This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Same as below?
How do base bleed shells work?

Base bleed - Wikipedia

Base bleed or base burn (BB) is a system used on some artillery shells to increase range, typically by about 20–35%. It expels gas into the low-pressure area behind the shell to reduce base drag (it does not produce thrust; if it did it would be a rocket-assisted projectile).
You must never pick up a history book.

After the 1999 partition of Serbia NATO quit being just a defensive alliance. The most interesting aspect of that partition is that to this day several NATO nations (that didn’t participate in the bombing) refuse to recognize the partition. I guess someone should ask Spain how they feel about foreign powers backing separatist movements in their country.

After that move, there was the active role in helping jihadists overthrow an African government. Again, no NATO members were threatened, NATO was just used as international imprimatur by neocons to attack another nation and attempt to effect a regime change.

Anyone here want to promise NATO won’t bomb a third country that neither attacks or threatens to attack a NATO member?
How safe is that bet?
Innocent Serbia just minding its own business when NATO came calling. Your revisionism is dramatic. At least you categorically ignore ethnic cleansing.
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Innocent Serbia just minding its own business

Was Sherman minding the Union’s business when he marched to the sea?

Your revisionism is dramatic.

The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA; Albanian: Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës [uʃˈtɾija t͡ʃliɾimˈtaɾɛ ɛˈkɔsɔvəs], UÇK) was an ethnic Albanian separatist militia that sought the separation of Kosovo, the vast majority of which is inhabited by Albanians, from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) and Serbia during the 1990s. Albanian nationalism was a central tenet of the KLA and many in its ranks supported the creation of a Greater Albania, which would encompass all Albanians in the Balkans, stressing Albanian culture, ethnicity and nation.

NATO picked a side in a civil war and attacked.
NATO members were never attacked or threatened with attack.
Irrespective of how justified you feel the intervention is based on the stories you’ve seen, it is not revisionism to say that NATO was neither attacked nor threatened.
The ‘defensive alliance’ became an offensive tool for the interventionists.

When you know how Russia crushed the Chechens does it provide you any insight into how they might eye NATO’s now demonstrated propensity to intervene in a separatist conflict?

This is all the origin of the war we see now.
I read that North Korea is sending troops to Ukraine. That's an interesting development.
They are definitely talking about it and word is in exchange for long range missile help. Sounds like they would be engineering type brigade. I am reading China may squash this though because they know North Korea sending troops in exchange for long range missile help may push the west to truly consider getting rid of North Korea. China does not want a defanged Russia and North Korea. They are running out of worthy military allies fast.
When you know how Russia crushed the Chechens does it provide you any insight into how they might eye NATO’s now demonstrated propensity to intervene in a separatist conflict?

This is all the origin of the war we see now.
Do you mean when Russia completely destroyed Grozny and NATO sat around and watched? What possible concern could Putin have about NATO intervening in conflicts that don't concern it? You and your ilk just keep rolling out that boogieman.
Do you mean when Russia completely destroyed Grozny and NATO sat around and watched?
What possible concern could Putin have about NATO intervening in conflicts that don't concern it?

What countries did NATO nations have to cross to drop bombs in Serbia and Libya?


The Russian war aim is to prevent Ukraine being turned into a stage for military intervention in Russia.

You and your ilk just keep rolling out that boogieman.
My ‘ilk’ are the people like Defense Secretaries Cohen and Perry, or Chancellor Merkel, or any of a bevy of non-Russian historians and foreign policy experts that correctly predicted how Russia would react.

Are you claiming as your ‘ilk’ the people who either deliberately or naïvely pushed the policy that culminated in the present conflict?
I am reading China may squash this though because they know North Korea sending troops in exchange for long range missile help may push the west to truly consider getting rid of North Korea. China does not want a defanged Russia and North Korea. They are running out of worthy military allies fast.

