Three spot-on observations re: the Biden issue


HB King
Gold Member
I really like this "Bullwark" newsletter. These are from that:

The Bonfire of the Democrats

We are witnessing the makings of a bad mix of ambition, apathy, politics and greed.​

(Composite / Photos: GettyImages / Shutterstock)

The Real Conspiracy of Democratic Elites

Biden’s campaign team, the influencers on his payroll, and a small cadre of loud political obsessives have argued this past week that there is a cabal of hand-wringing elites engaged in a palace coup against the will of Democratic base voters.

“I’m getting so frustrated by the elites — now I’m not talking about you guys — the elites in the party, ‘Oh, they know so much more.’ Any of these guys that don’t think I should run, run against me,” Biden said in an appearance on Morning Joe, the breakfast show of choice for coastal elites.

Nancy Lee Grahn, a white actress on daytime soap operas, offered a representative sample of how that argument was playing out on social media.
This frame—that there is a cloistered, privileged media class playing games with democracy for shits and giggles while the average Democrat pines for Dark Brandon—is a compelling one. That’s because it presents clear, digestible heroes (marginalized Americans worried about how Trump 2.0 could hurt them) and villains (know-it-all limousine liberal environmentalists who are personally protected from the Trumpian threat).

But here’s the main problem with that story. It’s just not true. In fact, as Ezra Klein shared with me on yesterday’s podcast, the opposite is what’s taking place.
The real conspiracy is that the Democratic elites are the ones protecting Biden. They don’t believe he can win and they are sanguine about what a second Trump term would look like. And their “stay the course” talking points are merely an attempt to manipulate the desperate and worried Democratic base voters who are willing to do whatever it takes to beat Trump.

Here’s Klein:
Klein: “You don't know how the party can replace him. You don't want to be blamed for any of this. You just stay quiet and walk the calm path to defeat. I think it is clear. …People are weighing this set of things. Like,‘it would be quite unpleasant for me personally to come out against the president as an elected official in an Democratic party and weighing what will happen if Donald Trump wins’ and saying, in a revealed preference way, ‘I can live with Donald Trump winning.’ And I've had people say that to me off the record, to be fair.
Tim Miller: Really?
Klein: “… I’ve had top Democrats say to me basically something like, ‘I don’t know why all these Democrats who think Donald Trump is an existential threat to democracy are acting the way they are. But the reason I’m acting the way I am is because I don’t think that.’”
You can live with Trump?! Are you sure??? Like really, really sure?

These ****ers are out there telling those of us who are desperately arguing that the Democrats should present a path to victory, that we are helping Trump by demanding this bare minimum. Meanwhile, in private, they have come to terms with Trump winning.


Grassroots Democrats who genuinely care about beating Trump should demand more from those they have entrusted with the responsibility to represent the party and successfully beat the Trumpian threat that they have been assured is existential.
—Tim Miller

Speaking of existential…

If I took a drink every time someone in one of my focus groups used the phrase “the lesser of two evils” to describe how they make their vote choice, I would die of alcohol poisoning.

But there’s another thread that’s emerging: voters comparing Joe Biden to their aging relatives who won’t give up their car keys. That’s not an analogy you want to hear with democracy on the line. On Wednesday, these comparisons were more common than ever among the voters I talked to—a group made up of those who cast ballots for Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020 but were now undecided.

“I've seen firsthand how difficult it is to get, you know, mom's driver's license or aging parents’ license away from them,” one participant said. “What does that look like when it's the president of the United States?”

This is fundamental to understanding voters’ fears about Biden’s age. They are disinclined to give him the benefit of the doubt because many have seen this all before. They don’t want their octogenarian father (or grandfather) running the country, let alone driving a car.

Most of these voters believed Biden should leave the race: “Letting him continue to run is like not taking the keys away from your parents,” one said. “Anyone’s letting him run to this point is just being weak.”
—Sarah Longwell


How The Elites Should Act

I’m still recovering from venturing into Trump’s lizard brain yesterday, so this morning I won’t expostulate at length. I do want to make one point, building on the excellent items you’ve just read.

Sarah reports that the participants in this week’s focus groups of Clinton 2016 and Biden 2020 voters are very concerned about Biden’s age and his capacity to govern for another term.

As they should be. And as they have been for a long time.

There has always been wide support for the idea that Biden should be a one-term president. Biden himself said in March 2020 that he viewed himself as “a bridge, not anything else.”

It’s not reasonable, on the other hand, to have Donald Trump as our next president. And a majority of Americans have also consistently balked at that, as well. There’s not as big a majority in resistance to that prospect as there should be, but still, it’s a majority.

