"This is exactly what the Trump campaign feared"

In 2016, they rigged it for Hillary by using superdelegates against Bernie.

In 2020, all the candidates dropped out and endorsed Biden as soon as the primary momentum was building for Bernie.

Kamala didn't receive one single vote in 2024.


Yeah Biden beat the conman in 2020. What else?
I've had this discussion too many times lately, and that's saying alot for me. Saying choosing your gender is a freedom is like saying murder is a freedom.

I do understand it, it's wrong. If you don't know, try educating yourself.
So someone's personal behavior that doesn't affect the life or freedom of others to live their life is akin to murder? That's a terrible analogy.
Let's start here:

Russian collusion
Russian bounties
Fine people hoax
Covington hoax
Trump wasn't shot

I could keep going

Maybe you and hawk82 could get together and come up with enough money to buy the Mueller Report and read it together, because neither of you has read it. I suppose you both could have read it, but didn't understand it. lol
So sorry for you another cult member who has never read the Mueller Report. Maybe you are not able to read it or understand it. BAU

Weird how trump got felonies for campaigns violations and Hillary had an 8k fine.
As the article states, that's going to be the messaging they try.

But again, they have an unhealthy elderly raping conman serial lying insurrectionist for a candidate and are now no longer trying to beat an enfeebled old man that can't articulate the danger that puts America in.
So good luck with all that!
As we I have said Torbee should be a layup election for Team Blue now. Don’t screw it up.

Weird how trump got felonies for campaigns violations and Hillary had an 8k fine.

I understand why you would think that weird. kinda
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It's like dems are proud of the fact that they were able to get Biden to drop out so they could throw a curveball to the Trump campaign. Let's not forget how this happened though. They LIED to us to get us to support Biden all the way up to the debate. Obama himself had campaign adds asking for donations for biden.

Dems have to cheat and change the rules by changing candidates after deadlines had been passed. I know you would be jumping on Trump if things were reversed.

Then they spew propaganda like this article to make dems seem like the smart ones. You're not fooling me, and you're not fooling most Americans.

I get that dems have to try to spin this to seem like it's good, but you are pathetic for believing it. You obviously didn't learn a lesson from being lied to about biden.
How did Dems cheat, and what rules were changed, patriot???

I'm late 50s, and delegates have been selecting presidential candidates at their summer convention for as long as I can remember.

This one will be no different.
How did Dems cheat, and what rules were changed, patriot???

I'm late 50s, and delegates have been selecting presidential candidates at their summer convention for as long as I can remember.

This one will be no different.

He is like others on here, throws stuff out hoping it will believed, knowing or not understanding bs.
When it comes to being an absolute idiot, it's tough to beat 82. He's putting on a CLINIC today.
He's the GOAT you have to give him that. The internet has done many good things but one of the negatives is people like 82 used to keep their mouths shut because they would constantly be made fun of and they had no backup. But now all the idiots can congregate online and spew their idiocy and morons like 82 say hey I'm not alone! So they start yapping. 82 would benefit from going back in time and keeping his mouth shut.

"It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it" Please take this advice for your own good 82.
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Maybe you and hawk82 could get together and come up with enough money to buy the Mueller Report and read it together, because neither of you has read it. I suppose you both could have read it, but didn't understand it. lol
You're in a cult
  • Haha
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It's like dems are proud of the fact that they were able to get Biden to drop out so they could throw a curveball to the Trump campaign. Let's not forget how this happened though. They LIED to us to get us to support Biden all the way up to the debate. Obama himself had campaign adds asking for donations for biden.

Dems have to cheat and change the rules by changing candidates after deadlines had been passed. I know you would be jumping on Trump if things were reversed.

Then they spew propaganda like this article to make dems seem like the smart ones. You're not fooling me, and you're not fooling most Americans.

I get that dems have to try to spin this to seem like it's good, but you are pathetic for believing it. You obviously didn't learn a lesson from being lied to about biden.
How did Democrats cheat? Please be specific about the exact party rule or law that was broken.

Since you can’t, we will just recognize that you’re full of shit and a liar.
Swing and a miss.

Republicans know that the same people that were running the show for Biden are also running the show for Kamala or whoever Obama, Pelosi and Clinton appoint.

All these people do is lie and spread propaganda. Republicans are not afraid of them. The truth will win this time around.
You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass!

Yikes. Less then 3 days since Kamala was named the new nominee and one of the richest men in the world is already backing away from his donation pledge... Even the Alt-Right Billionaire's don't like Trump's chances.