The "UNDECIDEDS" on Morning Joe

Another thing that strikes me here is that these folks are so busy lambasting Biden and his policies….yet they are “undecided” who they are voting for in a few months?

Explain it to me, please…………..

The reason is you didn’t see everything they said in regards to both Trump and Biden, The majority of them after blasting Biden went on to say Trump is a complete POS human being that has no interest in doing what’s best for anyone except himself.
The reason is you didn’t see everything they said in regards to both Trump and Biden, The majority of them after blasting Biden went on to say Trump is a complete POS human being that has no interest in doing what’s best for anyone except himself.
Shocked! I am shocked! How could any good American think that? Not about good ol’ #45!
How can you not see the greed angle? Wealthy corporations are almost always trying to find ways to make more. Wal-mart and Target the other day were discussed. Adding self checkouts which means they don't have to pay as many people to run registers. NOW, they want to make people pay for the privilege of using self checkout. That's greed. Using inflation as a guise to raise prices. That's greed. The wealthy love how some of you think, I'll give you that.
It isn't greed when the products they have on the shelf cost them more to buy to stock.

Newsflash technology jobs are growing. Low wage low skill service jobs are not. (Self checkout)
I don’t think you do believe your eyes and ears. Maybe you didn’t see the SOTU. I stand by what I have said. He doesn’t have dementia. It’s been a bs narrative from day one. Goldie liked your post which tells me I’m right about it because she’s shit talked him from the start. Though he’s smarter than all of us.
Those gym fumes have seriously damaged your brain,
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Jesus. This thread is about undecideds not liking Biden so it’s you who are pulling out the “both sides” and false equivalencies by talking about Trump.

Again, why did Biden lie again about something he admitted to lying about already? And why do want everyone to ignore this repetitive behavior of his?
There are some people on here who just can’t understand that.
You know what? That’s not my problem.
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Jesus. This thread is about undecideds not liking Biden so it’s you who are pulling out the “both sides” and false equivalencies by talking about Trump.

Again, why did Biden lie again about something he admitted to lying about already? And why do want everyone to ignore this repetitive behavior of his?
You don’t even get it which is why you constantly do it. Zero self awareness.
There are some people on here who just can’t understand that.
You know what? That’s not my problem.
Uhhhhh...WTF are you talking about? I never referenced you. Why not look at the thread title and video in OP?
I don’t think you do believe your eyes and ears. Maybe you didn’t see the SOTU. I stand by what I have said. He doesn’t have dementia. It’s been a bs narrative from day one. Goldie liked your post which tells me I’m right about it because she’s shit talked him from the start. Though he’s smarter than all of us.
Maybe you don't keep seeing my post about him lying about something the other day he already admitted was a lie years before. Ignoring it for sure. Maybe you missed the 8 minute video of his goofs from last year alone. But for some reason you hold up ONE mole hill speech as proof he's totally fine while ignoring the mountain of proof he's not. Stay with it.
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Trump would be an economic disaster. He has no plan other than power and profit for himself. He cannot govern. I'm so sick of these stupid takes and comparisons between Biden and Trump because there are none. Trump is not fit and would destroy.
Biden isn't fit either.
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Are four serious, Clark? Trump had one bad year, covid. That’s it. Would’ve happened to any president. His policies were spot on and best for the country. He had the economy turning around towards the end of covid, injections were already in arms. Biden came and started printing money, opening the border and adding more to our debt than any president. He’s litreraly had three bad years.

Take your democrat glasses off for two seconds and see what you’re saying. There is a reason why majority of people in the financial industry are republican. They understand policy, law, supply and demand. Biden might be better at other things, but not policy. You can’t print money, forgive loans, support 10k immigrants every day, Ukraines blank checks and think we can pay for it all. That is literally the definition of inflation. Too many dollars chasing to few goods and services. Inflation has been over 3% for over a year, 125% to GDP. It’s fine to like your candidate but don’t blame this on trump. I’m not the biggest Trump guy either, but his policies were spot on.
What, you think the economy just magically became wonderful on January 20, 2017? Obama spent 8 years fixing the Bush catastrophe of an economy and Trump came in and rode on that for 3 years. All he did was pass massive tax cuts that, in combination with Covid (another clusterf**k caused by Trump, at least the response to it) led to run away inflation that you seem to think Biden is responsible for.

Again, every single time Republicans are in charge the economy ends up in ruin. They get rid of the regulations that prevent the crashes, they then crash the economy, and then people like you blame Democrats so the whole GD process just starts over again. It really is sad.
Are four serious, Clark? Trump had one bad year, covid. That’s it. Would’ve happened to any president. His policies were spot on and best for the country. He had the economy turning around towards the end of covid, injections were already in arms. Biden came and started printing money, opening the border and adding more to our debt than any president. He’s litreraly had three bad years.

