This Female's Perspective on HR

I was going to retire but after reading this thread I feel a few more Iowa women (my sisters) pictures would real help this thread along.
Here is a picture for Fortunata, just so she feels like one of the boys
What I don't understand is the need to post it like we are all a bunch of savages? Only most of us are.

Locker room talk is what? We don't say anything like the Donald Trump locker room talk, it's mainly just a bunch of guys from 25-60 shootin the breeze and talkin wrestling. So we aren't always the most civilized people, I'd rather be like this than be a person whose feelings get hurt over every perceived insult. That is the problem with the far left (and far right).

So goodbye and have a good time in my life.

Ben Dover
What I don't understand is the need to post it like we are all a bunch of savages? Only most of us are.

Locker room talk is what? We don't say anything like the Donald Trump locker room talk, it's mainly just a bunch of guys from 25-60 shootin the breeze and talkin wrestling. So we aren't always the most civilized people, I'd rather be like this than be a person whose feelings get hurt over every perceived insult. That is the problem with the far left (and far right).

So goodbye and have a good time in my life.

Ben Dover

Ben Dover was a teacher @ Sheldon High back in the day.:D
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Let's all remember the OP is the same one who said she would be kneeling during the national anthem at Hawkeye meets. She must be oppressed by all this toxic masculinity.

I never understood why there was an element here that would give her a pass every time she got on her high horse. I think she's the only person here I have on ignore.
First the Rocky Jordan thread went into a midwest pizza debate, now this! Can we get some good news and soon. I check regularly and there just may not be enough quality content for me to warrant charging my phone on a daily basis. I don't watch the news much because I don't have much concern for other people's politcal views. I am not above ignoring every last one of you. Can we skip this part and get back to wtestling?
I apologize for being a man. I apologize for using sarcasm. I apologize to Mark Hall for making fun of his 83% comment. I apologize to The Bull for dreaming about wrestling him and him having his way with me.....ah hell....forget it. Screw you all...I'm gonna dream and say whatever the hell I want!!!!
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Haha...There are so many different spellings for it over here, I figured I would just abbreviate.

If you're being serious, though, think feminine hygiene.

I'm gonna be serious, cause I don't know what you're talking about. The only words coming into my mind are Diaphragm, Dildo, and Deodorant. So, I will guess Deodorant because I have a hard time seeing the first two words in conjunction with feminine hygiene. Maybe if you give me the second letter, I'll do better. Sorry if I am offending some of you with this topic...I am genuinely intrigued
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She's the person who gets mad when you call a black person black and not African American...
Haha...There are so many different spellings for it over here, I figured I would just abbreviate.

If you're being serious, though, think feminine hygiene.

I appreciate your earlier post, as I use the d word way, way too much. I really need to quit using it. On more than one occasion I have said "Mountain Douche" when going through the drive thru at Taco Bell. It just slips out and don't mean to say it. Everytime it's awkward.
My wife is on here all the time. She's on the wrestling board at my kid's school. She works all trackwrestling tournaments and many others. We'll be working tomorrow at UNI. She takes care of financial issues for many clubs. She's never mentioned anything about it being political or sexist. She's a go to person for youth wrestling in Iowa.

Stay away from the news and wrestling if you're so sensitive. Try the Off Topic board, that might be more of your liking.
I appreciate your earlier post, as I use the d word way, way too much. I really need to quit using it. On more than one occasion I have said "Mountain Douche" when going through the drive thru at Taco Bell. It just slips out and don't mean to say it. Everytime it's awkward.

I have a horribly foul mouth privately -- trying to drive anywhere in southern New England will do that to a person. I try to be a little cleaner in public or in print, though (there is a hint in there for you Itsimmer).

EDIT: You're drive-thru story reminds me of an awkward moment at Dunkin Donuts some years back. My Dad always used to refer to croissants as "croysants" when I was a kid. Became a family joke that stuck. Too bad for me when, at the age of 30, I tried to order a "croysant" at the then-girlfriend was horrified.
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I appreciate your earlier post, as I use the d word way, way too much. I really need to quit using it. On more than one occasion I have said "Mountain Douche" when going through the drive thru at Taco Bell. It just slips out and don't mean to say it. Everytime it's awkward.

My fav go to insult...Douchebag. Was big in the 80s and made a comeback.


Michael Hunt (But you guys can call me Mike)
My fav go to insult...Douchebag. Was big in the 80s and made a comeback.


Michael Hunt (But you guys can call me Mike)

In college, about 23 years ago, I worked at a movie theater, and when the movies were over and the crowds were leaving, I would get on the loud speaker and say "Phone call for Mike Hunt" and most of the males would start laughing. Good times...
When I see the name Fortuna, this young man comes to mind. maybe she has some pent up frustration because her brother was killed by the Rebel Alliance.
I appreciate your earlier post, as I use the d word way, way too much. I really need to quit using it. On more than one occasion I have said "Mountain Douche" when going through the drive thru at Taco Bell. It just slips out and don't mean to say it. Everytime it's awkward.


What a hilarious cess pooly thread... This is competing with McAulaghed's missing likes thread.
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