The US is poised to add a super duper missile to it's arsenal.

Since he already stole the StarFleet logo he might was well steal the name Phase Canon.
It can't be China fast, or Russia fast, ours has to be like waaaay better. He just pulls stuff out of his ass, then decides he needs to embellish that to make it even better, more super duper.
Since he already stole the StarFleet logo he might was well steal the name Phase Canon.

The Pentagon ripped off the Federation before Trump. Not sure when they changed from the globe logo at Space Command to the Starfleet one.


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Not a defense of dipshit Trump, but I have no doubt that our missile capabilities are way beyond the Chinese. Otherwise the Pentagon would have never even told Trump this technology existed.

‘Super duper’....whatever the idiot said, I feel confident that we’re better off than the Commies.
Not a defense of dipshit Trump, but I have no doubt that our missile capabilities are way beyond the Chinese. Otherwise the Pentagon would have never even told Trump this technology existed.

‘Super duper’....whatever the idiot said, I feel confident that we’re better off than the Commies.
I don’t know, but at least the Chinese can say their leader functions above a 4th grade level.
You know, for the past 4 years some on HROT have repeatedly stated "Trump's an idiot," "an embarrassment," "an imbecile," or other equally flattering descriptors. I suggest we just have a pinned thread for "Trump's an idiot" and every time anyone feels the need to post to reiterate it, they can just go like the phrase they're hoping to repeat or add something new if it's original.

Maybe then we could have one single thread that doesn't turn in to "Trump's an idiot"
Well, "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" have already been used. I for one thought he would surely go with "Little Rocket Man" in honor of his Nork friend Kim Jung Un
"we have, I call it the super duper missile" You seriously have to wonder if he actually intends to sound stupid sometimes.
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You know, for the past 4 years some on HROT have repeatedly stated "Trump's an idiot," "an embarrassment," "an imbecile," or other equally flattering descriptors. I suggest we just have a pinned thread for "Trump's an idiot" and every time anyone feels the need to post to reiterate it, they can just go like the phrase they're hoping to repeat or add something new if it's original.

Maybe then we could have one single thread that doesn't turn in to "Trump's an idiot"
Sorry we’re making fun of your dad Don Jr.