This is now Roughing the Passer in the NFL; Thoughts?

The NFL is dead to me. They've made the game completely unwatchable with all of these stupid arbitrary, inconsistent, "rules". The WWE has more integrity than the NFL does now. I'll spend my time watching college and HS games and do something more constructive on Sundays.
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The NFL is dead to me. They've made the game completely unwatchable with all of these stupid arbitrary, inconsistent, "rules". The WWF has more integrity than the NFL does now. I'll spend my time watching college and HS games and do something more constructive on Sundays.
Like watching Tiger win tournaments!
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The NFL is dead to me. They've made the game completely unwatchable with all of these stupid arbitrary, inconsistent, "rules". The WWF has more integrity than the NFL does now. I'll spend my time watching college and HS games and do something more constructive on Sundays.
In fairness, the WWE took away the pile driver! i always loved that move! ;)

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I stopped watching the NFL when the owners let the Anthem Kneelers continue, so I am not up on current rules. However, from that clip, that is NOT roughing the passer. I guess they need to get the QB's some flags. It looks like the NFL is becoming the Nancy Football League.

Nancy Football League . That's pretty good . I am a Packer fan. Mathews should keep playing the same way . Today's call was BS
Im not sure what else you are suppose to do in Matthew's situation. You can't hit low or high so the only option is to wrap up. How else are you suppose to get him down? If he tries to keep his weight off him it's a possibility the qb squirms away. And if you watch as Matthew comes up off the ground, his arms immediately go up to show he had no intention of anything nefarious. If it's going to be this way just blow the play dead once he's touched
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In fairness, the WWE took away the pile driver! i always loved that move! ;)

Your a fan of wwe and its various iterations throughout the years. That just about does it. You disguise it more with seemingly benign thread topics, but your just as much am attention whore as iowahawkeyefbnbbfan4life.
I would like the League to explain how you can tackle someone without taking them to the ground. I remember way back in the glory days of the Steelers, Jack Lambert said that quarterbacks should wear skirts. Seems prophetic now.
Your a fan of wwe and its various iterations throughout the years. That just about does it. You disguise it more with seemingly benign thread topics, but your just as much am attention whore as iowahawkeyefbnbbfan4life.


You're trying to pick a fight with the wrong guy, dude.

Have a nice night.
Im not sure what else you are suppose to do in Matthew's situation. You can't hit low or high so the only option is to wrap up. How else are you suppose to get him down? If he tries to keep his weight off him it's a possibility the qb squirms away. And if you watch as Matthew comes up off the ground, his arms immediately go up to show he had no intention of anything nefarious. If it's going to be this way just blow the play dead once he's touched
Exactly. You go with anything lower and the QB can throw the ball away. It’s becoming extremely difficult to sack a QB in the NFL period
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Exactly. You go with anything lower and the QB can throw the ball away. It’s becoming extremely difficult to sack a QB in the NFL period
Packer fans were b*tching about the Mathews roughing call last week. They forgot about Minny getting called for roughing Rodgers (another BS call), which led to a Packer FG right before half time.

Pretty soon you will not be able to touch the QB and the QB will be wearing flags and you will have to remove both flags to consider him down
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Im not sure what else you are suppose to do in Matthew's situation. You can't hit low or high so the only option is to wrap up. How else are you suppose to get him down? If he tries to keep his weight off him it's a possibility the qb squirms away. And if you watch as Matthew comes up off the ground, his arms immediately go up to show he had no intention of anything nefarious. If it's going to be this way just blow the play dead once he's touched

The downside to the new (?) rule is that eventually roughing the passer will become really roughing the passer.
Same penalty.
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I would like the League to explain how you can tackle someone without taking them to the ground. I remember way back in the glory days of the Steelers, Jack Lambert said that quarterbacks should wear skirts. Seems prophetic now.

This. That looks like a textbook tackle to me. And didn't DRIVE the QB into the ground. Better just put flags on the QB and be done with it. That's where it is heading at this point.

QBs like Cam Newton are going to have such a HUGE advantage. Defense has to try to tackle the "right" way and Cam will make the miss or stiff arm (in the call there)
This. If you're gonna get 15 for tackling the QB, guys will eventually say "What the hell"...and really get a lick in.

