aims specifically to aggregate résumés from less-well-known people who might be tapped to fill in the lower levels of a Trump administration, all of them briefed on Project 2025’s desired outcomes.
“Personnel is policy,” Morton Blackwell observed back when Trump was still selling condos in Manhattan. It remains true — especially for a candidate who abhors policy specifics. Project 2025, then, isn’t an outline of how Trump would run the federal government but, instead, a delineation of the views of the sorts of people that would be in charge of running it.
There’s no reason to think that Trump agrees with everything that’s in Project 2025. But identifying those specific things that are “ridiculous and abysmal” means endorsing everything else. It means outlining his policy proposals in detail, which he doesn’t want to do. And so he’s saddled with the proposals made by people who want to and eventually may work for him — if their proposals don’t first drag down his candidacy.
[L]ongtime Trump adviser Stephen Miller is shown in a video promoting Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy.

That video also features the Trump campaign’s national press secretary, Karoline Leavitt.

Miller’s organization, America First Legal, is also listed as a member of Project 2025’s advisory board.

Vought would almost certainly play a significant role in a second Trump administration, potentially White House chief of staff.

So would McEntee, who said in a podcast this year that “we’re going to integrate a lot of our work with them” — the “our” being Project 2025 and the “them” being the campaign.
Naming names.
It only took like 2 minutes for me to separate him from it yesterday and I started a thread on it. Basically there are four pillars to this thing. None of the four would ever be agreed to by Trump. They want to tell Trump how to transition into thanks... Tell him how to govern tell him how to make policy... Put a bunch of Republicans on a database for God knows what... Yeah Trump would have no part of any of that
It only took like 2 minutes for me to separate him from it yesterday and I started a thread on it. Basically there are four pillars to this thing. None of the four would ever be agreed to by Trump. They want to tell Trump how to transition into thanks... Tell him how to govern tell him how to make policy... Put a bunch of Republicans on a database for God knows what... Yeah Trump would have no part of any of that

That's not it at all. Here's a small sample showing how full of shit trump is when he says he knows nothing about it and the people behind it.

Johnny McEntee sexually harassed so many women he was pushed out of his job as Trump’s personal assistant. He had a gambling problem but had access to the president all day long. I’m not shocked that he’s knee deep in this, and primed for a key WH job.
Trump attracts nothing but losers and grifters. Thats what Project 2025 boils down to. Losers and grifters at the helm for 4 years.
Here's the whole thing for @Scruddy and all his alts. Yea. Trump has no idea what it is, who they are, won't implement these things, and haven't tried or have implemented these things before.

She nails it.

It IS what he will do.

Here's the whole thing for @Scruddy and all his alts. Yea. Trump has no idea what it is, who they are, won't implement these things, and haven't tried or have implemented these things before.

She nails it.

It IS what he will do.

Not that the non-delusional really needed confirmation, Trump intimately knows Project 2025 and he’s lying his ass off stating he doesn’t.
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Hilarious huperbole thread. The leftists are truly hyperventilating. Breathe into a bag boys, get some climate change into your lungs. The anxiety will pass as you learn to love maga.
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Leftists brain trust is into full fear monger mode at the expense of children.
Poisoning innocent pre-teens brains with fear and despair.
These people are ghastly
Better than raping children like Trump likely has.
lol, desperate dude.
I grew up in the 70s and 80s when every college age male would be guilty of rape by today’s standards.
Not to mention women getting rich by suddenly overcoming amnesia after 40 years.
Gee, Justice Kav was a beer drinking frat boy who chased coeds… my kind of guy in those days..take some responsibility for your drunk self woman
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How about a quick and dirty explanation on this?

Who is behind this and what's the goal?

Seriously have no clue.
How about a quick and dirty explanation on this?

Who is behind this and what's the goal?

Seriously have no clue.

Here's someplace to start, although they leave out some of the most serious concerns - like dismantling, crippling, or co-opting several government agencies and replacing thousands of merit-based civil servants with partisan appointees.

  • Project 2025 is a conservative coalition's plan for a future Republican U.S. presidential administration. If voters elect the party's presumed nominee, Donald Trump, over Democrat Joe Biden in November 2024, the coalition hopes the new president will implement the plan immediately.
  • The sweeping effort centers on a roughly 1,000-page document that gives the executive branch more power, reverses Biden-era policies and specifies numerous department-level changes.
  • People across the political spectrum fear such actions are precursors to authoritarianism and have voiced concerns over the proposal's recommendations to reverse protections for LGBTQ+ people, limit abortion access, stop federal efforts to mitigate climate change — and more.
  • The Heritage Foundation — a conservative think tank operated by many of Trump's current and former political allies — is leading the initiative. President Kevin Roberts once said the project's main goals are "institutionalizing Trumpism" and getting rid of unelected bureaucrats who he believes wield too much political influence.
  • The Trump campaign's goals and proposals within Project 2025 overlap. However, the former president has attempted to distance himself from the initiative. In a July 5, 2024, post on Truth Social, he wrote: "I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them."
  • In other words, it's unknown if, or to what extent, Trump's campaign is talking to leaders of the initiative. Many political analysts and the Biden administration believe Project 2025 is a good indication of Trump's vision for a second term.
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lol, desperate dude.
I grew up in the 70s and 80s when every college age male would be guilty of rape by today’s standards.
Not to mention women getting rich by suddenly overcoming amnesia after 40 years.
Gee, Justice Kav was a beer drinking frat boy who chased coeds… my kind of guy in those days..take some responsibility for your drunk self woman
You grew up in a time when grown men were raping 13 year olds?

Also, and this is really disturbing, but when Trump raped this poor girl, his own daughter was also 13 at the time.
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