This team wouldn't be in the 1985-6 Rose Bowl because they didn't win their conference. This team has given us a hell of a ride but I find it hard to believe the best Iowa team of all time went tooth and nail with so many bad teams and couldn't get their 2nd string QB in the game more than once all year. I remember the '85 team well and they were a cut above this group- who I think is very good.that 1985 team was great, no doubt; but do you think this year's team would fumble away a game like Iowa did in the 1986 Rose Bowl? I just think this team does not beat itself by making mistakes
but this year's team needs to win the Rose Bowl and finish 13-1 and if it does, they will have beaten 2 ranked teams on the road and the #6 team in the country; they will have also done something that 1985 could not do and that's win the grand daddy of them all
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