This Has to Be the End of Ferentz

That used to be the way to deal with it. Problem is they don't respond to it.

Stupid opinions and posts deserve to be called just that, and not all opinions are created equal. If the poster can't handle it they don't belong on a message board.
Just because YOU think opinions different than your own are stupid doesn't make them so. It appears there are several posters on here that think YOUR opinions are stupid.
Our receivers dropped lots of balls yesterday. Hill had lots of juice on some balls and they came in pretty hot. He was also sailing some shots over wide open receivers. God, I hope it improves.
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Nobody’s boy, and certainly not a hero. Just a fan speaking the truth which is extremely uncomfortable for some who prefer to ignore the obvious.
5-1 baby! If you want to watch an offensive explosion, watch a different team, Iowa isn’t built that way and never really has been. I’m sorry you can’t come to terms with that truth. We are who we are, it’s been this way for decades, is this your first year watching?
5-1 baby! If you want to watch an offensive explosion, watch a different team, Iowa isn’t built that way and never really has been. I’m sorry you can’t come to terms with that truth. We are who we are, it’s been this way for decades, is this your first year watching?
Having one of the worst offenses in college football should not be acceptable to anyone.
I don't think you are grasping the fact that fans just want an average offense.....not an explosive one.
Are you dumb? U know Def is half the team and is actually counted towards a teams success… thus the HC should get credit for that, except at Iowa=fools
So I'll put you down for "I don't think Iowa fans would be even more pissed if their defense wasn't borderline elite the past two seasons." And I'm the dumb one. 🤪
5-1 baby! If you want to watch an offensive explosion, watch a different team, Iowa isn’t built that way and never really has been. I’m sorry you can’t come to terms with that truth. We are who we are, it’s been this way for decades, is this your first year watching?
This is year 48, to be exact.

So Iowa football is built to have the worst offense in major college football. Duly noted.
If college football teams were rated and evaluated solely on their offenses you'd have a point, but they're not, they're rated and evaluated on wins and losses, of which Iowa is in the upper tier in the country over the last 10 years.
They haven’t been this bad on offense the last 10 years. And the competition of the teams we’re playing right now is as low as it’s ever been. We’ve played 1 good team this year and lost 31-0. And gained 67 yards. We’ll gain about 125 yards this week and probably lose 21-7 to an honestly just ok Wisconsin team. And then we have the dregs of college football left and we can get away with having 200 yards of offense and winning. It’s ridiculous you’re defending this. This just isn’t a recipe for success moving forward with conferences realignment. Our QB in 2 games a 8 rating, which of course is the lowest in the country.
Having one of the worst offenses in college football should not be acceptable to anyone.
I don't think you are grasping the fact that fans just want an average offense.....not an explosive one.
Maybe some of you bitching incessantly about the same shit over and over can’t grasp that this is KF football, not to mention the offensive starters we’re missing. I like offensive production, but a win is a win any way you slice it. Go Hawks, beat Wisconsin!
They haven’t been this bad on offense the last 10 years. And the competition of the teams we’re playing right now is as low as it’s ever been. We’ve played 1 good team this year and lost 31-0. And gained 67 yards. We’ll gain about 125 yards this week and probably lose 21-7 to an honestly just ok Wisconsin team. And then we have the dregs of college football left and we can get away with having 200 yards of offense and winning. It’s ridiculous you’re defending this. This just isn’t a recipe for success moving forward with conferences realignment. Our QB in 2 games a 8 rating, which of course is the lowest in the country.
It’s refreshing to see some realism and honesty around here. Now be prepared to be condemned by the holier-than-thou “true fans” for your heresy and ingratitude.
Just bottom 10, not the worst. Somehow we win way more than we lose though. I actually find that something to be proud of!
So we’re now parsing exactly how close to last we are nationally on offense, as if 120 is something to be proud of. That’s rich.

I wouldn’t say “we win way more than we lose”. That kind of description is dependent on many factors including which seasons you select for reference. KF isn’t much over .500 for his career. And we all know that many of those wins have come thanks to a cream puff non-conference schedule and the extremely weak Big Ten West.
Maybe some of you bitching incessantly about the same shit over and over can’t grasp that this is KF football, not to mention the offensive starters we’re missing. I like offensive production, but a win is a win any way you slice it. Go Hawks, beat Wisconsin!
KF football is designed to have one of the worst offenses in college football? Hmmm.... that's an interesting take. I would like to hear Kirk's reaction to your statement. And for the record.....his offenses have never been as consistently bad as the past 3 years. I don't think this is "KF football."

I find it surprising there are still fans that are fine with the offense. I would bet Kirk isn't.

