The Shining - Behind the Scenes

One of the better King movies, but it hasn't aged well. I thought the actress who played the wife was useless; all she did basically was scream a lot. Hell, Taylor Swift could've done better (of course, if she were an adult and alive then).

"Here's Johnny" is a legendary scene. It's a shame so much of King's stories go on inside people's heads--hard to film that.
Jack prepping for the axe scene…

This is why I always loved this scene in TWD:

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One of the better King movies, but it hasn't aged well. I thought the actress who played the wife was useless; all she did basically was scream a lot. Hell, Taylor Swift could've done better (of course, if she were an adult and alive then).

"Here's Johnny" is a legendary scene. It's a shame so much of King's stories go on inside people's heads--hard to film that.

It is a remake that I would welcome, not that I don't enjoy The Shining. I loved Doctor Sleep. Just have Mike Flanagan direct the new Shining and it will be awesome.
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One of the better King movies, but it hasn't aged well. I thought the actress who played the wife was useless; all she did basically was scream a lot. Hell, Taylor Swift could've done better (of course, if she were an adult and alive then).
Shelly Duvall was the actress and you’re right - she was terrible. I recently read that Kubrick was really displeased with her being cast in that role and bullied the hell out of her during the making of the film.
One of the better King movies, but it hasn't aged well. I thought the actress who played the wife was useless; all she did basically was scream a lot. Hell, Taylor Swift could've done better (of course, if she were an adult and alive then).

"Here's Johnny" is a legendary scene. It's a shame so much of King's stories go on inside people's heads--hard to film that.
The scene where Duvall is waiving the bat around on the stairwell is embarrassingly bad when you watch it today, along with most of her performance.
Shelly Duvall was the actress and you’re right - she was terrible. I recently read that Kubrick was really displeased with her being cast in that role and bullied the hell out of her during the making of the film.
Interestingly, we call it a King movie, but it’s really a Kubrick movie. Pretty sure I read somewhere that King really hated it as Kubrick took a lot of artistic license in deviating from the book. One of which being that in the book, Wendy Torrence is fvcking gorgeous, although according to the above, this difference may not have been in Kubrick’s plan.
Interestingly, we call it a King movie, but it’s really a Kubrick movie. Pretty sure I read somewhere that King really hated it as Kubrick took a lot of artistic license in deviating from the book. One of which being that in the book, Wendy Torrence is fvcking gorgeous, although according to the above, this difference may not have been in Kubrick’s plan.
I guess when you put it that way, the only REAL King movie would be one he wrote the script for--which would be Storm of the Century. Now, he may have had creative input in some areas of other movies based on his writing, but those movies, with a few exceptions, were more the vision of their concept rather than King's.
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All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and NO play makes jAck a dull boy. All work andno play makes Jack a dull boy.
I love that movie. Watch it probably once a year. Everything about it is just very creative.
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Never connected with this movie,.. not a fan.
Same here. I really want to like it, but it just doesn’t create any emotions in me like a psychological thriller should. I think it may be because of Duvall, like other posters have mentioned. I’ve never read the book though, I should give that a try.
The movie still creeps the HELL out of me and yes Shelley Duvall was awful. My kids call her Olive Oyl and it’s not a compliment.
She played Olive Oyl in the Robin Williams' Popeye movie. The only movie I ever actually walked out of.

EDIT: I see that's already been pointed out.
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Did you watch the version starring the guy from Wings? Stephen King closely supervised that version. I think it was a mini-series from around 2000.
I saw it when it was broadcast. It was okay--the croquet mallet ruined it for me.
Jack prepping for the axe scene…

I recall reading that they had gotten prop doors set up for different takes of the axe scene. But, prior to being an actor Jack Nicholson was trained as a firefighter in his military service and was so good with the fire axe that he was busting through the prop door way too fast for the movie. So they had to replace it with a real wooden door in order to slow him down. The final scene was great.
The Shining and Christine are two of the best horror books ever - scary as shit. Too bad the movies were meh at best.
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Whatever, nerd

There is just something about King's books that makes people so polarized, love him or hate him, no in between.

I confess he's my favorite author, and can't wait for each and every book that comes out.