So Americans don’t want Trump, and they think Biden is too old. They are right on both counts.

Which brings us to Tim’s piece. Most of the time, in a representative democracy, voters have no direct way to effectuate their wishes and to solve the problems they see. It is the job of elites—representative and responsive and responsible elites—to help do this.

Every society is going to have elites. In a liberal democracy, we try to structure things so that the power of those elites is checked. We try to see to it that elites are responsive to the broader public, that they can check and balance each other, and that, hopefully, they have a real sense of responsibility as well.

There is an organization that has been devised to try to tie together elites and the public in necessary and beneficial ways. That organization is the modern political party. Modern democracy depends on political parties to tie together the people and the elites, to ensure the circulation of elites, to arrange as much as possible for elites to be both responsive and responsible.

The failure of the Republican Party to do one of the main things a political party is supposed to do—to check truly malevolent demagogues—is a signal elite failure of the last decade. It’s been terrible to see for those of us who once had an attachment to and respect for that party. More important, it’s been terrible for the country.

Now it’s the Democratic Party that is being put to the test. Can Democratic elites get Joe Biden to step aside? Can they then arrange a process that allows for an open competition whose result will be responsive to public sentiment? This process will be somewhat more reminiscent of the old way convention delegates, influenced by party elites, selected presidential candidates. It produced some pretty good presidents!

This is the historic task of the elites of the Democratic Party today.

A Democratic Party that can rise to the occasion, and help arrange for Joe Biden to step aside in favor of a candidate able to win in 2024 and fit to serve for the next four years, would be a party whose voters and elites would be worthy of respect and support.

—William Kristol
Hacking Blah Blah Blah Blah GIF by Giflytics
It’s absolutely hilarious to read shit like this from a neocon warmonger like Kristol.
It’s amazing how the libs - ALWAYS the smartest people in the room - were so oblivious to Biden’s failings when it was quite obvious to anyone paying attention.

In their defense, Joe’s always been a dim bulb, so the transition from dumb to demented may have been just a bit concealed, but c’mon…
I'm just really surprised Biden didn't stick to his "transition" President term like he said when his age was brought up four years ago. And that Jill and Hunter weren't telling him he needed to turn it over to someone else months ago. One more really bad public appearance or interview and it is over.
I'm just really surprised Biden didn't stick to his "transition" President term like he said when his age was brought up four years ago. And that Jill and Hunter weren't telling him he needed to turn it over to someone else months ago. One more really bad public appearance or interview and it is over.
The argument about it being like taking the keys from your elderly parent really resonated with me.

I had a two-day long struggle helping my dad (80) find a replacement barber - and he's not really struggling with dementia/senility or other diagnosbile health issues - he's just an old guy that struggles with memory, modernity and technology.

I would be TERRIFIED to have him be president of the united states and I think he's more "with it" than Biden appears to be.
I'm just really surprised Biden didn't stick to his "transition" President term like he said when his age was brought up four years ago. And that Jill and Hunter weren't telling him he needed to turn it over to someone else months ago. One more really bad public appearance or interview and it is over.
Just imagine the position the D's would be in right now if that had been the plan from day one.

One term "save the country from Trump" caretaker president. Make the VP pick more about them being an heir apparent than checking a box. Give that VP heightened responsibilities relative to what a VP usually gets. Said VP could be spending their time mostly barnstorming the country campaigning for November while Joe finishes off his term.

It'd be a vastly different scenario right now.
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I'm just really surprised Biden didn't stick to his "transition" President term like he said when his age was brought up four years ago. And that Jill and Hunter weren't telling him he needed to turn it over to someone else months ago. One more really bad public appearance or interview and it is over.
Power corrupts even the best of people. They get a taste for it and will never let it go.
The reality is that Joe Biden is not physically or mentally capable
of serving 4 more years as our President. This is a fact that becomes
more obvious to people who care about the future of our nation. The
Democrat Party needs to give Americans a young, vibrant, leader to
vote for in November. Hopefully their nominating convention can
get the job done.
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If I am Joe Biden, I'm saying I have had one hell of a career, and the risk of Trump is so large that I will step down if you will step up and defeat Trump.

Trump is like a stage 4 cancer immediately for America if he is elected. And he isn't going to go hospice, Trump's hospice will be "f' it, lets blow this place up"
It’s amazing how the libs - ALWAYS the smartest people in the room - were so oblivious to Biden’s failings when it was quite obvious to anyone paying attention.