Take your democrat glasses off for two seconds and see what you’re saying. There is a reason why majority of people in the financial industry are republican. They understand policy, law, supply and demand. Biden might be better at other things, but not policy. You can’t print money, forgive loans, support 10k immigrants every day, Ukraines blank checks and think we can pay for it all. That is literally the definition of inflation. Too many dollars chasing to few goods and services. Inflation has been over 3% for over a year, 125% to GDP. It’s fine to like your candidate but don’t blame this on trump. I’m not the biggest Trump guy either, but his policies were spot on.
This is comical.

I will say Obama did set a nice table for Trump and things were running smoothly, until they weren't. Trump's "one bad year" was as bad as it could ever be under his "leadership", and set the table for Biden's inflation problem.

Majority of people in the financial industry are republican? I would like to see support for that statement.
What, you think the economy just magically became wonderful on January 20, 2017? Obama spent 8 years fixing the Bush catastrophe of an economy and Trump came in and rode on that for 3 years. All he did was pass massive tax cuts that, in combination with Covid (another clusterf**k caused by Trump) led to run away inflation that you seem to think Biden is responsible for.

Again, every single time Republicans are in charge the economy ends up in ruin. They get rid of the regulations that prevent the crashes, they then crash the economy, and then people like you blame Democrats so the whole GD process just starts over again. It really is sad.

The last Republican president who didn’t destroy the economy was Eisenhower. The Republican president before him was Hoover, the father of the Great Depression.
Wake up people, every modern president merely lives through the economy that was set for him 6-8 years prior to his arrival...
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Lots of illiterates out there unfortunately. A healthy democracy relies on an informed electorate. Our nation is sorely lacking in that these days.
You think people are too stupid to know they can't afford to live? You think people are too stupid to know when they could afford to live? Doesn't sound like the people are too stupid to vote, sounds like someone who refuses to take a critical evaluation of the current state of the economy and the state of the country as it exists today, but would rather just dutifully check the box he has been brainwashed to check, regardless of the facts, is the one too stupid to vote.
How can you not see the greed angle? Wealthy corporations are almost always trying to find ways to make more. Wal-mart and Target the other day were discussed. Adding self checkouts which means they don't have to pay as many people to run registers. NOW, they want to make people pay for the privilege of using self checkout. That's greed. Using inflation as a guise to raise prices. That's greed. The wealthy love how some of you think, I'll give you that.
You are lost, so very lost. 🙄
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So why do people keep ripping Biden for inflation? By people I mean Republicans.

Because he's exacerbating the problem,.. You can be handed a world of shit and then either stick your face in it, or attempt to climb out,.. Biden continues to choose the former.
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Biden gets ZERO credit, right?
Well...according to the article you just posted, it seems like you're actually crediting Trump. Gutsy. I never expected you to give Trump credit for something. but here you are, patting him on the back. Would you like to expand on how great of a job you think Trump did?

In March 2020, Congress rushed to pass a $2.2tn economic stimulus bill that sent cash into the pockets of American workers, families, and businesses. Two more pieces of legislation followed to keep small businesses afloat and workforces employed.

This was the largest influx of federal money into the US economy in history. Some $5tn flowed to everyone from individuals making an extra $600 in weekly unemployment benefits to state and local transit agencies strapped for cash without commuters.

"I think there was a whole generation of policymakers that came out of 2008 and 2009 with the lesson that if you don't go big and go bold, the problems last for a long time," said Aaron Terrazas, chief economist at Glassdoor.

"If you're tentative, you prolong the pain. So I think that's one reason why the fiscal response was so much more forceful this time."

That stimulus is still being credited with sustaining consumer spending, which accounts for 70% of economic activity. That capacity to spend despite high inflation has been a buoy.
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Why is the US doing a better job with inflation than everywhere else in the world? Biden administration better be in your answer.

Because our economic condition is the envy of the world,.. What you don't seem to grasp is that we could be in an even better position if Biden had a clue.
I actually feel sorry for Tom Paris. But truly glad he’s got a job where he gets to wear a whistle around his neck and bounce a ball around.
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They’re repeating what they hear on right wing media. That’s what happens when you consume hour after hour of hate radio, FoxNews and NewsMax. They have a bigly case of FoxBrain.
You must be disappointed. You only got one like.
Are four serious, Clark? Trump had one bad year, covid. That’s it. Would’ve happened to any president. His policies were spot on and best for the country. He had the economy turning around towards the end of covid, injections were already in arms. Biden came and started printing money, opening the border and adding more to our debt than any president. He’s litreraly had three bad years.

