This is a very interesting story to follow. A prominent British politician who was behind the brexit fiasco finally being called out and punished for being on the Russian money train. As Russia destabilizes and support increases for Ukraine (and the opposite for Russia), I suspect we are going to see a lot more of these politicians outed in West Europe and US. The army of media propagandist (traitors) they employed also.
I said it a thousand plus pages ago, but I think in the years that follow this war, and all the books and analysis that come after, one of the biggest things that will come out is Putin lost touch with how much money was being spent on non military warfare. I truly think 100s of billions were spent on troll farms and bots and, most important off all, politicians and media propagandists beginning over 20 years ago. And it was working. They were absolutely winning, as evidenced by 2014 grabbing of Ukraine, Trump being elected with their help in 2016, Brexit, evidence of them being behind anti vax campaign on social media, the destabilization of NATO, and rise of a rabid pro Putin far right in US and Western Europe who all wanted a similar style authoritarian leader.
But he forgot why this all started 20 years ago: They were too far behind and could never compete with a military exchange with NATO and US. They knew it and at some point he did too. The strategy was actually brilliant and working. But then he got impatient likely due to age and health and said “**** it” and has now found out.