This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

I will admit I don't know the details of how the Russian army functions and deploys. But let's say that Russia raises 2M soldiers to deploy. What does that look like? It would seem that their tank supply is being depleted and they are fielding some old shit right now. Are they going to charge across fields on foot? Or are they just going to hunker down in buildings in captured cities like cockroaches? It's not like they are jihadis willing to blow themselves up in a wave of suicide bombings.
Good POV. They may increase troop numbers, but they won't be highly trained in a short period of time.

Strictly grunts as cannon fodder.

Pilots and tank operators aren't being recruited.

And as others have stated...I believe Crimea must return to Ukraine when this is over.
So he can blame them when they lose?

I found this bit amusing: "In support of the current regime in Kyiv, as you know, nearly all of the NATO stocks from their arsenals have been sent to Ukraine, which means that we should and will study these weapons, and [see] what is used against us," Putin said." Actually Vlad, you have not begun taste what we have cooking in the NATO arsenal. No donated modern jets let alone top of the line jets, no direct air support, no long range missiles, no top of the line main battle tanks, no top top of the line drones, no naval bombardment/support, etc. Russia is like the Titanic and it has only fatally scraped the tip of the iceberg.
If Putin annexes Ukrainian lands during his speech today this “conflict” might go full-scale war
If Putin annexes Ukrainian lands during his speech today this “conflict” might go full-scale war
I wonder how seriously the West would take this-they have long said that Russian annexation will not be honored.
They could just say again that it means nothing. (I noticed some countries have already done this today.)

But if Putin uses this as an excuse to go all in, will we see the West mobilize for the war? AFAIK the forces mobilized and sent for "exercises" when Putin invaded are still in Europe. Will we see others join them?
I think this is supposed to say support them if Russia declares war. If I was Belarus I would continue to drag my feet rather than face annihilation.

"Waiting for Putin's speech on Russian state television. There is speculation as to whether Putin will announce a general mobilization or whether #Ukraine will officially declare war. If the latter occurs, #Belarus must provide military support according to a bilateral agreement #Russland ."

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They won WW2 because they had the manpower to learn from their mistakes and the Red Army of 1943-45 was much better led and equipped than Putin’s Russian band of clowns.
Yes, and also equipped with a shit-ton of US-given lend/lease equipment.

Kinda like Ukraine is now.
One things for certain Stuttering Joes 6 rounds of sanctions have done nothing but backfire on him.

What have all the sanctions produced? The Russian economy did not collapse, and Putin consolidated his power.

America and its Western allies became a hostage of sanctions and found themselves trapped between their convictions and economic realities. From this untenable situation, they could see no exit and continued doing the same things expecting different results.

But there is more.

“When you strike at a king, you must kill him.” The West failed to kill the king; if history is any guide, he will come back with a vengeance.

Thus far, Moscow has honored its contractual obligation to the extent possible under the sanctions. It has not used its leverage over the world economies yet. Putin may be waiting for the help of Russia’s most powerful ally – winter.

Given the interdependency of the world economies, the logical approach would be to stop economic masochism and a return to the period of Donald Trump’s political and economic sanity before we inflict irreparable damage to world commerce.

Unfortunately, there is no conceivable basis for such reversal. President Biden is not known for a logical approach. Biden’s logic is the logic of failure. Incapable of foreseeing impending catastrophes, the President doesn’t recognize the danger until it comes.
Nat Algren's buddy just showed.
One things for certain Stuttering Joes 6 rounds of sanctions have done nothing but backfire on him.

What have all the sanctions produced? The Russian economy did not collapse, and Putin consolidated his power.

America and its Western allies became a hostage of sanctions and found themselves trapped between their convictions and economic realities. From this untenable situation, they could see no exit and continued doing the same things expecting different results.

But there is more.

“When you strike at a king, you must kill him.” The West failed to kill the king; if history is any guide, he will come back with a vengeance.

Thus far, Moscow has honored its contractual obligation to the extent possible under the sanctions. It has not used its leverage over the world economies yet. Putin may be waiting for the help of Russia’s most powerful ally – winter.

Given the interdependency of the world economies, the logical approach would be to stop economic masochism and a return to the period of Donald Trump’s political and economic sanity before we inflict irreparable damage to world commerce.

Unfortunately, there is no conceivable basis for such reversal. President Biden is not known for a logical approach. Biden’s logic is the logic of failure. Incapable of foreseeing impending catastrophes, the President doesn’t recognize the danger until it comes.
You are about to be mobilized and head to the front lines. Godspeed comrade.
One things for certain Stuttering Joes 6 rounds of sanctions have done nothing but backfire on him.

What have all the sanctions produced? The Russian economy did not collapse, and Putin consolidated his power.

America and its Western allies became a hostage of sanctions and found themselves trapped between their convictions and economic realities. From this untenable situation, they could see no exit and continued doing the same things expecting different results.

But there is more.

“When you strike at a king, you must kill him.” The West failed to kill the king; if history is any guide, he will come back with a vengeance.

Thus far, Moscow has honored its contractual obligation to the extent possible under the sanctions. It has not used its leverage over the world economies yet. Putin may be waiting for the help of Russia’s most powerful ally – winter.

Given the interdependency of the world economies, the logical approach would be to stop economic masochism and a return to the period of Donald Trump’s political and economic sanity before we inflict irreparable damage to world commerce.

Unfortunately, there is no conceivable basis for such reversal. President Biden is not known for a logical approach. Biden’s logic is the logic of failure. Incapable of foreseeing impending catastrophes, the President doesn’t recognize the danger until it comes.
Congratulations. 34,000 posts in this thread and this is the worst one.

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