The wheel has turned


HB King
Sep 30, 2001
A old Iowa City college roomate of mine who now lives down in Asheville just told me he , and his wife, have both decided to switch from Trump to Harris. He cited the stock market and abortion as the reasons. He and I have been at political loggerheads since 1972 when he was all in on Nixon.
It'll be interesting to see how many people were scared away because of Biden's age/mental acuity.

Harris still isn't polling as well as Biden did against Trump in 2020.
A old Iowa City college roomate of mine who now lives down in Asheville just told me he , and his wife, have both decided to switch from Trump to Harris. He cited the stock market and abortion as the reasons. He and I have been at political loggerheads since 1972 when he was all in on Nixon.

I’m not sure I believe people that say this. With the curtain closed, they usually still vote Trump.
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As a pro-life person who opposes Trump, the Dems will likely and smartly go all in and hard on abortion. Referendums have time and time again shown that the pro-life position as it is now is not very popular and it likely played a part in costing the Republicans the senate in 2022.
As a pro-life person who opposes Trump, the Dems will likely and smartly go all in and hard on abortion. Referendums have time and time again shown that the pro-life position as it is now is not very popular and it likely played a part in costing the Republicans the senate in 2022.
The thing is you can be pro life and still have a heart. A lot of people don’t understand the far reaching effects roe v wade has on things such as reproductive freedom, infertility treatments and general women’s health. maga wants women to do nothing but produce children (which doesn’t work like they think it does) and shut up and stay in the kitchen.

I’ve read a former trump staffer is fuming because maga men don’t understand a lot of women can’t get pregnant without IVF or infertility treatments. This doesn’t just affect liberal women.
Roe v. wade for one.

His liability for sexual assault for two.

Then sprinkle in a smattering of felony convictions, Jan 6, etc.

It’s a different environment than 2020.
Yeah. There are plenty of women that voted for Trump in 2016, but abortion wasn't on the ballot when Trump beat Hillary. That's going to be a driving message this year.
Not sure why kamala would bring back votes from Trump other than her age.

I don't think she will do anything better than biden and she will continue to push the same decisive woke agenda. What is the appeal here? She offers nothing to the moderate.
Joe to Kamala is like shitting your pants and then changing your shirt.
I’m not sure I believe people that say this. With the curtain closed, they usually still vote Trump.
I think there's less of this now than in 2016 and 2020. Being woke and liberal are no longer "cool" like they were then. They no longer carry the immunity to criticism that was so attractive, and people feel more emboldened to say something if they're leaning trump.

It used to be when a liberal would go on about how voting for Trump makes you racist, homophobic, etc...., a conservative would quietly dismiss themselves from conversation and write the liberal off as a nut. Today they're much more likely to tell them to f#ck off and quit brainwashing themselves on MSNBC.

There's also an influx of Gay and Black people fed up with being told what to believe, realizing they went along with it for too long.

Keep in mind it's still the case that few of those people want to vote for Trump, and may well still vote for Kamala, however they're tired of the mob of the left's personal attacks over simple political differences.
Not sure why kamala would bring back votes from Trump other than her age.

I don't think she will do anything better than biden and she will continue to push the same decisive woke agenda. What is the appeal here? She offers nothing to the moderate.
It's amazing how "Let people live their lives how they want to live it" is so "divisive" for Trump voters.
Not sure why kamala would bring back votes from Trump other than her age.

I don't think she will do anything better than biden and she will continue to push the same decisive woke agenda. What is the appeal here? She offers nothing to the moderate.
He is 75 and his wife is 72 ...they both mentioned it is time for a new generation to take charge. I also think that the fact that their grandson soon married a black girl las month effected them as well.
Roe v. wade for one.

His liability for sexual assault for two.

Then sprinkle in a smattering of felony convictions, Jan 6, etc.

It’s a different environment than 2020.
Roe v Wade doesn't seem to be a great vote effector anymore. Shouldn't we be seeing big effects at state level elections?

The rest of it... again, only if Biden's weakness was masking the hit's Trump would be taking otherwise. But I have my doubts given how much of a piece of shit he already was. He seems fairly well insulated from his behavior. But yeah, always a chance the items you listed pushed enough people over the edge to matter. At this point... I'll believe it when I see it.
Not sure why kamala would bring back votes from Trump other than her age.

