Good 2nd half episode to start the rest of the season.
rumors are that the season finale is going to be insane and incredibly sad.
I think they need to start winding this show down towards an ending. More looking forward to Fear twd.
Producers said they show will more closely follow the comic than in the past. So the finale will probably involve a baseball bat.
I think they need to start winding this show down towards an ending. More looking forward to Fear twd.
The question is who is on the recieving end?do they follow the comics or find someone else to take the fall. With Jessie gone now I still wonder if the producers would actually break up the only love story on the whole show?
the "only" love story? Ummm...hello.......Maggie and Glenn have been happening for multiple seasons.
Glenn has been too lucky lately, I could see him going as he does in the comic. However, Steven Yuen has signed a new contract with the who knows. Maybe Carol goes.
I know this...something HUGE is happening for the finale........Multiple actors from the set were interviewed about the finale, and some said that on the last day of shooting, they didn't want to go to the set after reading the script. This points to a long time member meeting their demise. Last day of shooting was very emotional for all involved.
Not sure if you understand my post. Basically I was saying that if negan kills Glenn like the comics that there is no other romance in the show. Although that may not be a big factor to some I am sure they gather a ton of female audience with any kind of love story.
I can see Daryl or Abraham substituted for Glenn. Although Glenn has had WAY too many close calls in the last couple of seasons. How many lives does this dude have?
Near miss.I won't be watching it until I get back from vacation. Is Glenn dead this week? It seems to vary from episode to episode.
Liked the episode, but the fact it was afternoon as they began walking out with guts on them only to cut back to them and it was dark and they were still walking through the neighborhood made no sense.
I also sense that they will stay there and rebuild/expand Alexandria. I would leave. The place is a mess, theyou know the Wolves know where they are at and also know some bad ass named Negan is out there.
Perhaps an ode to The Seven Samurai (Magnificent Seven). From what I understand Daryl may be the most popular character on the show - would they dare kill him, Carol or Rick off? Of course I hope not.
Also, Gabriel takes the baby to the church, but it's a different church than Glenn and Enid hide in? They have multiple churches?
Yeah, the sun setting before they could walk 5 blocks out of town was weird.
And after Darryl poured out the gasoline, why the hell would he ignite it with the bazooka? Save the ammo when something much less would work.
Alexandria has existed since the beginning of the ZA but now all of the sudden Negan is going to discover this place? How? His henchman were blown to bits so there is nobody to tell him who did it and where they went. Suppose they could be tracking Darryl, etc. since they first made contact with people from that group and had shot them up.
Alexandria has existed since the beginning of the ZA but now all of the sudden Negan is going to discover this place? How? His henchman were blown to bits so there is nobody to tell him who did it and where they went. Suppose they could be tracking Darryl, etc. since they first made contact with people from that group and had shot them up.
Perhaps an ode to The Seven Samurai (Magnificent Seven). From what I understand Daryl may be the most popular character on the show - would they dare kill him, Carol or Rick off? Of course I hope not.
Alexandria has existed since the beginning of the ZA but now all of the sudden Negan is going to discover this place? How? His henchman were blown to bits so there is nobody to tell him who did it and where they went. Suppose they could be tracking Darryl, etc. since they first made contact with people from that group and had shot them up.
Daryl causes a lot of problems for the script writers, especially if they want to follow the comics a lot closer. He's pretty much the reason Tyreese was written off the show. I wouldn't be surprised if Daryl just leaves. Have him head west and end up meeting up with the Fear the Walking Dead group. They did say that show would catch up to the original series.
Really didn't care for this episode. First, Daryl takes out the biker gang out with the rocket launcher right before he kills someone. Glen get saved at the last second before he gets eaten. Then Rick goes crazy and starts killing all the walkers in their city. There were some good parts of the episode but there were few parts that bothered me.
Liked the episode, but the fact it was afternoon as they began walking out with guts on them only to cut back to them and it was dark and they were still walking through the neighborhood made no sense.
I also sense that they will stay there and rebuild/expand Alexandria. I would leave. The place is a mess, theyou know the Wolves know where they are at and also know some bad ass named Negan is out there.
But Rick and Co don't know that. I also find it odd that Darryl didn't mention the group he tried to help and the others who chased him down... or perhaps that will come out next episode. Seems like if you have all of this hostile action in the area you'd probably move on after your sanctuary was overrun by zombies.I believe the Wolves were a small group and that with the death of the last wolf...they are all gone now. Several were killed during the siege on the Alexandria. Rick killed another 4-5 while he was in the RV, and then you have the one that was killed this week. There is no indication that any of them are left.
Reedus really is not a good actor, and this show has hidden his limitations well within the character. IMO he would be foolish to move on willingly. There is a reason he went 11 years between Boondock Saints and Walking Dead.
But Rick and Co don't know that. I also find it odd that Darryl didn't mention the group he tried to help and the others who chased him down... or perhaps that will come out next episode. Seems like if you have all of this hostile action in the area you'd probably move on after your sanctuary was overrun by zombies.
I also wonder if they don't jump ahead 6-months into the future to show Alexandria rebuilt and the people settled back into a normal life again in the next episode of two. But, what will the episodes be about if Negan doesn't come into play until the final episode of the season? I have to wonder why they would sit tight with dwindling numbers knowing all of this hostility is nearby.
I don't read the comics, but some of this stuff seems off.
But he didn't go 11 years without working. He's worked solidly since Boondock came out.
But Rick and Co don't know that. I also find it odd that Darryl didn't mention the group he tried to help and the others who chased him down... or perhaps that will come out next episode. Seems like if you have all of this hostile action in the area you'd probably move on after your sanctuary was overrun by zombies.
I also wonder if they don't jump ahead 6-months into the future to show Alexandria rebuilt and the people settled back into a normal life again in the next episode of two. But, what will the episodes be about if Negan doesn't come into play until the final episode of the season? I have to wonder why they would sit tight with dwindling numbers knowing all of this hostility is nearby.
I don't read the comics, but some of this stuff seems off.