The wheel has turned

Really? Because Republicans on here cry about it all the time even though their frustrations are pointed in the wrong direction.
I think most people give entirely too much criticism or credit to whomever is in office when it comes to many economic issues.

Whomever is in office during inflation is going to get punished even if it isn't their fault
This religion of abortion by the left is next level cult stuff. Why are many of you so emotionally invested in the plight of people who can't seen to manage the simplest of tasks? An overwhelming segment of the population manages to live their lives without seeking an abortion. Yet many of you will run through walls to defend the plight of what is largely a group of women of ill repute.

And for the record, I'm generallly indifferent on this issue, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to cast judgment on people who elect to use it in scenarios that do not include rape, incest or the life of the mother.
"Womans Choice" is just the liberal dog whistle for abortion up and to the moment of birth.
Woke agenda. JFC. What is the actual woke agenda?
Health care for all (including illegal immigrants), charging off student debt, green new deal (which will require massive amounts of batteries made from rival China and huge changes/investments in our infrastructure driving up nat’l debt even further), wishy/washy support for Israel, and not really knowing how to define a “woman”…just to name a few.
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Thus far the only thing you guys have managed to muster up is insults.

And the reason for that is that you can't explain why you're so passionate in defending the decision of women to use abortion as a form of birth control.
It's not our fault that "Because it is their choice to make" isn't good enough for you. You don't have to agree with their choice, you don't have to like or support their choice, but you don't get to make it for them either.
I just bought into a lot of the bullshit, and it hijacked who I was for a long time, I was a pretty shitty person.

It’s not who I want to be anymore.

Must of missed the part of the Bible where is says to not feed hungry kids in the summer.
I was more R until the Obama election. I saw many people say racist crap when he won and throughout his terms... it just shocked me that people I thought I knew would say such things. The rhetoric and and tone has only gotten worse in the years since that I am firmly on the D side now. Don not agree with a lot of the platform, but enough of it to stay as long as the Rs party is MAGA.
A old Iowa City college roomate of mine who now lives down in Asheville just told me he , and his wife, have both decided to switch from Trump to Harris. He cited the stock market and abortion as the reasons. He and I have been at political loggerheads since 1972 when he was all in on Nixon.
I'd vote for Nixon, warts and all, over the choices we're going to have in November...
Thus far the only thing you guys have managed to muster up is insults.

And the reason for that is that you can't explain why you're so passionate in defending the decision of women to use abortion as a form of birth control.
“Women of ill repute”?
You see no reason other than rape, incest or life of mother?

Yeah, get lost.
Thanks for posting your thoughts. I hope you are not alone.

I am disgusted at what the GOP has become. Meanness is at its core and being the biggest asshole possible no matter the situation has become its raison d’etre.
Another poster made great point recently…we’re not voting for a homecoming king, i.e. popularity contest…rather their policies and how they can relate to other world leaders, deal with crisis, etc. Kamala would be weak in those areas.
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Health care for all (including illegal immigrants), green new deal, charging off student debt, wishy/washy support for Israel, and not really knowing how to define a “woman”…just to name a few.
What about the Green New Deal are you against?

Addressing Climate change by using cleaner energy like wind and solar?

Creating new jobs because of that tech growth?

Not needing foreign oil and high gas/oil prices?

Updating our infrastructure? The jobs that come with this investment?

Overhauling our transportation systems?

Cleaning our waterways?

I know the Green New Deal was a platform that the Green party has been trying to implement for about 20 years... not sure why Rs blew up about it in recent years. Its an idea... a mission statement... a direction to head into. It's not law. It's not mandatory. Why the hate other than Trump and other R leaders bitched about it.

I think some of the ideas are far fetched, but see no harm in any of it. Our country needs better transportation as the COVID supply chain issues has demonstrated. Our infrastructure is also in need of modernization. To hell with the middle east oil barons... lets create our own energies to free ourselves from them. Again, what's the big deal about the green deal?
Thus far the only thing you guys have managed to muster up is insults.

And the reason for that is that you can't explain why you're so passionate in defending the decision of women to use abortion as a form of birth control.
For one thing, there are insane lows in some places like Texas and Louisiana where even miscarriage care is banned. We have friend's whose married daughter went in for a a checkup and no heartbeat was detected. So then she had an ultrasound and the fetus was dead. They said she would need to come in for a DNC and some states have banned that. She would have to carry it around and hope it came out at some point. And it is sickening how trump says people support 9 month or I think he even says after 9 month abortions like babies are being killed after birth. And you have no idea why people get abortions, just assume they are "largely a group of women of ill repute."
Another poster made great point recently…we’re not voting for a homecoming king, i.e. popularity contest…rather their policies and how they can relate to it their world leaders, deal with crisis, etc. Kamala would be weak in those areas.

Tell me about the policies. Are you more of a free market guy or more of a government tariffs on everything kind of guy? In that same vein, impacts do tariffs have on the price of goods? Are you familiar with the relationship between the price of good and the term inflation?

