That $175 million bond isn't going to pay itself.
That $175 million bond isn't going to pay itself.
I know a lot of the media consumption is geared to push the line that Ukraine was responsible, and I know a lot of Russians are morons, but word is still going to filter through that even if it was Ukraine, then Putin didn't keep Russia safe. And, I still think a lot of Russians do not buy that Ukraine supported the attack .Putin's warmongering exposed Moscow to terror: Russia's intelligence services were too stretched dealing with Ukraine and anti-Kremlin activists to stop ISIS - as it's feared death toll will hit 361
Islamic extremists were able to orchestrate their devastating attack on a Moscow concert hall last week because Russia's security services are so stretched amid Putin's war in Ukraine and with dissenters at home, analysts claim.
- The FSB declared Friday's concert hall attack was 'painstakingly planned'
- But analysts claim there were several warning signs that were not heeded
Russia's domestic intelligence service, the FSB, has been ruthlessly effective at detaining Putin's opponents and keeping anti-Kremlin activists in check, not to mention hunting down Ukrainian saboteurs.
But Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 placed unprecedented strain on the organisation, which suddenly became responsible for supporting the war effort while also ensuring the stability of Putin's regime.
War in Ukraine left Russia's FSB too stretched to stop ISIS attack
The FSB said Friday's concert hall attack, in which 139 people lost their lives with 182 wounded, was 'painstakingly' planned and that ISIS-K gunmen had carefully hidden their
ISIS just can't catch a break.
Shoot 'em down.Just this front page but interesting!
That town's essentially on the front lines. Can't imagine why a guy high up in that position would basically be in artillery range of a war zone.A huge FWIW. Poor guy may have died from a heart attack or something and Russia may just be embellishing for propaganda but they are claiming he was killed deep in a bunker in Ukraine.
"Sudden death of a Polish general. Adam Marczak is dead
Brigadier General Adam Marczak, Chief of Staff of EU Operations Command Althea in Monstro, died suddenly on Tuesday.
Publication: 03/26/2024 16:10
General Adam Marczak is dead
Information about the death of the general was provided by the Operational Command of the Armed Forces. “It is with deep regret that we inform you that Brigadier General Adam Marczak, Chief of Staff of EU Operations Command Althea in Mons, passed away on Tuesday 26 March 2024,” the statement said.
The operational command noted that “the general’s unexpected death occurred due to natural causes, during his free time from duty.”
Do you know about time zones?It is amazing how theses posts drop off early and start early.
Yes, Eastern Europe is 8 hours ahead. Get it?Do you know about time zones?
They’ve been seeking pretense to occupy Kosovo for awhile now. Why not in the haze of all of this?