Guessing some teachers get pride in watching them grow to be similar to what they believe in.What does a teacher get out of anything they teach?
Pride in watching the students grow and learn. Also a paycheck.
Some teachers might share this same platform in school.What do they get out of those parades?
Pride parades are about being brave enough to be yourself out in the open. Being out of the closet.
Some students have family members that are religious. Plus millions of other things. Should we bring all these people in for reading hour?Why do some schools allow cross dressers to read books to kids, what does the teacher get out of that?
I don't think that is happening in schools, but the point is being inclusive. It's for the students. Some of those students have family members that are LGBTQ.
LOL! I went to a public school where 90% of the students were catholic. You don’t think religion was talked about. Again LOL. I would also bet you a million dollars politics are being talked about as well. I know for a fact they are talked about at the university of Iowa in non political classes.Why do some teachers talk about religion or politics in school when it’s not part of the curriculum?
Doesn't happen in public K-12 schools.