This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Did Putin really ever intend to take Kyiv or was it to show force and occupy another part of the country while the primary targets of eastern Ukraine were taken?

It seems like that is going to be the real battle and as much as I want Ukraine to win I’m just not sure
I wonder about those attacks. Has Ukraine claimed responsibility? Azov gone wild? Or could it be a false flag?

I don’t think it is in Ukraine’s strategic interest to bring the fight into Russian territory. At some point they could lose moral authority on the world stage (say for instance a civilian gets killed) and that may complicate a path to peace and the unified outrage the world has at Russia.

It IS in Russia’s interest to give China and India a plausible reason to provide economic and military support. Showing this as a war on both territories could do just that.
I don't think this attack on an oil depot would raise the needle on escalation, such as bringing in China or getting people riled up on defending the motherland from an pending Ukrainian invasion. It's pretty clearly a military target. Also probably rules out a false flag in that case as well. If you're going to do it, you're going to bomb your own civilian population (school, apartments, etc) to stir up thirst for war. Russia, specifically, Putin has this in his playbook, which is how he got into power anyway.

Pretty smart by Ukraine on taking down a fuel depot close to the border, which is likely going to make a withdrawal/relocate/redeployment even more difficult from a logistical standpoint.
Did Putin really ever intend to take Kyiv or was it to show force and occupy another part of the country while the primary targets of eastern Ukraine were taken?

It seems like that is going to be the real battle and as much as I want Ukraine to win I’m just not sure
Yes. It was close to the border and c&c for most of the country. He could then assume control of the country.
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Former SACEUR Breedlove fairly critical of US results in getting Ukraine military what they need in a timely fashion. Also believes the Polish MiGs should be sent to Ukraine. Any excuses about logistics are just for fear of not pissing off Putin.

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I apologize if this has been discussed. Russia’s major export is natural gas and oil and other minerals, and that is the life blood of their country. Is it possible that maybe their reserves are much more depleted than what anyone knows(except the Russians) and that is what is driving Russia to invade Ukraine and basically try to capture all the Black Sea and newly found shale deposits. Obviously they do not want Ukraine being a leader in energy sales, and a major competitor of Russia, but is it possible that Putin is panicked by knowing they don’t have as much gas and oil as what they broadcast? He is terrified of losing the most significant income that Russia has and that is why he is acting irrationally.
I wonder about those attacks. Has Ukraine claimed responsibility? Azov gone wild? Or could it be a false flag?

I don’t think it is in Ukraine’s strategic interest to bring the fight into Russian territory. At some point they could lose moral authority on the world stage (say for instance a civilian gets killed) and that may complicate a path to peace and the unified outrage the world has at Russia.

It IS in Russia’s interest to give China and India a plausible reason to provide economic and military support. Showing this as a war on both territories could do just that.
As long as they stick to military targets they have every right to go into Russia and blow shit up. They certainly won't lose any moral authority. As poorly as the Russians have performed in this operation I wouldn't be surprised if it were Russians who got lost and started blowing up the wrong things.
The thing that strikes me with the attack is that it is by helicopter. Not some short range missile, artillery, or even jet. But slow moving helicopters and they weren't shot down. Either they caught the Russians with their pants down, or there must be some advanced jamming of radars and such going on.
The thing that strikes me with the attack is that it is by helicopter. Not some short range missile, artillery, or even jet. But slow moving helicopters and they weren't shot down. Either they caught the Russians with their pants down, or there must be some advanced jamming of radars and such going on.
I'd bet on pants down....
How Flynn reached his positions, I will not ever understand

I hadn't heard of him until seeing this episode of Declassified on CNN:

He was in charge of the effort to find and kill Zarqawi and leveraged that success into the furtherance of his career.

I think he became radicalized fighting AQ.
He's off the deep end now, but if you can catch that episode somewhere it was really interesting.
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