True. Getting 15 yards anyway, make the QB think about it. Now the rule will do the opposite of what was intended.

I know QBs are important to the success or the league, but fans like watching defense too!!
I don't watch much NFL anymore but pay attention to a couple of teams. I happened to be watching when that play/penalty occurred and about threw up. Good God it was bad.
That being said, it's obvious why this is happening; fantasy/gambling. They likely lost Garropalo (sp?) yesterday on a non-contact play. Brady was lost a few years ago. Andrew Luck. Manning. Etc. You lose the multi-multi-million dollar guys who can throw the ball all over the world, and you lose interest. Look what they've done to the rules for defensive backs in coverage? I agree you shouldn't be able to take guys head off on a crossing route, but they can hardly play defense anymore. The NFL is a pass-heavy league now (duh, I know) because it creates more points, more fantasy stats, movement, etc. and our minuscule-attention-span society eats it up.
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It’s not just he NFL. Whenever one of our guys on Saturdays makes a hard hit, block or a makes contact anywhere near the sideline I feel panic for a few seconds waiting for flags. These penalties are deciding the outcome of a lot of games lately.
Guy from the Dolphins blows out his knee attempting to avoid a roughing the passer penalty. Good work NFL.

I heard a couple of guys discussing this very thing on ESPN radio this AM. Suddenly guys are going to pull up or vary from proper tackling technique they've been taught since they started playing.

What an asinine rule, call the roughing if a guy goes to the QB's head, or viciously throws him down, or intentionally goes for the knees. I think that's obvious to most fans and officials. The rest is just football.

Barr's tackle on Aaron Rodgers last year was a good football play, nothing dirty about it. Unfortunately Rodgers landed wrong and was injured. It happens. Why does everything require an immediate and broad overreaction?
Take a look. I have some Packer fan friends who are losing their minds. And as you can see, the Packers Head Coach lost his mind as well.


I get the frustration due to stupidity of the rule. However, I think MM looks like an idiot after complaining for weeks on end after the Barr completely legal tackle. The rule was put in for that situation. Don’t land on the QB. He landed on the QB. Nothing the officials can do to ignore it. Limiting head blows with rules is one thing, but trying to regulate random contact injuries with new rules is asinine. It’s football for crying out loud. Sure, regulate the hell out of late hits, but this is so stupid to regulate the most basic of tackles.
Ironic that the Packers have been hurt most by this rule since it's Aaron Rodgers that the rule was created to protect. Poetic justice as far as I'm concerned. Shouldn't have been bitching about the clean hit by Anthony Barr last year and we wouldn't be having this problem, Puke-and-Yellow fans.
Ironic that the Packers have been hurt most by this rule since it's Aaron Rodgers that the rule was created to protect. Poetic justice as far as I'm concerned. Shouldn't have been bitching about the clean hit by Anthony Barr last year and we wouldn't be having this problem, Puke-and-Yellow fans.
Right on brotha!!!! Pansy fudger fans it's your QBs rule.
And by rule, the last 3 on goldylocks were textbook roughing the passer calls.

Go Hawks!
If I hold any offensive records in the NFL...I'm pissed because my records are going to get shattered due to the defense being scared to tackle anyone and definitely worried about hitting a guy going to catch a ball.
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Ironic that the Packers have been hurt most by this rule since it's Aaron Rodgers that the rule was created to protect. Poetic justice as far as I'm concerned. Shouldn't have been bitching about the clean hit by Anthony Barr last year and we wouldn't be having this problem, Puke-and-Yellow fans.

Never have I read a dumber thing. Ever. From: Not a Packers Fan
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Clay Matthews skills have significantly diminished as to his effectiveness. I think that actually makes it worse as far as the mess and confusion that is the interpretation of personal foul/roughing in the NFL this season. What the heck is he supposed to do? Can't go low. Can't go high. Have even less leeway in timing of contact. Can't land with any body weight on the guy being tackled. And so on.
Now they're telling a guy, who has to know that his speed/quickness advantage is waning, that he has an even more complex and confusing thought process to sort through in the fraction of a second before contact.