The Plight of a Trump Repub. (no responses needed)


HR King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
In normal times one would have to feel sorry and have empathy for the Trump voter. These are not normal times

They started out trolling the dems by voting for the guy who WOULD CHANGE EVERYTHING. Then before the last vote was even counted the repub voters were so joyous that they had shown those dems who is boss they even had their first epitaph for dems ready...snowflakes. Victory lap after victory lap was taken until Trump took office. The repub voter was joyous

Trump began his presidency by telling them everything they wanted to hear and their pride swelled to levels never seen before in the history of our country. Trump now had them and had them good. So good in fact Trump began to fully envelop and infiltrate the swamp he once exclaimed that he would clean unlike no other had ever done. First the admin. filled appointments with sycophants to abuse the very system that needed cleaned. Some were caught red handed and resigned to be replaced by even worse people. Others were caught and are still in position. Yet the repub voter ignored it.

Next came the promises. The bombastic proclamations of change happened all right. Many cases of tearing down the status quo was done, then replaced with something worse. Those changes applauded by the believers were in reality a wolf in sheep's clothing. These changes to the public were cast as for the best of the country when in reality is a get rich quick scheme for his friends. And by the day those friends will disappear once Trump is out of office. Yet the repub voter ignored it.

Then came the little cracks in the armor. His behavior and speech started to become a little off. The repub voter said move along. Nothing to see here as he is just trolling like he has always done. Now some in the repub party began to realize that the sham the presidency had foisted upon the country had been noticed and brought to light by dems was true. While they kept this truth down deep in their bowels repubs rationalized publicly that the dems were making it up and were being hysterical babies. The repub voter had now become complicit.

Now with the election near the repub voter has realized with the build up of overwhelming facts that they themselves can no longer ignore it, they are trapped. The abundance of indisputable examples tears at them like a dagger in the heart. What have we done? What can we do? They are trapped in a world they created only to "show those dems" and now it is they who have trolled themselves as it were. The repub voter now understands it is a fait accompli.

This is where the goodness in the dems should sow. We should pat them on the head, give them a hug and tell them it will be ok. The sun will come out tomorrow. However, as stated these are not normal times and the repubs have completely brought this on themselves so stay strong dems. Show no quarter and go for the throat.



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