The West isn’t going to start a war with China trying to regime change North Korea.
That would have been out of the question even before North Korea had nukes.
This is Boltonesque, fantasyland stuff.
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You can't go into a warzone helping a side and then complain when the other side kills you. It will be interesting what China and South Korea do with this development.
IF North Korea actually did this I would think NATO countries would speed up their rearmament and growing their armed forces.
Or maybe we would just use tactical nukes...
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The West isn’t going to start a war with China trying to regime change North Korea.
That would have been out of the question even before North Korea had nukes.
This is Boltonesque, fantasyland stuff.
Thing is that you are missing is not even a neocon like Bolton could envision Russia helping North Korea build long range nukes. If that is indeed on the table in exchange for troops / weapons China will know they need to stop it. We are not going to let North Korea build long range nukes.
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What countries did NATO nations have to cross to drop bombs in Serbia and Libya?


The Russian war aim is to prevent Ukraine being turned into a stage for military intervention in Russia.

My ‘ilk’ are the people like Defense Secretaries Cohen and Perry, or Chancellor Merkel, or any of a bevy of non-Russian historians and foreign policy experts that correctly predicted how Russia would react.

Are you claiming as your ‘ilk’ the people who either deliberately or naïvely pushed the policy that culminated in the present conflict?
Merkel. LOL.
Thing is that you are missing is not even a neocon like Bolton could envision Russia helping North Korea build long range nukes. If that is indeed on the table in exchange for troops / weapons China will know they need to stop it. We are not going to let North Korea build long range nukes.

We're not going to let them do what they've already done?

North Korea has already launched satellites.

SEOUL, Feb 28 (Reuters) - North Korea's first spy satellite is "alive", space experts said on Tuesday, after detecting changes in its orbit that suggested Pyongyang was successfully controlling the spacecraft - although its capabilities remain unknown.
After two fiery failures, North Korea successfully launched the Malligyong-1 satellite into orbit in November.

We're not going to let them do what they've already done?

North Korea has already launched satellites.

SEOUL, Feb 28 (Reuters) - North Korea's first spy satellite is "alive", space experts said on Tuesday, after detecting changes in its orbit that suggested Pyongyang was successfully controlling the spacecraft - although its capabilities remain unknown.
After two fiery failures, North Korea successfully launched the Malligyong-1 satellite into orbit in November.

Not at a viable mass scale. But thanks for proving my point that if Russia was to step in and help things would be much different.
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Merkel was right because she made it happen.
She made Putin invade? That's a new one.

Do you think the neocons pushing NATO expansion into Ukraine did so intending to provoke a conflict with Russia, or because they were genuinely naïve to it?
Not at a viable mass scale.

What isn't viable?
How many nukes do you think they need before they have a deterrent?

But thanks for proving my point that if Russia was to step in and help things would be much different.

What would be different?
I've already provided info on the Russian help their nuclear program gets when fsujreed1 started making dumb noises about EMPs.

In 2004, two Russian generals, both EMP experts, warned the EMP Commission that the design for Russia’s Super-EMP warhead, capable of generating high intensity EMP fields over 100,000 volts per meter, was “accidentally” transferred to North Korea. They also said that due to “brain drain,” Russian scientists were in North Korea, as were Chinese and Pakistani scientists according to the Russians, helping with the North’s missile and nuclear weapon programs. In 2009, South Korean military intelligence told their press that Russian scientists are in North Korea helping develop an EMP nuclear weapon. In 2013, a Chinese military commentator stated North Korea has Super-EMP nuclear weapons.
Super-EMP weapons are low-yield and designed to produce not a big kinetic explosion, but rather a high level of gamma rays, which generates the high-frequency E1 EMP that is most damaging to the broadest range of electronics. North Korean nuclear tests, including the first in 2006, whose occurrence was predicted to the EMP Commission two years in advance by the two Russian EMP experts, mostly have yields consistent with the size of a Super-EMP weapon. The Russian generals’ accurate prediction about when North Korea would perform its first nuclear test, and of a yield consistent with a Super-EMP weapon, indicates their warning about a North Korean Super-EMP weapon should be taken very seriously.

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