This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Totally agree...but.

If this war doesn't come to a conclusion in the next couple months it'll be difficult to keep that unity. Especially if energy costs spike next winter in Europe. There's also the hit worldwide Wheat shortages and price hikes an extended war would cause...

Putin's not above dragging this thing out and hoping the "West" cracks.

Apologize for being the board pessimist...
I think this is a fair assessment and I definitely agree that we should provide Ukraine with all the jets they want in addition to offensive weaponry. Russia doesn't have to have a single troop inside Ukraine to level cities. I'm in favor of providing Ukraine with weapons they can use to try and not only get air control of Ukraine but also to try to attack any spot that launches missiles at them regardless of where they come from.
I wonder about those attacks. Has Ukraine claimed responsibility? Azov gone wild? Or could it be a false flag?

I don’t think it is in Ukraine’s strategic interest to bring the fight into Russian territory. At some point they could lose moral authority on the world stage (say for instance a civilian gets killed) and that may complicate a path to peace and the unified outrage the world has at Russia.

It IS in Russia’s interest to give China and India a plausible reason to provide economic and military support. Showing this as a war on both territories could do just that.
India ain't doing shit. Squirelling cheap oil yes. They need to since the country is run by a shit show moron. Sending troops haha. Hell no. They're already fighting the India.
India ain't doing shit. Squirelling cheap oil yes. They need to since the country is run by a shit show moron. Sending troops haha. Hell no. They're already fighting the India.
India has been cozying up to Russia but you have to imagine this might open their eyes a bit.

1. Russian weapons are useless apparently.
2. Russia has been cozying up to China who (aside from Pakistan) is India's biggest concern. They aren't going to have Russian assistance against China.
3. The US has always refused to sell arms to India, that has changed and we are now willing to do so.

If I'm India I'd much rather have the US as an arms dealer and ally against China than Russia who can only really provide me potentially cheap oil.
India has been cozying up to Russia but you have to imagine this might open their eyes a bit.

1. Russian weapons are useless apparently.
2. Russia has been cozying up to China who (aside from Pakistan) is India's biggest concern. They aren't going to have Russian assistance against China.
3. The US has always refused to sell arms to India, that has changed and we are now willing to do so.

If I'm India I'd much rather have the US as an arms dealer and ally against China than Russia who can only really provide me potentially cheap oil.
India knows they have BIG PROBLEMS. There's a reason their next carrier fighter will be the Superhornet and not the Mig-29. They can see what is going on. All of which you have stated is correct. It's a fake ass balancing act but they know Russia's days are numbered.
You ever been to Germany? They're everywhere.

They're making a real effort.

We could have done more in the past, we didn't. Just have to deal with the reality and not pretend there's a magic wand that will ween us off fossil fuels for some time to come...
People could start by not voting for politicians who keep blocking renewables in legislation.
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Interesting, guess they thought they wouldn’t actually stand a chance at the outset:

The administration initially chose not to share targeting intelligence with Ukraine, but after criticism from Congress, it relented.
The Urkaine will to fight vs thr Afghanistan will to fight. Probably some of the hedging came from the recent fall of Afghanistan Army.
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From a 16-year-old girl in Mariupol:

Today we talked for 3 hours with Katya.
She is also from Mariupol. She is 16, and has a 5 year old brother.
Further a recording of her words:
“Do you know that feeling when it hurts? I once fell in love with a boy, he didn't respond, and I thought it hurt. But it turned out that it hurts to see your mother slowly die in front of you. And her brother keeps coming up to her and say: "Mommy, don't sleep, you'll freeze." And we will never be able to visit her grave. She remained in the dark, damp basement. We went to the toilet, slept, ate leftovers - all in the same basement. Somehow Uncle Kolya caught a pigeon, it was probably on the fifth or sixth day, and we fried it and ate it. And then we all vomited.
Mom held on to the last, just three days before our evacuation, she died. I told my brother that she was fast asleep and should not be awakened. But he seems to understand everything. He understood back when our neighbor died in the basement, and, we couldn't carry her out [due to constant shelling], and she began to smell. When it [the bombing] became quiet and Uncle Kolya carried her outside, he exploded on a trip wire. Mom cried a lot. After the death of dad, Uncle Kolya was the closest person.
… corpses stink so much. They were everywhere. I covered my brother's eyes with my mother's scarf so that he would not see this. While we were running, I almost vomited several times.
I no longer believe in your God. If He existed, we would not suffer. My mother never, you hear, never did anything wrong. She even left Uncle Kolya to sleep in another room until they got married. She went to church and went to confession often, and so did I. Uncle Kolya even quit smoking so that his mother would not be nervous that it was a sin. And your God took her away. Here the priest said something to me that my mother would serve God, but no, she would serve better here, bringing us up.
I hate Russia. My own uncle lives there. Do you know what he said to me on the phone today? "Katya? Who is Katya? Girl, I don't know you. What war, what Katya? And then he wrote from another [burner] number “Katya, never write to me again. It is not safe for me and my family. It won't return your Mom.” I hate them! That was his own sister! How is it possible?
… you know, I think that I will return to Mariupol. And I will live in the same place. And every year, on the same day, I will go down to the basement of a new house and lay flowers.
It’s also scary when children cry, because they shouldn't. Shouldn't be heard. These freaks found people in basements and killed them. Those who survived said that the Russian invaders would rape children and the elderly, and even corpses. If there is a God, why does He allow it?
I don't want to live anymore. We'll probably be divided now, and I may not see my brother agin. What's it all for? Why did this Putin went to "save us"? We lived well, even bought a car. Uncle Kolya promised to teach me how to drive. They burned it. And there is no apartment anymore. I want to die, but I can't.
… hug your kids! Otherwise, when you will be gone, they will not remember your smell. If I endure and have children someday, I will hug them 24/7."
Account recorded by Vira Khvust

Interesting, guess they thought they wouldn’t actually stand a chance at the outset:

The administration initially chose not to share targeting intelligence with Ukraine, but after criticism from Congress, it relented.
I hope we really crank up production and make deliveries. This is what we do better than any other country, and this is a chance to fully flex our military/technological dominance which our defense budget has created. If we can't deliver enough systems for Ukraine in this modern battlefield, then we need to reexamine where all the defense dollars are being spent...
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Interesting, guess they thought they wouldn’t actually stand a chance at the outset:

The administration initially chose not to share targeting intelligence with Ukraine, but after criticism from Congress, it relented.
I think basically everyone called this wrong...

Brought this up a few times....brings into question China's military capabilities. Might make China reevaluate their own capabilities...
I apologize if this has been discussed. Russia’s major export is natural gas and oil and other minerals, and that is the life blood of their country. Is it possible that maybe their reserves are much more depleted than what anyone knows(except the Russians) and that is what is driving Russia to invade Ukraine and basically try to capture all the Black Sea and newly found shale deposits. Obviously they do not want Ukraine being a leader in energy sales, and a major competitor of Russia, but is it possible that Putin is panicked by knowing they don’t have as much gas and oil as what they broadcast? He is terrified of losing the most significant income that Russia has and that is why he is acting irrationally.

With all the oil gas companies operating there I would guess that type of intel would be known.
I think basically everyone called this wrong...

Brought this up a few times....brings into question China's military capabilities. Might make China reevaluate their own capabilities...
Logistics over the Taiwan Straits is no easy feat.
In addition to the famous Mulberry harbors at Normandy there was Operation Pluto:

Operation Pluto (Pipeline Under the Ocean or Pipeline Underwater Transportation of Oil, also written Operation PLUTO) was an operation by British engineers, oil companies and the British Armed Forces to construct submarine oil pipelines under the English Channel in support of Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of Normandy

The British War Office estimated that petrol, oil and lubricants (POL) would account for 60 per cent or more by weight of the supplies required by the expeditionary forces. Pipelines would reduce the reliance on coastal tankers, which could be affected by bad weather, were subject to air attack, and needed to be offloaded into vulnerable storage tanks ashore
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I hope we really crank up production and make deliveries. This is what we do better than any other country, and this is a chance to fully flex our military/technological dominance which our defense budget has created. If we can't deliver enough systems for Ukraine in this modern battlefield, then we need to reexamine where all the defense dollars are being spent...
Agree. Plus this is a live exercise unlike a war game or planned drills...a test of actual real time operations expertise.
This is what you’d expect in North Korea.
I saw this and wanted to kind of compare, so read through this thread, then come back.