Ah, world leaders, you liked all the threats about Trump's big nuclear button diplomacy via tweet with North Korea? Did you like Trump siding with that world leader Putin rather than our own intelligence community?

I can appreciate that you'd rather say it's his policies rather than Trump's personality, character and conduct, it indicates you realize he's a reprehensible human being so you'd prefer to have other reasons to back him, but my advice would be to just say it's because he's the Republican. No need to try and educate yourself about the policies or twist yourself in a knot trying to defend them.
For one thing, there are insane lows in some places like Texas and Louisiana where even miscarriage care is banned. We have friend's whose married daughter went in for a a checkup and no heartbeat was detected. So then she had an ultrasound and the fetus was dead. They said she would need to come in for a DNC and some states have banned that. She would have to carry it around and hope it came out at some point. And it is sickening how trump says people support 9 month or I think he even says after 9 month abortions like babies are being killed after birth. And you have no idea why people get abortions, just assume they are "largely a group of women of ill repute."
but its WAY easier to just assume you know why people get abortions and then judge them off those assumptions

what do you expect...actually trying to understand the nuances of an issue?!?!? GET REAL!
Thus far the only thing you guys have managed to muster up is insults.

And the reason for that is that you can't explain why you're so passionate in defending the decision of women to use abortion as a form of birth control.
Birth control doesn’t always work. Same with vasectomies. 60 % of abortions are from women that already have a child. You’re making board assumptions about them being whores. They could be trapped in abusive relationship. Addicts, aids, etc all of the above.
For one thing, there are insane lows in some places like Texas and Louisiana where even miscarriage care is banned. We have friend's whose married daughter went in for a a checkup and no heartbeat was detected. So then she had an ultrasound and the fetus was dead. They said she would need to come in for a DNC and some states have banned that. She would have to carry it around and hope it came out at some point. And it is sickening how trump says people support 9 month or I think he even says after 9 month abortions like babies are being killed after birth. And you have no idea why people get abortions, just assume they are "largely a group of women of ill repute."

Less than 1% of 1% of the population would have an issue removing a dead fetus. But nice try casting this example.
Trump will have a very hard time trying to distance himself from Roe while Vance is on the ticket.

“I certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally,” Vance said in the episode, explaining why regulating abortion at the state level wouldn’t work. “Let’s say Roe v. Wade is overruled,” he said. “Ohio bans abortion … you know, in let’s say 2024. And then, every day, George Soros sends a 747 to Columbus to load up disproportionately Black women to get them to go have abortions in California. And of course, the left will celebrate this as a victory for diversity.”
Keep in mind it's still the case that few of those people want to vote for Trump, and may well still vote for Kamala, however they're tired of the mob of the left's personal attacks over simple political differences.
Roe v Wade is most certainly not a simple political difference. Nearly a quarter of Idaho's OB/GYNs - especially in rural areas - have left the state over fears of being prosecuted for providing necessary care. Women in those areas may have to drive for hours to see a qualified doctor.
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I think there's less of this now than in 2016 and 2020. Being woke and liberal are no longer "cool" like they were then. They no longer carry the immunity to criticism that was so attractive, and people feel more emboldened to say something if they're leaning trump.

It used to be when a liberal would go on about how voting for Trump makes you racist, homophobic, etc...., a conservative would quietly dismiss themselves from conversation and write the liberal off as a nut. Today they're much more likely to tell them to f#ck off and quit brainwashing themselves on MSNBC.

There's also an influx of Gay and Black people fed up with being told what to believe, realizing they went along with it for too long.

Keep in mind it's still the case that few of those people want to vote for Trump, and may well still vote for Kamala, however they're tired of the mob of the left's personal attacks over simple political differences.
You're right, Trump has certainly emboldened the morons.
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Another poster made great point recently…we’re not voting for a homecoming king, i.e. popularity contest…rather their policies and how they can relate to other world leaders, deal with crisis, etc. Kamala would be weak in those areas.
LOL...fvck off if you think Trump has the qualities of which you speak. If Harris is "weak in those areas", Trump is nothing but vapor.
A old Iowa City college roomate of mine who now lives down in Asheville just told me he , and his wife, have both decided to switch from Trump to Harris. He cited the stock market and abortion as the reasons. He and I have been at political loggerheads since 1972 when he was all in on Nixon.
Good work, soybean. Your perseverance is bearing fruit.
I predict others will come to their senses as well.
Gotta couple of cousins who are gonna be tough to turn, but I continue to try.
Roe v Wade doesn't seem to be a great vote effector anymore. Shouldn't we be seeing big effects at state level elections?

