There Was A Time In This Fair Land . . .

1968 was a dramatic and polarizing year in America. And yet, you’re right and the fact that you’re right stinks.
It stinks for all of us. I was in college in ‘68 and I look back on how dramatic some of the events were and it seems like huge events had been happening all through the 60’s - I believe that made so many of us boomers look at things so differently than our WWII Depression parents.
No one knew Cronkite’s politics because it was not what the news was about. He reported the story, and “that was the way it was”.
1968 had some tragic events which grieved our nation:

Feb....Walter Cronkite on his CBS newscast speaks about the
futility of the Viet Nam War.
Mar...President Lyndon Johnson heavily influenced by Cronkite
announces he will not seek re-election.
Apr...Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated and dies in Memphis.
June...Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy is assassinated and
dies in California.
Aug...Police and anti-war protesters clash outside the Democratic
National Convention in Chicago.
Oct...U.S. Dept of Defense announces it will send 24,000 troops back
to Vietnam for involuntary second tour of duty.

Bottom Line: As a college student I thought the world might becoming
to an end before I graduated.
And our childhoods were marked by events like the Cuban Missile Crisis which was a huge thing in FL. We grew up wearing dog tags and practicing for nuclear bombs dropping. JFK was assassinated and it was on TV!
Riots, Kent State killings, friends dying in Vietnam and from drug overdoses.
Definitely not the Leave it to Beaver and Mickey Mouse Club fantasyland we saw on our B&W televisions.
Changed a whole generation mindset.
24/7 news has made nuts out of people on both ends.

both groups could use some friends and time outside.

outside of football season I watch about 60 minutes of TV a day. On Sunday I watch Naked and Afraid which is two hours but I fast forward through commercials.
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