"They don't have the resources here. Watch what you wish for."--Tom Izzo

Why would a coach not impact NIL?
I think that the reason we have a crappy NIL is our team's coach and team's mediocre performance. A good team, an exciting coach and that stuff gets a whole lot better IMO.

I also think the NCAA or Congress needs to pass a rule that puts in place an NIL salary cap. I mean the pros do it for goodness' sake.
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There is a direct correlation between butts in the seats and NIL dollars. The problem right now is that fans have checked out. You bring excitement back, you bring hope back, and the fans will return. The arena will fill, and the NIL dollars will be there.

There are several things that can be done to improve fan engagement, but a new coach is first and foremost by far.
Don’t we have some great attendance numbers in football compared to schools in maybe ranked 25 to 50 range, yet we still under perform in NIL?

So I’m not sure it is simple as that. But of course it makes sense that if Iowa has nil money, they’re going to divide it up amoung sports gaining more revenue
I think that the reason we have a crappy NIL is our team's coach and team's mediocre performance. A good team, an exciting coach and that stuff gets a whole lot better IMO.

I also think the NCAA or Congress needs to pass a rule that puts in place an NIL salary cap. I mean the pros do it for goodness' sake.
I do not think they can do anything without a CBA. Could be wrong.
I think that the reason we have a crappy NIL is our team's coach and team's mediocre performance. A good team, an exciting coach and that stuff gets a whole lot better IMO.

I also think the NCAA or Congress needs to pass a rule that puts in place an NIL salary cap. I mean the pros do it for goodness' sake.

In ideal world, yes we'd have a well thought out Congressional action to make up the rules. The Supreme court decision created this
NIL world which I think will ultimately lead to less college sports revenue. There needs to be revenue sharing given to non-money making sports (mostly women's sports) to keep them going along with money for players and coaches and athletic system bureaucrats. I think too much goes to coaches and bureaucrats and a small number of elite players in the current system. That is opinion.
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I think that the reason we have a crappy NIL is our team's coach and team's mediocre performance. A good team, an exciting coach and that stuff gets a whole lot better IMO.

I also think the NCAA or Congress needs to pass a rule that puts in place an NIL salary cap. I mean the pros do it for goodness' sake.
So you would put a cap on what Caitlin Clark made from all her endorsements?
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So you would put a cap on what Caitlin Clark made from all her endorsements?
Yes. Each team should have a set amount they could spend on paying players or that players could receive in endorsements. It could be pretty high perhaps but set nonetheless.

We cannot have a sport that is sustainable competitively that relies on the top teams having top money and winning consistently for that reason. Unless we want to just make it another pro league and even it has caps.

I'd love to hear others ideas on this. Teams that are able to spend 5-10x what other schools can are simply going to win over and over.
Yes. Each team should have a set amount they could spend on paying players or that players could receive in endorsements. It could be pretty high perhaps but set nonetheless.

We cannot have a sport that is sustainable competitively that relies on the top teams having top money and winning consistently for that reason. Unless we want to just make it another pro league and even it has caps.

I'd love to hear others ideas on this. Teams that are able to spend 5-10x what other schools can are simply going to win over and over.

It's damn tricky once you open the door and allow "endorsement deals" for players.

Yes, pro sports have salary caps, but their isn't a cap on their endorsements... aka NIL.

I wonder how the NFL combats/prevents endorsements deals from the team/ownership? Teams bypassing salary caps by giving a player an "endorsement deal" seems like a pro sport loophole for their salary cap.... If that's a loophole that pro sports block, then it'd make sense to try something similar at the NCAA level?

Would love for NIL to actually be done in the way it was intended.... Endorsements and commercials. Not just buying players by rich alumni and NIL collectives.
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Yes. Each team should have a set amount they could spend on paying players or that players could receive in endorsements. It could be pretty high perhaps but set nonetheless.

We cannot have a sport that is sustainable competitively that relies on the top teams having top money and winning consistently for that reason. Unless we want to just make it another pro league and even it has caps.

I'd love to hear others ideas on this. Teams that are able to spend 5-10x what other schools can are simply going to win over and over.
Supreme Court would overrule it. NCAA would be restricting the student athletes benefits which breaks antitrust laws.
Supreme Court would overrule it. NCAA would be restricting the student athletes benefits which breaks antitrust laws.
Not if the students have a contract and work under the limits of the system. If it is the only game in town, people can agree to participate within it or not.
Not if the students have a contract and work under the limits of the system. If it is the only game in town, people can agree to participate within it or not.
The B10 and SEC are already having meetings (Nashville and New Orleans) with the ADs and league commissioners.

Talks of leaving the NCAA and forming their own governance and super league with a former B10 commissioner.

The schools that oppose what you suggested would leave the NCAA and join the new association. They'd cut their own throats and lose the best players to the new league. You've just created a minor league and major league for college sports.

A 70-team Super League, as proposed in Project Rudy and the College Student Football League. With plans for other sports to follow.
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The only path to a cap and limits is they become employees and rules are collectively bargained.

Without that, everything else a restraint of free trade.
Don’t we have some great attendance numbers in football compared to schools in maybe ranked 25 to 50 range, yet we still under perform in NIL?

So I’m not sure it is simple as that. But of course it makes sense that if Iowa has nil money, they’re going to divide it up amoung sports gaining more revenue
I've heard that our football and women's basketball NIL are in pretty good shape, which corresponds to the strong attendance in those sports. It's the men's basketball where we are said to be among the bottom dwellers in the conference.

Of course, since there are no public records about actual NIL expenditures, this is all just a guess.
The B10 and SEC are already having meetings (Nashville and New Orleans) with the ADs and league commissioners.

Talks of leaving the NCAA and forming their own governance and super league with a former B10 commissioner.

The schools that oppose what you suggested would leave the NCAA and join the new association. They'd cut their own throats and lose the best players to the new league. You've just created a minor league and major league for college sports.

A 70-team Super League, as proposed in Project Rudy and the College Student Football League. With plans for other sports to follow.
Hadn't heard of this. Thanks I'll look into it.