Ok, so, when dealing with KIA/WIA. I mentioned before I was an FCS 1SG (Forward Support Company First Sergeant) and a GSB SPONCO (Support Ops NCO, E8 working for the SPO, a Major).

So how we would do this. First with wounded. A combat unit, Armor, Infantry, Cav, doesn't have organic medical other than medics and Combat Lifesavers. The medics can perform basic treatment, the CLS can perform lifesaving emergency stuff (life apply a tourniquet or dressing, stop the bleeding). We have a few levels above that.

First, depending on the structure, an FSC with have a small med section. Then we have Charlie Med (C Company in a BSB is always Med Company, B is always Field Maintenance), which is an organic medical company (think Battalion Aid in MASH).

Part of my job as SPO was to plan for medical contingencies. Basically, if you have an Infantry BN in reserve, they won't need the same level/amount of treatment as one that will see heavy combat, so you plan for that. Between allotting the number of 68W (the medics) to positioning of C Med on the battlefield, it all needs planned, checked, verifies and rehearsed. If it's not, people die needlessly.

So, when people die (apply this to equipment that is damaged/destroyed, same principles), you have to recover the bodies. A BSB will have a Mortuary Affairs section that's in charge of recovery teams. Those are the dude that recover the remains on the battlefield. And yes, we recover everyone if at all possible, or as much of them as possible (bombs, IEDs, mortars, arty, tanks, etc can do a number on a human body, imagine a raccoon 3 days after being hit by a car).

Again, the capabilities for MA MUST be planned for. Estimates of casualties, how much ice is needed (for the bodies, good reason for this) the trans needed, body bags, how many on the recovery teams, etc, location of the recovery teams and the collection point (where the remains are brought to) are all planned, checked, Yada Yada.

So,, the Russians did none of that, at all. No med support, no plans for it, no MA, no collection points, nothing. Why? Because the Russian military and national leadership doesn't care. The troops are Cannon fodder.

<When I was in 2/11 CAV in Bad Kissingen, we would joke about being Cannon fodder and a speed bump for the Soviets. But we knew, our support wouldn't just leave us if they could get us, it was just the black humor of knowing what we would face if they came across the border> <looking back, maybe we overestimated...>

<Oh, and everything above, other than the 2/11 stuff, was the abbreviated version of the short story. The short story is about 4 more paragraphs>

I saw this and wanted to kind of compare, so read through this thread, then come back.

Ok, so, when dealing with KIA/WIA. I mentioned before I was an FCS 1SG (Forward Support Company First Sergeant) and a GSB SPONCO (Support Ops NCO, E8 working for the SPO, a Major).

So how we would do this. First with wounded. A combat unit, Armor, Infantry, Cav, doesn't have organic medical other than medics and Combat Lifesavers. The medics can perform basic treatment, the CLS can perform lifesaving emergency stuff (life apply a tourniquet or dressing, stop the bleeding). We have a few levels above that.

First, depending on the structure, an FSC with have a small med section. Then we have Charlie Med (C Company in a BSB is always Med Company, B is always Field Maintenance), which is an organic medical company (think Battalion Aid in MASH).

Part of my job as SPO was to plan for medical contingencies. Basically, if you have an Infantry BN in reserve, they won't need the same level/amount of treatment as one that will see heavy combat, so you plan for that. Between allotting the number of 68W (the medics) to positioning of C Med on the battlefield, it all needs planned, checked, verifies and rehearsed. If it's not, people die needlessly.

