The wheel has turned

Agree, although some flies in the ointment still...

I think democrats are fighting an uphill battle on the inflation front. To be more specific, on everyday stuff like groceries. There was an Atlantic piece that basically said as much, it's not so much about overall inflation, the index, but on the items you have to purchase frequently that keep reminding you of higher prices.
What factors are keeping grocery prices high in 2024?
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I would agree that few people that willingly vote for Trump in the first place would be converted to Harris.

The greater impact, IMO, will be in enthusiasm/turnout from moderates and Dems that might have just stayed home when their options were Biden v Trump.
Yeah, thus far, Trump and Vance haven’t done anything to endear themselves to the people that anre undecided or going to stay home on voting day. Trump, for the first 20 minutes of his inauguration speech, gave it a good try.
do you run into people in real life that either make their preferred pronouns known or demand certain pronouns be used?

i don't think i ever have
Which is why I don't feel bad if I don't get it right. If they wear those pronoun name tags I will go by what they wish to be referred to by. Just show some effort and people won't hate you. They don't expect you to be a mind reader.
Voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.
Honestly, had every intention of voting for him in 2024 until I did some real soul searching the past few weeks.

I have fought a battle with myself for many years that’s because I am a Christian, we align with Conservative views.

I look at what the Bible says, and I don’t know how can ever vote GOP again, no matter who is in charge.

I live my life to treat others how Jesus wants us to treat others, and the hate from the GOP is too much.

So, I am an evangelical who would have had a hard voting for Biden, but now I’m all in for Harris.

Don’t believe me.
Make fun of me.
Doubt me.

I really don’t care, Harris has my vote.

I’m not saying there are a lot of us that think this way, but we are out there.

I know, cool story bro.
Thanks for posting your thoughts. I hope you are not alone.

I am disgusted at what the GOP has become. Meanness is at its core and being the biggest asshole possible no matter the situation has become its raison d’etre.
Which is why I don't feel bad if I don't get it right. If they wear those pronoun name tags I will go by what they wish to be referred to by. Just show some effort and people won't hate you. They don't expect you to be a mind reader.
but people have to pretend that they're the victims of militant pronoun police becuase they have to feel persecuted

it is thier entire political identity
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Voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.
Honestly, had every intention of voting for him in 2024 until I did some real soul searching the past few weeks.

I have fought a battle with myself for many years that’s because I am a Christian, we align with Conservative views.

I look at what the Bible says, and I don’t know how can ever vote GOP again, no matter who is in charge.

I live my life to treat others how Jesus wants us to treat others, and the hate from the GOP is too much.

So, I am an evangelical who would have had a hard voting for Biden, but now I’m all in for Harris.

Don’t believe me.
Make fun of me.
Doubt me.

I really don’t care, Harris has my vote.

I’m not saying there are a lot of us that think this way, but we are out there.

I know, cool story bro.
That’s the thing, the democrats in leadership positions honestly live more like WWJD than Republican LEADERSHIP. Conservatives do not like AOC at all but I always go back to her flying to Texas and raising money after the grid failed while Cruz and Cornyn bolted the country. Biden is a FAR BETTER HUMAN by all accounts than Trump. As is Kamala. I’m happy you recognize that.
That’s the thing, the democrats in leadership positions honestly live more like WWJD than Republican LEADERSHIP. Conservatives do not like AOC at all but I always go back to her flying to Texas and raising money after the grid failed while Cruz and Cornyn bolted the country. Biden is a FAR BETTER HUMAN by all accounts than Trump. As is Kamala. I’m happy you recognize that.
a bar that could not be any lower
Thanks for posting your thoughts. I hope you are not alone.

I am disgusted at what the GOP has become. Meanness is at its core and being the biggest asshole possible no matter the situation has become its raison d’etre.
The GOP completely dropping fiscal conservatism from the platform and agenda has lost me. It was the core value for me when I was in the party.
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A old Iowa City college roomate of mine who now lives down in Asheville just told me he , and his wife, have both decided to switch from Trump to Harris. He cited the stock market and abortion as the reasons. He and I have been at political loggerheads since 1972 when he was all in on Nixon.
So your friends were in on trump but the turning point was killing babies?
I’m surprised that there would be a shift in either direction with Biden stepping aside for Harris. The basic policies of each party aren’t changing. If anything Harris may be a bit farther left than Biden but those people are already voting Dem so there’s no net effect there.
This religion of abortion by the left is next level cult stuff. Why are many of you so emotionally invested in the plight of people who can't seen to manage the simplest of tasks? An overwhelming segment of the population manages to live their lives without seeking an abortion. Yet many of you will run through walls to defend the plight of what is largely a group of women of ill repute.

And for the record, I'm generallly indifferent on this issue, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to cast judgment on people who elect to use it in scenarios that do not include rape, incest or the life of the mother.
Allowing people other than white males to have any sort of rights. You know, basic progressive stuff.
It cracks me up from the standpoint of this “agenda” isn’t on any bill brought up for a vote in Congress. They don’t even know what they’re pissed about.
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I’m surprised that there would be a shift in either direction with Biden stepping aside for Harris. The basic policies of each party aren’t changing. If anything Harris may be a bit farther left than Biden but those people are already voting Dem so there’s no net effect there.
The shift is feelings. Kamala isn’t an old whiny white dude. Will see if it’s a quick high or a long term thing.
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do you run into people in real life that either make their preferred pronouns known or demand certain pronouns be used?

i don't think i ever have
Just like every “Boogieman” that doesn’t exist, that the GOP tries to terrify their sheep with. You will never run into it, or if you do, it will not infringe on your freedom or harm you.

