The wheel has turned

And even then a lot of women still cannot get pregnant, but at least they have the options. My ex-wife (no pic) and I tried for three years, just the fertility part, after eight years of unsuccessful attempts without fertility. I would not wish it on anyone. Even those women that do get pregnant endure an awful rollercoaster ride.
I got 2 IVF kids after years of trying other methods. It’s crazy what the naive don’t know or want to learn.
Nixon wasn't all bad, I'll agree with you on that.
Outside of Vietnam and a paranoia as big as all outdoors, Nixon's policies were remarkably "woke". Clean air. Clean water. The EPA. He even pushed universal health care. Hell, if he'd simply phoned Coretta Scott King as JFK did after Dr. King was jailed, Nixon might have been elected in 1960 - his support in the black community was pretty strong. Dr. King - who had considered Nixon a "friend" - had supported his bid but went with JFK after Nixon snubbed him.

Regardless, Nixon would be unelectable in today's GOP so the idea of being able to vote for him is a non-starter.
Another poster made great point recently…we’re not voting for a homecoming king, i.e. popularity contest…rather their policies and how they can relate to other world leaders, deal with crisis, etc. Kamala would be weak in those areas.
Trump is not strong. That’s what his followers miss.
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It'll be interesting to see how many people were scared away because of Biden's age/mental acuity.

Harris still isn't polling as well as Biden did against Trump in 2020.
Harris also has the worst job approval rating of any sitting VP on top of not being able to even make it to the Iowa caucuses in 2020. They are in full "shine the turd" mode right now.
A fatal defect is a legitimate reason. Why are you telling me to "fvck off" and calling me an "asshole"?
How is that a "legitimate reason"? It wasn't rape. It wasn't incest. It wasn't my niece's health that was in any danger. Those were YOUR qualifiers. Then you said that outside of those, abortions were being sought by "what is largely a group of women of ill repute". This was a personal decision they made so they could move on with their lives...that's it. The comment and the assessment stands.
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Health care for all (including illegal immigrants), charging off student debt, green new deal (which will require massive amounts of batteries made from rival China and huge changes/investments in our infrastructure driving up nat’l debt even further), wishy/washy support for Israel, and not really knowing how to define a “woman”…just to name a few.

Give me all of this
Yeah, I thought her numbers seemed...very high. However, they are having a tough time with Islamic"refugees" in many European cities, such as Paris. Islam doesn't mesh with European values, western civilization, women's rights, etc. were so concerned about those numbers that you posted them without comment or question

regardless of the numbers being're still right i guess
Harris also has the worst job approval rating of any sitting VP on top of not being able to even make it to the Iowa caucuses in 2020. They are in full "shine the turd" mode right now.
Whereas the republicans are turding their pants right now. It helps when their candidate admits to being afraid to debate her.
How is that a "legitimate reason"? It wasn't rape. It wasn't incest. It wasn't my niece's health that was in any danger. Those were YOUR qualifiers. Then you said that outside of those, abortions were being sought by "what is largely a group of women of ill repute". This was a personal decision they made so they could move on with their lives...that's it. The comment and the assessment stands.

Don't be so rigid with your analysis of my statement. A fatal defect would certainly be a legitimate reason.
Woke agenda. JFC. What is the actual woke agenda?
Open borders and let all of them vote and give them benefits.
Anyone who disagrees with you is a racist or a nazi. Cops are bad and criminals are good. Men should be able to compete in women's sports and allowed in the women's locker room. Too numerous to count examples. Bill Maher calls the dems the party of no commonsense.
Whereas the republicans are turding their pants right now. It helps when their candidate admits to being afraid to debate her.
I'm not. She is a minor upgrade from Joe as she has a pulse and doesn't have to call a lid at 1PM. The betting odds either haven't changed or have moved in Trump's favor. That is what you should really pay attention to. You are getting "jammed".
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Not sure why kamala would bring back votes from Trump other than her age.

I don't think she will do anything better than biden and she will continue to push the same decisive woke agenda. What is the appeal here? She offers nothing to the moderate.
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Keep telling yourself that.
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What? It shows he's flexible.
Lol nobody talks about how they were a shitty person, gullible, believed falsehoods, etc and completely change in less than 2 weeks because an old man drops out of a presidential race. Biden leaving doesn't change who he is or what he believes.

He's one of the weirdest posters on this site and has been for awhile. It's just his sob story to make people not treat him like a moron.
Thus far the only thing you guys have managed to muster up is insults.