So, when people die (apply this to equipment that is damaged/destroyed, same principles), you have to recover the bodies. A BSB will have a Mortuary Affairs section that's in charge of recovery teams. Those are the dude that recover the remains on the battlefield. And yes, we recover everyone if at all possible, or as much of them as possible (bombs, IEDs, mortars, arty, tanks, etc can do a number on a human body, imagine a raccoon 3 days after being hit by a car).

Again, the capabilities for MA MUST be planned for. Estimates of casualties, how much ice is needed (for the bodies, good reason for this) the trans needed, body bags, how many on the recovery teams, etc, location of the recovery teams and the collection point (where the remains are brought to) are all planned, checked, Yada Yada.

So,, the Russians did none of that, at all. No med support, no plans for it, no MA, no collection points, nothing. Why? Because the Russian military and national leadership doesn't care. The troops are Cannon fodder.

<When I was in 2/11 CAV in Bad Kissingen, we would joke about being Cannon fodder and a speed bump for the Soviets. But we knew, our support wouldn't just leave us if they could get us, it was just the black humor of knowing what we would face if they came across the border> <looking back, maybe we overestimated...>

<Oh, and everything above, other than the 2/11 stuff, was the abbreviated version of the short story. The short story is about 4 more paragraphs>

Didn't want to edit. For med stuff, we would also coordinate with Med Brigade and all of their elements (Field Hosp, Area med support, etc) and with aviation assets that would provide MEDEVAC/CASEVAC. So, a LOT of our planning was taken up with medical requirements and MA assistance, because those are both HIGH priorities on a BDE commanders list of requirements.
I saw this and wanted to kind of compare, so read through this thread, then come back.

Ok, so, when dealing with KIA/WIA. I mentioned before I was an FCS 1SG (Forward Support Company First Sergeant) and a GSB SPONCO (Support Ops NCO, E8 working for the SPO, a Major).

So how we would do this. First with wounded. A combat unit, Armor, Infantry, Cav, doesn't have organic medical other than medics and Combat Lifesavers. The medics can perform basic treatment, the CLS can perform lifesaving emergency stuff (life apply a tourniquet or dressing, stop the bleeding). We have a few levels above that.

First, depending on the structure, an FSC with have a small med section. Then we have Charlie Med (C Company in a BSB is always Med Company, B is always Field Maintenance), which is an organic medical company (think Battalion Aid in MASH).

Part of my job as SPO was to plan for medical contingencies. Basically, if you have an Infantry BN in reserve, they won't need the same level/amount of treatment as one that will see heavy combat, so you plan for that. Between allotting the number of 68W (the medics) to positioning of C Med on the battlefield, it all needs planned, checked, verifies and rehearsed. If it's not, people die needlessly.

So, when people die (apply this to equipment that is damaged/destroyed, same principles), you have to recover the bodies. A BSB will have a Mortuary Affairs section that's in charge of recovery teams. Those are the dude that recover the remains on the battlefield. And yes, we recover everyone if at all possible, or as much of them as possible (bombs, IEDs, mortars, arty, tanks, etc can do a number on a human body, imagine a raccoon 3 days after being hit by a car).

Again, the capabilities for MA MUST be planned for. Estimates of casualties, how much ice is needed (for the bodies, good reason for this) the trans needed, body bags, how many on the recovery teams, etc, location of the recovery teams and the collection point (where the remains are brought to) are all planned, checked, Yada Yada.

So,, the Russians did none of that, at all. No med support, no plans for it, no MA, no collection points, nothing. Why? Because the Russian military and national leadership doesn't care. The troops are Cannon fodder.

<When I was in 2/11 CAV in Bad Kissingen, we would joke about being Cannon fodder and a speed bump for the Soviets. But we knew, our support wouldn't just leave us if they could get us, it was just the black humor of knowing what we would face if they came across the border> <looking back, maybe we overestimated...>

<Oh, and everything above, other than the 2/11 stuff, was the abbreviated version of the short story. The short story is about 4 more paragraphs>

You take the words out of my mouth. Everything you mentioned needed was there in Iraq 2003.

This is a complete shite show by Russia. I do feel really bad for the junior conscripts