For the record....please point out where I was unhappy with the win.
5-1 baby! If you want to watch an offensive explosion, watch a different team, Iowa isn’t built that way and never really has been. I’m sorry you can’t come to terms with that truth. We are who we are, it’s been this way for decades, is this your first year watching?
Insane—Iowa being 130th on offense has not been that way for decades. Just stop.
So we’re now parsing exactly how close to last we are nationally on offense, as if 120 is something to be proud of. That’s rich.

I wouldn’t say “we win way more than we lose”. That kind of description is dependent on many factors including which seasons you select for reference. KF isn’t much over .500 for his career. And we all know that many of those wins have come thanks to a cream puff non-conference schedule and the extremely weak Big Ten West.
The schedule is what it is, obviously facts don’t matter to you and your ilk. When was our last losing season?
KF football is designed to have one of the worst offenses in college football? Hmmm.... that's an interesting take. I would like to hear Kirk's reaction to your statement. And for the record.....his offenses have never been as consistently bad as the past 3 years. I don't think this is "KF football."

For the record....please point out where I was unhappy with the win.
I find it funny that guys like @83Hawk actually say Kirk’s offense is designed to do this. You think in the coaches meetings week to week when they’re all sitting down and designing plays and schemes Kirk says let’s go out and go 6-21 passing, gain 67 yards against Penn St and then say let’s wrap it up, that’s football boys.
You are all right! This offense sucks, fire everyone but Phil and Levar! Am I doing this right? I’m going to go live my life now, the rest of you losers can stay online stroking your insecurities! Go Hawks!!
I find it funny that guys like @83Hawk actually say Kirk’s offense is designed to do this. You think in the coaches meetings week to week when they’re all sitting down and designing plays and schemes Kirk says let’s go out and go 6-21 passing, gain 67 yards against Penn St and then say let’s wrap it up, that’s football boys.
What? I have NEVER said all...ever. The post of mine you quoted basically says the opposite!

I think you meant to reference insanehawk.
I find it funny that guys like @83Hawk actually say Kirk’s offense is designed to do this. You think in the coaches meetings week to week when they’re all sitting down and designing plays and schemes Kirk says let’s go out and go 6-21 passing, gain 67 yards against Penn St and then say let’s wrap it up, that’s football boys.
I guess I don’t see the problem. After all, we’re 5-1. It seems to be working like a charm. I say we try and gain 50 in Madison. That will surely translate into 5 more wins down the stretch.
I guess I don’t see the problem. After all, we’re 5-1. It seems to be working like a charm. I say we try and gain 50 in Madison. That will surely translate into 5 more wins down the stretch.
Let's just intentionally run backwards on every play next week to see if we can become the first team in history to win with negative yards.
Maybe some of you bitching incessantly about the same shit over and over can’t grasp that this is KF football, not to mention the offensive starters we’re missing. I like offensive production, but a win is a win any way you slice it. Go Hawks, beat Wisconsin!
How’d that win look at Penn State? Should we just forfeit games against good or better teams because we have zero chance of winning, barring multiple defensive and special teams scores?!?
How’d that win look at Penn State? Should we just forfeit games against good or better teams because we have zero chance of winning, barring multiple defensive and special teams scores?!?
No, we play those ones, because it has been shown that the less yardage we gain and the fewer points we score in blowout losses, the more games we win for the season. There’s some math involved, but just take my word for it.
so you watched the game and cheered for Purdue? Just asking.
Was between kids games and watched some of the 3rd. Brutal.

Remembered a time where I'd figure out a way to stream it or listen to it despite the busy schedule.

Now, I'm to the point where I don't even GAF.

And that bummed me out because I love the Hawks, but there are very few redeeming qualities now.
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I guess I just don't understand how anyone can defend our offensive output any longer regardless of our record. It's been OBJECTIVELY bad regardless of what side of the fence a fan is on. It's clear our coaches have no intent to change that.

People have gotten to a point where they take criticisms of KF and BF personally, at least, that's what I'm seeing here anyway.

Sorry, must be the "mouthbreather" mentality in me showing but I like coaches that at least try and work on something being broken. Instead, we have a coaching staff making fans fight amongst themselves over ideological aspects when it's all up to them anyway.

I must not be looking at things from a logical standpoint trying to hold obvious coaching flaws accountable. Shame on all of us "bad fans."
Just because YOU think opinions different than your own are stupid doesn't make them so. It appears there are several posters on here that think YOUR opinions are stupid.
Lol, when people are quite literally making shit up to be mad about in other threads, that's pretty stupid.

I'm quite satisfied with my assessment of most posters here, including you.

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