Take your democrat glasses off for two seconds and see what you’re saying. There is a reason why majority of people in the financial industry are republican. They understand policy, law, supply and demand. Biden might be better at other things, but not policy. You can’t print money, forgive loans, support 10k immigrants every day, Ukraines blank checks and think we can pay for it all. That is literally the definition of inflation. Too many dollars chasing to few goods and services. Inflation has been over 3% for over a year, 125% to GDP. It’s fine to like your candidate but don’t blame this on trump. I’m not the biggest Trump guy either, but his policies were spot on.
You are aware that prior to pandemic, That GDP growth under Trump's "spot on" policies never exceeded 3% -- even after the Ryan tax cuts. That pre-pandemic deficit reached just shy of $1 trillion - up from $789 billion the year before. That the first 5 pandemic support bills were signed by the Trump; including the largest passed during the pandemic--The CARES Act. We can be critical of APP that was signed by Biden as being unnecessary - but that is not the main source of inflationary pressures. Moreover, Trump was campaigning on another round of support after he did not get the higher amount of direct payments in the 5th supplement bill that was signed in December 2020.
Well...according to the article you just posted, it seems like you're actually crediting Trump. Gutsy. I never expected you to give Trump credit for something. but here you are, patting him on the back. Would you like to expand on how great of a job you think Trump did?

In March 2020, Congress rushed to pass a $2.2tn economic stimulus bill that sent cash into the pockets of American workers, families, and businesses. Two more pieces of legislation followed to keep small businesses afloat and workforces employed.

This was the largest influx of federal money into the US economy in history. Some $5tn flowed to everyone from individuals making an extra $600 in weekly unemployment benefits to state and local transit agencies strapped for cash without commuters.

"I think there was a whole generation of policymakers that came out of 2008 and 2009 with the lesson that if you don't go big and go bold, the problems last for a long time," said Aaron Terrazas, chief economist at Glassdoor.

"If you're tentative, you prolong the pain. So I think that's one reason why the fiscal response was so much more forceful this time."

That stimulus is still being credited with sustaining consumer spending, which accounts for 70% of economic activity. That capacity to spend despite high inflation has been a buoy.
Nope...totally aware of it. But I don't blame presidents for inflation, like gas prices. You didn't quote 2 and 3...which is more about Biden and his administration. Weird how you do that consistently.
Because our economic condition is the envy of the world,.. What you don't seem to grasp is that we could be in an even better position if Biden had a clue.
Oh please tell me how the guy you're going to vote for will fix things. This should be good. Stop watching Fox.
Because our economic condition is the envy of the world,.. What you don't seem to grasp is that we could be in an even better position if Biden had a clue.
So no one actually cares about numbers on this board...we just post feelings....fascinating.
This is comical.

I will say Obama did set a nice table for Trump and things were running smoothly, until they weren't. Trump's "one bad year" was as bad as it could ever be under his "leadership", and set the table for Biden's inflation problem.

Majority of people in the financial industry are republican? I would like to see support for that statement.
How do you think Biden would’ve handled Covid? I don’t think there’s a leader in the world that could’ve avoided that crisis. The whole world suffered. I know Trump didn’t go far enough first round, but neither did Obama during subprime lending debacle in 2008.

My problem with Biden is that amount of money he has printed, forgiving student loans, supporting 10k illegals, and giving Ukraine a blank check book. This all costs money. Interest rates are over 3% for over a year and inflation is creeping up again (3.1, 3.2, 3.5 last three months). Trump is better suited for economy and border security. I just wish he’d keep his mouth shut and not attack everyone that has something negative to say. I’m not a fan of Trump, but I’m not voting for prom king, it’s the policies. Neither side is thrilled with their candidate, that’s a fact.
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Nope...totally aware of it. But I don't blame presidents for inflation, like gas prices. You didn't quote 2 and 3...which is more about Biden and his administration. Weird how you do that consistently.
No. Number 3- Energy independence is about neither of them. It's about the Shale Boom that began in 2012. And number 2 is about how COVID taught companies how to run leaner. You didn't even read your own article.
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No. Number 3- Energy independence is about neither of them. It's about the Shale Boom that began in 2012. And number 2 is about how COVID taught companies how to run leaner. You didn't even read your own article.
I learned a long time ago to not bother with @TomParis. He wakes up pissed off and finding something to complain about. Everything is political and he only sees one side, he doesn’t let facts get in the way of a good narrative. He’s a turd in the punch bowl, sucks the air out of any room he walks in. Can’t open a thread without him bringing up politics and how Biden is so amazing. 20:1 posting ratio on politics:Hawkeye sports.

I would rather sandpaper the butthole of an alligator in a telephone booth than sit around a campfire with him.

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