The rest of it... again, only if Biden's weakness was masking the hit's Trump would be taking otherwise. But I have my doubts given how much of a piece of shit he already was. He seems fairly well insulated from his behavior. But yeah, always a chance the items you listed pushed enough people over the edge to matter. At this point... I'll believe it when I see it.
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This religion of abortion by the left is next level cult stuff. Why are many of you so emotionally invested in the plight of people who can't seen to manage the simplest of tasks? An overwhelming segment of the population manages to live their lives without seeking an abortion. Yet many of you will run through walls to defend the plight of what is largely a group of women of ill repute.

And for the record, I'm generallly indifferent on this issue, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to cast judgment on people who elect to use it in scenarios that do not include rape, incest or the life of the mother.

I've managed to live my life thus far without breaking my leg. I think the overwhelming segment of the population can say the same thing. I would imagine that if you made leg casts illegal there may be some people that have a problem with that. Do you want medical care for people with broken legs? Why/why not?
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I was more R until the Obama election. I saw many people say racist crap when he won and throughout his terms... it just shocked me that people I thought I knew would say such things. The rhetoric and and tone has only gotten worse in the years since that I am firmly on the D side now. Don not agree with a lot of the platform, but enough of it to stay as long as the Rs party is MAGA.
Obama brought a lot of the underground racism back into full view. I walked into my MIL's luggage shop when she and her partner were talking about something. The topic of the impending election came up and her partner asked me how I could could consider voting for Obama. I asked her why she wouldn't consider him. "Because he's a ni$#er!" she shouted. I was shocked that someone I'd known for years would utter those words. It was then that I realized how naive I'd been and that was the last time I spoke to her partner.
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This religion of abortion by the left is next level cult stuff. Why are many of you so emotionally invested in the plight of people who can't seen to manage the simplest of tasks? An overwhelming segment of the population manages to live their lives without seeking an abortion. Yet many of you will run through walls to defend the plight of what is largely a group of women of ill repute.

And for the record, I'm generallly indifferent on this issue, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to cast judgment on people who elect to use it in scenarios that do not include rape, incest or the life of the mother.
My niece - married with three kids - had an abortion while pregnant with her fourth. A fatal fetal defect was found in the second trimester. If the baby had survived until birth - not a high likelihood - it's life would have ended after a few hours and much pain. It was an incredibly painful AND PERSONAL decision she made with her husband, and you don't have the right - or the intelligence - to judge that decision.

To put it more succinctly - fvck off, asshole.
The thing is you can be pro life and still have a heart. A lot of people don’t understand the far reaching effects roe v wade has on things such as reproductive freedom, infertility treatments and general women’s health. maga wants women to do nothing but produce children (which doesn’t work like they think it does) and shut up and stay in the kitchen.

I’ve read a former trump staffer is fuming because maga men don’t understand a lot of women can’t get pregnant without IVF or infertility treatments. This doesn’t just affect liberal women.
And even then a lot of women still cannot get pregnant, but at least they have the options. My ex-wife (no pic) and I tried for three years, just the fertility part, after eight years of unsuccessful attempts without fertility. I would not wish it on anyone. Even those women that do get pregnant endure an awful rollercoaster ride.
As a pro-life person who opposes Trump, the Dems will likely and smartly go all in and hard on abortion. Referendums have time and time again shown that the pro-life position as it is now is not very popular and it likely played a part in costing the Republicans the senate in 2022.
I am pro choice, I am extremely disappointed by these latest developments. The Republicans are absolutely insane with the social dogma, and the left is absolutely insane catering to any perceived victim in the world. I’ve never voted for a Republican for president or senate.

All that said, I’m a single issue voter this cycle, and it is clear to me that the left being in power is not going to be good for me as it relates to this single issue.
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My niece - married with three kids - had an abortion while pregnant with her fourth. A fatal fetal defect was found in the second trimester. If the baby had survived until birth - not a high likelihood - it's life would have ended after a few hours and much pain. It was an incredibly painful AND PERSONAL decision she made with her husband, and you don't have the right - or the intelligence - to judge that decision.

To put it more succinctly - fvck off, asshole.

A fatal defect is a legitimate reason. Why are you telling me to "fvck off" and calling me an "asshole"?
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Voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.
Honestly, had every intention of voting for him in 2024 until I did some real soul searching the past few weeks.

I have fought a battle with myself for many years that’s because I am a Christian, we align with Conservative views.

I look at what the Bible says, and I don’t know how can ever vote GOP again, no matter who is in charge.

I live my life to treat others how Jesus wants us to treat others, and the hate from the GOP is too much.

So, I am an evangelical who would have had a hard voting for Biden, but now I’m all in for Harris.

Don’t believe me.
Make fun of me.
Doubt me.

I really don’t care, Harris has my vote.

I’m not saying there are a lot of us that think this way, but we are out there.

I know, cool story bro.
Voted for Trump in '16 & '20. Vowed I would vote for any R in '16 NOT named Trump although I did it anyways. I'm on the fence if I will vote for D or R or 3rd party at this point. Trump and school vouchers have really made me rethink my political affiliation also.

CSB also.