Then and Now WWII pictures

"I hope I never live to see anything like this happen in America. But sometimes I wish people over there could at least see it. Sometimes I think they don't quite understand what it's like."
-Sergeant Eldridge Benefield, on viewing the ruins of Aachen, Germany, during World War II
OP Mom’s House Then:


OP Mom’s House Now:
You know, makes me kinda nostalgic for a time when the world seemed much more together. Not to derail the thread but….

We have a similar scenario setting up with the axis of China, Iran, NK and Russia and I just feel like so much division exists that this sort of battle against evil isn’t possible. The West doesn’t have the stomach for a protracted war with lots of deaths. Hell a surprising percentage of US citizens now can’t even agree Hamas is evil and that the civilian deaths that have resulted from the war is actually the fault of Hamas.

Makes me sad actually. I don’t think the world is headed for a long period of peace. I think more likely a long period violence towards the West and its ideals is more likely.
I had a couple of great uncles killed in the war and I was able to find out how each of them died.

One was in the Navy and was killed on the explosion on the USS Turner. They still don't know the cause of the explosion, enemy fire was ruled out. It was suspected that someone made a mistake while trying to disarm a torpedo.

The other was in a foxhole with his friend named Thomas Floyd when artillery came down on them. Floyd got knocked down and crawled out from under some dirt. He got out and took off for cover. When he found cover he found out that my great uncle wasn't there. He asked to go back and look for him but was ordered to wait for daylight. He did so and when daylight came he went back to look for him and found him half buried in dirt with the back of his head missing. He is still buried in Amesterdam. My family has made contact with a lady in Amsterdam who volunteers her time to take care of the graves at the American cemetery there.

Floyd later found out that the artillery was American artillery that fell short.
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