The "UNDECIDEDS" on Morning Joe

My business is down 15 percent, mostly due to my self pay customers having to tighten budgets.
Trump rides Obama's economic coattails for three years and these people think he was great. Trump's policies ultimately tank the economy and now these same people want to blame Biden who, once again, is fixing the economy from the Republican driven clusterf**k they created with it. Biden will get it fixed just in time for the next Republican to come in and ride the coattails of the Democratic economy, put in more massive tax cuts which f**ks up the economy again, the Democrat gets in and fixes it but the next Republican gets the credit again. Wash, rinse, and repeat.
Trump rides Obama's economic coattails for three years and these people think he was great. Trump's policies ultimately tank the economy and now these same people want to blame Biden who, once again, is fixing the economy from the Republican driven clusterf**k they created with it. Biden will get it fixed just in time for the next Republican to come in and ride the coattails of the Democratic economy, put in more massive tax cuts which f**ks up the economy again, the Democrat gets in and fixes it but the next Republican gets the credit again. Wash, rinse, and repeat.
Obama's economic coattails? You're kidding, right? The economic recovery under Obama was slower than the Great Depression.
It is a reflection of the dumbing down of our nation and ease of manipulating people with disinformation that a man like Trump not only won the primary with ease but has a legitimate chance to be elected president a second time. The economy is quite simply very healthy right now and has been for a while. But it really no longer matters if you can convince people it is not.
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Becomes difficult when the population can no longer rely the normal informational sources...
It's a bifurcated economy,.. If you have money and are invested in the market, things are pretty good,.. If you're living paycheck to paycheck and your wages aren't keeping pace with inflation, things are not good.
The living paycheck to paycheck and income disparity increasing has been going on for 40 years now. And I agree, it is a problem and sign of a country going the wrong way due to greed.
The living paycheck to paycheck and income disparity increasing has been going on for 40 years now. And I agree, it is a problem and sign of a country going the wrong way due to greed.

It has no choice but to increase,.. People with money use their wealth as a tool to make more money,.. People without money simply don't have that tool,.. I don't see the greed angle.
Obama's economic coattails? You're kidding, right? The economic recovery under Obama was slower than the Great Depression.
Which is a testament to how badly the Bush administration f**ked it up. It took 7 years to fix it (it would have been faster if the GOP had at least tried even a little bit to help solve the problem rather than make it worse for political purposes) and 3 years for Trump to f**k it up again, although Covid helped with that. Something you all are pretending didn't happen so you can post your "Look how cheap gas was 4 years ago!!!" memes.
Trump rides Obama's economic coattails for three years and these people think he was great. Trump's policies ultimately tank the economy and now these same people want to blame Biden who, once again, is fixing the economy from the Republican driven clusterf**k they created with it. Biden will get it fixed just in time for the next Republican to come in and ride the coattails of the Democratic economy, put in more massive tax cuts which f**ks up the economy again, the Democrat gets in and fixes it but the next Republican gets the credit again. Wash, rinse, and repeat.
Be grateful you are safely employed in some lab. Your understanding of economic issues or more correctly lack of would otherwise be laughable.
Be grateful you are safely employed in some lab. Your understanding of economic issues or more correctly lack of would otherwise be laughable.
Your acceptance of reality is borderline schizophrenic. When Democrats are in power, the economy does well. When Republicans are in power, for my entire lifetime it ALWAYS ends in economic disaster.
It's a bifurcated economy,.. If you have money and are invested in the market, things are pretty good,.. If you're living paycheck to paycheck and your wages aren't keeping pace with inflation, things are not good.
…. That’s the same way it was when I was growing up, 50 years ago…
I’m thinking for most of us, that is how life works…
I spent most of my 20’s into my 30’s livin’ pay check to paycheck. My life got noticeably better during my 40’s….but I can tell you what being busted feels like..It took me a while but it worked out for me.
I can’t believe Americans would settle for either of these two.
That’s a different question, though. I understand “neither,” even though I wish people would vote for Biden if only to help keep Trump out of office.

I just don’t understand “Biden…Trump…no, Biden…wait, maybe Trump…oh, I just don’t know what to do!”
Your acceptance of reality is borderline schizophrenic. When Democrats are in power, the economy does well. When Republicans are in power, for my entire lifetime it ALWAYS ends in economic disaster.
God I hope you aren’t developing new drugs for mental health.
Your first sentence is comically wrong…but hardly unexpected. Tell me - do you sniff lots of chemicals in your line of work?
That’s a different question, though. I understand “neither,” even though I wish people would vote for Biden if only to help keep Trump out of office.

I just don’t understand “Biden…Trump…no, Biden…wait, maybe Trump…oh, I just don’t know what to do!”
How about just not voting for either one?
If an American citizen’s vote is such a sacred thing why give it away when it’s not deserved?
  • Haha
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It's a bifurcated economy,.. If you have money and are invested in the market, things are pretty good,.. If you're living paycheck to paycheck and your wages aren't keeping pace with inflation, things are not good.
As of this month, the U.S.’s 806 billionaires are worth a collective $5.8 trillion, meaning that they control 1 in every 25 dollars of American wealth

It's worth repeating..... 800 people. Yet a good chunk of the poorest maga's believe these people walk on water and need more breaks.
It has no choice but to increase,.. People with money use their wealth as a tool to make more money,.. People without money simply don't have that tool,.. I don't see the greed angle.
How can you not see the greed angle? Wealthy corporations are almost always trying to find ways to make more. Wal-mart and Target the other day were discussed. Adding self checkouts which means they don't have to pay as many people to run registers. NOW, they want to make people pay for the privilege of using self checkout. That's greed. Using inflation as a guise to raise prices. That's greed. The wealthy love how some of you think, I'll give you that.
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As of this month, the U.S.’s 806 billionaires are worth a collective $5.8 trillion, meaning that they control 1 in every 25 dollars of American wealth

It's worth repeating..... 800 people. Yet a good chunk of the poorest maga's believe these people walk on water and need more breaks.
When is Joe going to start taxing the rich?

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