And the reason for that is that you can't explain why you're so passionate in defending the decision of women to use abortion as a form of birth control.
You should talk to more women then. I have, and you know what? That decision is none of your goddamn business.
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I'm not. She is a minor upgrade from Joe as she has a pulse and doesn't have to call a lid at 1PM. The betting odds either haven't changed or have moved in Trump's favor. That is what you should really pay attention to. You are getting "jammed".
If you're a Trump voter, you should know that you've been getting "jammed" from the start. Many probably already know, but they're hip-deep in the crazy and can't get out.
This religion of abortion by the left is next level cult stuff. Why are many of you so emotionally invested in the plight of people who can't seen to manage the simplest of tasks? An overwhelming segment of the population manages to live their lives without seeking an abortion. Yet many of you will run through walls to defend the plight of what is largely a group of women of ill repute.

And for the record, I'm generallly indifferent on this issue, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to cast judgment on people who elect to use it in scenarios that do not include rape, incest or the life of the mother.
JFC. I’m not emotionally invested in abortion. And the women of ill repute comment is disgusting. What I am emotionally invested in is not thinking I know more about a woman’s situation than she is herself. I’m invested in letting her decide what she can handle, what she wants her life to look like, what is best for her. I wish even a fraction of the energy put into judging women(because only the women are judged) was put into finding better birth control options for both men and women. Especially men because right now it largely falls on women.
It's amazing how "Let people live their lives how they want to live it" is so "divisive" for Trump voters.
It's not about how you live your life, it's about the lefts desire to tell everyone else how they need to live theirs. Most Americans say, what if I don't want to drive an electric car or have my daughter dress in front of men, the left says tuff, deal with it.
If you're a Trump voter, you should know that you've been getting "jammed" from the start. Many probably already know, but they're hip-deep in the crazy and can't get out.
Funny, I didn't get "jammed" in 2016-2020 but I did get f...ed 2021-2024......
It's not about how you live your life, it's about the lefts desire to tell everyone else how they need to live theirs. Most Americans say, what if I don't want to drive an electric car or have my daughter dress in front of men, the left says tuff, deal with it.
What if I want my kids to be able to go to school without the fear of being shot
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It's not about how you live your life, it's about the lefts desire to tell everyone else how they need to live theirs. Most Americans say, what if I don't want to drive an electric car or have my daughter dress in front of men, the left says tuff, deal with it.
You clearly didn’t think this post through before hitting send, especially as it relates to women and abortion.
Abby... you could still ride your horse to town and burn oil lamps if you want. Some people always complain about change and progress. In 20 years you'll complain about not wanting to give up your electric car for a autonomous car.
It's not about how you live your life, it's about the lefts desire to tell everyone else how they need to live theirs. Most Americans say, what if I don't want to drive an electric car or have my daughter dress in front of men, the left says tuff, deal with it.
Provide examples of where you are being forced to drive an electric car or have your daughter dress in front of men. Actually, the only place I can say that has happened is at Trump's beauty pageants so maybe you are kind of correct on that one.
JFC. I’m not emotionally invested in abortion. And the women of ill repute comment is disgusting. What I am emotionally invested in is not thinking I know more about a woman’s situation than she is herself. I’m invested in letting her decide what she can handle, what she wants her life to look like, what is best for her. I wish even a fraction of the energy put into judging women(because only the women are judged) was put into finding better birth control options for both men and women. Especially men because right now it largely falls on women.

I've never dissolved the responsibility of men in these matters.

Many on the left refuse to acknowledge the fact that abortion is being used as a form of birth control in many cases. They instead choose to highlight other scenarios.
What about the Green New Deal are you against?

Addressing Climate change by using cleaner energy like wind and solar?

Creating new jobs because of that tech growth?

Not needing foreign oil and high gas/oil prices?

Updating our infrastructure? The jobs that come with this investment?

Overhauling our transportation systems?

Cleaning our waterways?

I know the Green New Deal was a platform that the Green party has been trying to implement for about 20 years... not sure why Rs blew up about it in recent years. Its an idea... a mission statement... a direction to head into. It's not law. It's not mandatory. Why the hate other than Trump and other R leaders bitched about it.

I think some of the ideas are far fetched, but see no harm in any of it. Our country needs better transportation as the COVID supply chain issues has demonstrated. Our infrastructure is also in need of modernization. To hell with the middle east oil barons... lets create our own energies to free ourselves from them. Again, what's the big deal about the green deal?
@Hans81 Where ya at, pal?
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