If MAGA isn’t able to terrify you with imaginary boogie men, they can’t win, because they have no agenda or plan that would improve on the average American’s life. They are only about creating more wealth for billionaires.

Example, Democrats will take our guns! 8 years of Clinton, 8 years of Obama, 4 years of Biden….anyone on here know of anyone who had a gun taken away from them during those 20 years of democratic rule?
An overwhelming segment of the population manages to live their lives without seeking an abortion. Yet many of you will run through walls to defend the plight of what is largely a group of women of ill repute.

And for the record, I'm generallly indifferent on this issue, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to cast judgment on people who elect to use it in scenarios that do not include rape, incest or the life of the mother.
I hope you’re just a committed troll. If not, you are just a tremendous asshole.
A old Iowa City college roomate of mine who now lives down in Asheville just told me he , and his wife, have both decided to switch from Trump to Harris. He cited the stock market and abortion as the reasons. He and I have been at political loggerheads since 1972 when he was all in on Nixon.
Once again you’re full of shit.
confused eric cartman GIF by South Park
This religion of abortion by the left is next level cult stuff. Why are many of you so emotionally invested in the plight of people who can't seen to manage the simplest of tasks? An overwhelming segment of the population manages to live their lives without seeking an abortion. Yet many of you will run through walls to defend the plight of what is largely a group of women of ill repute.

And for the record, I'm generallly indifferent on this issue, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to cast judgment on people who elect to use it in scenarios that do not include rape, incest or the life of the mother.
Jesus Christ, this is why I can’t stand Republicans. You only care about yourself, and sometimes not even then.
The shift is feelings. Kamala isn’t an old whiny white dude. Will see if it’s a quick high or a long term thing.
I’ve never voted for or against someone because of their age/color/gender etc. I’m more interested in how they’re going to run things. Silly, isn’t it?
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Just like every “Boogieman” that doesn’t exist that the GOP tries to terrify their sheep with. You will never run into it, or if you do, it will not infringe on your freedom or harm you.

If MAGA isn’t able to terrify you with imaginary boogie men, they can’t win, because they have no agenda or plan that would improve on the average American’s life. They are onlyl about creating more wealth for billionaires.

Example, Democrats will take our guns! 8 years of Clinton, 8 years of Obama, 4 years of Biden….anyone on here know of anyone who had a gun taken away from them during those 20 years of democratic rule?
Yep. They’ve been using the guns argument for 40 years.
Roe v. wade for one.

His liability for sexual assault for two.

Then sprinkle in a smattering of felony convictions, Jan 6, etc.

It’s a different environment than 2020.
American voters must alert their fellow Americans that Kamala Harris is a very serious National Security threat to the very survival of the US Constitutional Republic; she has been a fellow traveler of Marxists, Communists, Maoists, Socialists, Progressives, and Chinese Communists for over 35 years.

President Trump had much more background information on Kamala Harris than we presented here, and he was correct, when he accused Kamala Harris of being a Communist subverter.
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I’ve never voted for or against someone because of their age/color/gender etc. I’m more interested in how they’re going to run things. Silly, isn’t it?
Yeah, but this is why her candidacy is creating a buzz. Will see if it lasts. A lot of the reason Trump got elected was his celebrity/image.
American voters must alert their fellow Americans that Kamala Harris is a very serious National Security threat to the very survival of the US Constitutional Republic; she has been a fellow traveler of Marxists, Communists, Maoists, Socialists, Progressives, and Chinese Communists for over 35 years.

President Trump had much more background information on Kamala Harris than we presented here, and he was correct, when he accused Kamala Harris of being a Communist subverter.
i'm sure he keeps it filed right next to all that information on obama's birthplace that his researchers dug up
That’s the thing, the democrats in leadership positions honestly live more like WWJD than Republican LEADERSHIP. Conservatives do not like AOC at all but I always go back to her flying to Texas and raising money after the grid failed while Cruz and Cornyn bolted the country. Biden is a FAR BETTER HUMAN by all accounts than Trump. As is Kamala. I’m happy you recognize that.

I just bought into a lot of the bullshit, and it hijacked who I was for a long time, I was a pretty shitty person.

It’s not who I want to be anymore.

Must of missed the part of the Bible where is says to not feed hungry kids in the summer.
but people have to pretend that they're the victims of militant pronoun police becuase they have to feel persecuted

it is thier entire political identity
I make an effort. If that's not good enough for them, well that's their problem and I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
Thanks for posting your thoughts. I hope you are not alone.

I am disgusted at what the GOP has become. Meanness is at its core and being the biggest asshole possible no matter the situation has become its raison d’etre.

There won’t be a lot like me. That’s for sure. But this election is going to be very close, so every little bit counts.