Arty and Armored People carriers are racing to 16K, while AA is closing in on 900. Wow.
Arty and Armored People carriers are racing to 16K, while AA is closing in on 900. Wow.
This might be a step too far. I am in favor of maintenance and training, but direct combat from Western bases would need to be prepped by plenty of air assets deployed forward to Poland, Romania, and Germany for starters. Probably at least one more nation along the southern tier.
That is a recipe for bad news. Pootie has stirred up a toxic future. That society faces grim circumstances.
Birds. The Ukes are gaining birds.
Everything I am seeing is because Putin refuses to go to defensive stalemate AND is scared to really put already fragile economy into war time setting AND is scared have more call up of citizens for war - the seeming endless supply of weapons and troops is in fact big time getting thin.
Think bottom video is different.
Russia and Azerbaijan have a lot of history together, they both hate Armenians, and both have a fondness for dictators, but Aliyev is getting good at playing both sides as he recognizes how weak Putin has become. He is letting Russia evade sanctions by transiting his county to get critical components in, but he is more than willing to cozy up to Western nations.
These might be some of the ones the Czech’s are sourcing, and if they need money, fine. As long as they blow up upon impact and not when being fired.