This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

That's great and all, but if it comes to that the casualties will be massive. The fact we have to include nuclear weapons is scary as hell.

Also, what will Iran and China do?
A few random thoughts...

1 How many people have to taste test Putin's meals these days before he eats

2. Iowa Farm Bureau acts like they are so good....why don't they send over a couple billion dollars in food to Ukraine.

3. I really want to know what the Massaad is up to in Moscow.

4. How many people have been shipped to Siberia Gulags
What's crazy to me is right now, throughout the Balkans and former Warsaw Pact, Mig 29s, Mig 31s, and Su 25s are getting their Polish and Slovakian and Bulgarian national markings painted over, and will be taking off from NATO airfields piloted by Ukrainian and "Volunteer" pilots, and vectored to their targets by NATO AWACS and spy planes, to shoot down Russian warplanes and bomb Russian columns in the Ukraine.

Hopefully a lot of "volunteer" pilots
Oooohh.....dat gon' raise the Nat-Alarm!!!!!

EDIT: Or, is it now the Nat-Signal....
I've always been skeptical of Nat actually being a Russian troll. I mean, is the number of people trafficking HROT really worthy of that sort of attention? But it is weird AF that he hasn't shown up here since stuff starting getting real.
Show of hands: who among you thought that in the course of about 24 hours you’d see all of (1) Germany agree to spend 2% of its budget on defense, (2) the bosphorus closing in part, and (3) Swiss banks freezing bad guys’ accounts?
I’ll see you those and raise you JAPAN CONSIDERING HOSTING AMERICAN NUKES.
(of the undetonated variety)

And really, with that socialism comment ..... considering @torbee 's visual aid contributions earlier, I don't think the masturbation occurring in regards to this thread has much of anything to do with politics.

At least actually read the thread before making a generalization, jackazz.
If Kyiv survives tonight and tomorrow night, hopefully it will be a turning point.

I think Russian deployment is supposed to be up to 70%+ more. Given the losses they've taken and are likely to take, this might be the biggest force they're going to have out there.

That's great and all, but if it comes to that the casualties will be massive. The fact we have to include nuclear weapons is scary as hell.

Also, what will Iran and China do?
Iran know their military tech is no better than Russia’s. China is noticing the free world isn’t going to put up with Bullshit.

this like getting a new V8 Mustang and feeling hot shit only to notice in the morning the neighbor is getting a Tesla Model S unloaded off a flatbed.
What's crazy to me is right now, throughout the Balkans and former Warsaw Pact, Mig 29s, Mig 31s, and Su 25s are getting their Polish and Slovakian and Bulgarian national markings painted over, and will be taking off from NATO airfields piloted by Ukrainian and "Volunteer" pilots, and vectored to their targets by NATO AWACS and spy planes, to shoot down Russian warplanes and bomb Russian columns in the Ukraine.
Nonsense. Those AWACS will merely be on training missions:).

Oh, and FIFY.