This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

This is how you get a world war

In response to that Pyongyang announced early this week that it will be sending troops in the form of a military engineering unit to support Russian forces on the ground in the Donetsk region. The troops are expected to arrive on the battlefield as soon as next month.
Ilya Ponomarev, a former Russian member of parliament told the UK’s Daily Express that North Korea has become an important bridge between the Kremlin and China. Beijing can indirectly transfer military equipment to Moscow through Pyongyang without falling foul of Western sanctions.
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It makes sense for NK, they have too many mouths to feed to begin with. It's not like their population is going to know any better that they were sent off to be on the front lines figuring out where the Ukrainian positions are. Basically, they don't have a snowball's chance in hell at success but they will keep the heat off Putin, little rocket man gets to hold them up as heroes for fighting against America and the West, they cost Ukraine ammo to kill, and Russia gets to figure out where Ukraine's military positions are.
Hope this is BS because this might finally provoke a major war.

NK says a lot of BS stuff. It's bluster, most likely. At most they might send some tech support on weaponry.
China will nix this. They want NK providing agitation on the US and SK, not causing them headaches outside of Asia. They own NK, they will nix this.
American hostage, Evan Gershkovich went on trial today. Note the classy Russian justice system where the accused stands in a cage with a shaved head.
For some reason Donald Trump keeps saying he'd get Gershkovich out of prison if he's elected, and before inauguration day. If he has that much sway, why not get him out of Russia now?
"I have already lost count of the number of times a Russian plant has been hit by Ukrainian ones #БПЛА . Today we arrived at the Redkinsky chemical plant in the #Тверской region, which is a manufacturer of chemical products for enterprises in the aviation, rocket and space industries"

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Meat grinder just keeps on grinding. Sorry to be repetitive, but I love to see the AA numbers tick back up. Beware the F16 arrival, orcs.
The Ukrainians will be really tempted to commit the F-16's as soon as they start coming online but I hope they wait till they have sufficient numbers to make a real impact.

If they do it piece meal the Russians will have time to learn and adapt.
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The Ukrainians will be really tempted to commit the F-16's as soon as they start coming online but I hope they wait till they have sufficient numbers to make a real impact.

If they do it piece meal the Russians will have time to learn and adapt.
Truth. I hope for a well coordinated and disguised first attack that thumps hard at the orcs. Planes, trains, automobiles, bridges, barracks, radars, etc…
Make it count biggly. Get Uncle Himey, naval drones, UAVs up in force, Neptunes, etc… involved.
Truth. I hope for a well coordinated and disguised first attack that thumps hard at the orcs. Planes, trains, automobiles, bridges, barracks, radars, etc…
Make it count biggly. Get Uncle Himey, naval drones, UAVs up in force, Neptunes, etc… involved.
Pretty good breakdown on how the F-16's can be used.

The Ukrainians will be really tempted to commit the F-16's as soon as they start coming online but I hope they wait till they have sufficient numbers to make a real impact.

If they do it piece meal the Russians will have time to learn and adapt.

It’s better than what they have, and way better than nothing, but it won’t turn this into Desert Storm.
More for the crowd that thinks US AirPower would end this in 48 hours, but no longer show up to comment in the Houthi attack thread.
As far as the Houthi's's about level of commitment.

If the President ordered DOD to annihilate the Houthi threat by any means necessary....we could. We're simply not willing to make that commitment.
As far as the Houthi's's about level of commitment.

If the President ordered DOD to annihilate the Houthi threat by any means necessary....we could. We're simply not willing to make that commitment.
Did the President(s) refuse to make that commitment against the Taliban?

The ‘level of commitment’ actually goes to my argument. We had over 2,700 fixed wing aircraft that generated over 100,000 sorties over roughly five weeks in Desert Storm.

You know how a few dozen F-16s will compare to that, and yet people make statements that indicate they don’t.
Did the President(s) refuse to make that commitment against the Taliban?

The ‘level of commitment’ actually goes to my argument. We had over 2,700 fixed wing aircraft that generated over 100,000 sorties over roughly five weeks in Desert Storm.

You know how a few dozen F-16s will compare to that, and yet people make statements that indicate they don’t.
I think the impact of the F-16's will be, in layman's terms...leveling the playing field in certain areas of the battlespace. Specifically "hot spots" not the entire front. Not enough platforms for that.

If they can mitigate Russian air superiority in those area's that a pretty big impact.
It is hard to believe in summer of 24 Ukraine is air striking into Russia. Probably the most shocking part of war. I was expecting the invasion to be a show of force of air power by Russia who would fairly quickly control most of the Ukrainian air and it never worked out that way. And now they c at stop strikes on Crimea or flank and in Russia.


"Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania called on the European Union to build a line of defense along the bloc's border with Russia and Belarus to protect the EU from military threats and other harmful actions from Moscow.

The leaders of the four countries, which each share a border with either Russia or Belarus, drafted a letter to the EU President detailing the scale and cost of the project. EU countries would be required to commit political and financial support.

"The creation of a system of defense infrastructure along the external border of the EU with Russia and Belarus will meet the acute and urgent need to protect the EU from military and hybrid threats," the letter reads."
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build a line of defense along the bloc's border with Russia and Belarus to protect the EU from military threats and other harmful actions from Moscow.

HELSINKI, Nov 21 (Reuters) - The Finnish Border Guard said on Tuesday Russian authorities were likely heavily involved in transporting migrants to two border crossings that remain open as Finland seeks to curb the flow of migrants from Russia.
More than 500 asylum seekers, mostly from Yemen, Somalia, Syria and Iraq, have arrived in Finland - an eastern outpost of the European Union - via Russia in a sudden surge over the past two weeks, prompting Helsinki to shut half its border crossings and accuse Moscow of funnelling migrants to its border.

Waiting for the Democrats to tell Finland, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia that a wall won't work to stop illegal immigration (like it did in Hungary!).
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