I don't think she will do anything better than biden and she will continue to push the same decisive woke agenda. What is the appeal here? She offers nothing to the moderate.
It’s not about bringing Trump voters over to the Dems. It’s getting Biden voters (or non voters in 2020) off the couch.

I think it’s a tossup, but she has a way better chance than Biden.
Not sure why kamala would bring back votes from Trump other than her age.

I don't think she will do anything better than biden and she will continue to push the same decisive woke agenda. What is the appeal here? She offers nothing to the moderate.
Except that she's not an adjudicated rapist and 34-time felon.
"Let me live how I want" turned into "you are an asshole if you can't guess my obscure pronoun correctly" somewhere mid 2020.
Why do you care? It's not like you were ever going to be friends with someone who needs that validation from you anyway. Whatever happened to "f**k your feelings?"
Roe v Wade doesn't seem to be a great vote effector anymore. Shouldn't we be seeing big effects at state level elections?

The rest of it... again, only if Biden's weakness was masking the hit's Trump would be taking otherwise. But I have my doubts given how much of a piece of shit he already was. He seems fairly well insulated from his behavior. But yeah, always a chance the items you listed pushed enough people over the edge to matter. At this point... I'll believe it when I see it.
Did you miss 2022? It was supposed to be a massive red wave due to inflation, the economy, etc.

It fizzled.

I’m not saying Kamala will win, I’m just pointing out that these issues do matter.
Did you miss 2022? It was supposed to be a massive red wave due to inflation, the economy, etc.

It fizzled.

I’m not saying Kamala will win, I’m just pointing out that these issues do matter.
I forgot about 2022, yeah. I was expecting more problems for republicans at the state level than what I've seen.

Maybe abortion will still have some staying power at the federal level as an issue in 2024.

They'd probably be wise to try to sell the threat of the extreme social conservatives going after after access in new ways at the federal level. (see FDA and medication)
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You have no idea who I am to people.
I don't know what that means exactly but if it's a job thing then yeah, change sucks and nobody likes it. Unfortunately, adapting to new policies you don't want to do is part of having a job and we all have to do it. See, my issue isn't that I don't want to call people by the wrong pronouns, I just can't remember who wants me to do it and which ones they want me to use. So I avoid pronouns completely until I'm confident I have it right. I also suck at names too so maybe I've just had plenty of practice talking to someone like I know them very well even though I can't remember their name for the life of me. It honestly is my biggest weakness seeing as I have a job where remembering people's names is pretty important.
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I would agree that few people that willingly vote for Trump in the first place would be converted to Harris.

The greater impact, IMO, will be in enthusiasm/turnout from moderates and Dems that might have just stayed home when their options were Biden v Trump.
Agree, although some flies in the ointment still...

I think democrats are fighting an uphill battle on the inflation front. To be more specific, on everyday stuff like groceries. There was an Atlantic piece that basically said as much, it's not so much about overall inflation, the index, but on the items you have to purchase frequently that keep reminding you of higher prices.
I don't know what that means exactly but if it's a job thing then yeah, change sucks and nobody likes it. Unfortunately, adapting to new policies you don't want to do is part of having a job and we all have to do it. See, my issue isn't that I don't want to call people by the wrong pronouns, I just can't remember who wants me to do it and which ones they want me to use. So I avoid pronouns completely until I'm confident I have it right. I also suck at names too so maybe I've just had plenty of practice talking to someone like I know them very well even though I can't remember their name for the life of me. It honestly is my biggest weakness seeing as I have a job where remembering people's names is pretty important.
do you run into people in real life that either make their preferred pronouns known or demand certain pronouns be used?

i don't think i ever have
Voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.
Honestly, had every intention of voting for him in 2024 until I did some real soul searching the past few weeks.

I have fought a battle with myself for many years that’s because I am a Christian, we align with Conservative views.

I look at what the Bible says, and I don’t know how can ever vote GOP again, no matter who is in charge.

I live my life to treat others how Jesus wants us to treat others, and the hate from the GOP is too much.

So, I am an evangelical who would have had a hard voting for Biden, but now I’m all in for Harris.

Don’t believe me.
Make fun of me.
Doubt me.

I really don’t care, Harris has my vote.

I’m not saying there are a lot of us that think this way, but we are out there.

I know, cool story bro.