The real Election interference was in 2015


HR King
Nov 27, 2019
Watching Psaki with National Enquirer Executive now talking about what it did to cover up all the Trump issues/corruption to help him win in 2016 and running bullshit on Hillary. Wow. I'll post when available.
I Cant Wait Tv Show GIF by Happy Place
Obama wire tapping Trump Tower and Hills floating the fake Russian BS.

Democrats can never just let the candidates run they always have to be working some angle to tip the scales.
Watching Psaki with National Enquirer Executive now talking about what it did to cover up all the Trump issues/corruption to help him win in 2016 and running bullshit on Hillary. Wow. I'll post when available.
You’re a moron
He was and is a Russian spy and you, lol.
This is him will post interview with Psaki when can find it

You’re a moron JizzHawk1425
Lmfao we still pretending twitter 1.0 censoring true stories about the hunter biden laptop didn't happen? How about the leftists who knowingly lied to the American people calling it Russian disinformation? All projection, all the time.