In their defense, Joe’s always been a dim bulb, so the transition from dumb to demented may have been just a bit concealed, but c’mon…
The American leftists have known for years Biden wasn't up for the job. However, the left thought if they could just keep Trump in court and distracted, Joe would just cruise into the White House. They are only upset because during the debate, the whole world saw Biden's lack of mental capacity and the great fake was over.
The American leftists have known for years Biden wasn't up for the job. However, the left thought if they could just keep Trump in court and distracted, Joe would just cruise into the White House. They are only upset because during the debate, the whole world saw Biden's lack of mental capacity and the great fake was over.
At least many aren't pretending their guy isn't a major problem.

Trump is still more dangerous, yet not a peep from GOP enablers.
The argument about it being like taking the keys from your elderly parent really resonated with me.

I had a two-day long struggle helping my dad (80) find a replacement barber - and he's not really struggling with dementia/senility or other diagnosbile health issues - he's just an old guy that struggles with memory, modernity and technology.

I would be TERRIFIED to have him be president of the united states and I think he's more "with it" than Biden appears to be.

Same with my dad while he was alive. But, we did take the car keys when he stepped on the gas instead of the brake when he pulled into his garage. That was an easier one. :)
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If I am Joe Biden, I'm saying I have had one hell of a career, and the risk of Trump is so large that I will step down if you will step up and defeat Trump.

Trump is like a stage 4 cancer immediately for America if he is elected. And he isn't going to go hospice, Trump's hospice will be "f' it, lets blow this place up"
Jesus fvcking Christ, you people are so unhinged. Drink the fvcking Kool-Aid and get some rest. Your brain is working overtime.
Jesus fvcking Christ, you people are so unhinged. Drink the fvcking Kool-Aid and get some rest. Your brain is working overtime.

I do not like Trump THE PERSON at all. But, the amount of dishonesty about how bad he would actually be for the country from these folks is rediculous. The man will not cause WW3, he will not "blow this place up". He is EXACTLY what they have always said he was, a HUGE narcissist.

The man wants to go down as the GREATEST President in history. And his ego is fully aware of how some of his moves as President would make his legacy be viewed.

They all said he would go after Hillary and put her in jail once he was elected (he did call her crooked hillary), but aftewards, when he was asked about it, he replied "it would be bad for the country". He knew all along that would be a bad move and would just make things worse.

And now, Biden has admitted in an interview that if Trump wins, the most important thing would be that he gave it his best shot....NOT that Democracy would end, which by the way, has now also been confirmed by other Dems in leaks. They don't REALLY think he is an existential threat to democracy, but painting him that way was one of the paths to victory. Just dirty all the way around.
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Don’t go, Joe: flummoxed Trump campaign wants Biden to stay in race​

Donald Trump and his campaign want Joe Biden to stay in the race, according to people familiar with the matter, and have discussed taking steps to ensure they don’t push the president to withdraw amid escalating panic among Democrats following his recent debate performance.

The latest thinking inside Trump’s campaign is for them not to pile on the concern about Biden’s age and mental acuity in case their attack ads push Biden to step aside.

If that happened, the campaign advisers think Trump would lose two lines of attack that have been central to his campaign if Biden steps aside: claiming that Biden is “sleepy” and lacks the fitness for another term in office, and falsely claiming that Biden is to blame for inflation and an uptick in illegal immigration.

The situation with Biden has flummoxed the Trump campaign as they now walk the tightrope of continuing to campaign against Biden in the likelihood that he remains the Democratic nominee for president, without hitting his age to the extent that it helps push him to withdraw.

Trump’s senior campaign advisers are also concerned that if Biden leaves the race, they would not be able to deploy their contingency plans until a replacement at the top of the ticket was confirmed.
A new opponent could open up new challenges for the Trump campaign. If Democrats coalesced behind a younger candidate, for instance, neither the lethargy portrayal nor the Biden administration record would work – and would need to come up with newly tailored attacks.

A Trump spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.

To preserve the status quo – Trump is marginally ahead of Biden in battleground states in private and public polling – the Trump campaign has settled on the message that it is too late for Democrats to change their nominee and Biden cannot step down.

Trump himself has downplayed the idea that Biden would be replaced. “If you listen to the professionals that do this stuff, they say it’s very hard for anybody else to come into the race,” Trump said in an interview with John Reid, a Virginia-based talk radio host.

And the message being blasted by Trump-allied Super PACs, two weeks after the debate, is that Biden has to stay in the race at least until the Democratic National Convention in August if any potential successor wants to acquire Biden’s substantial war chest.

The Biden campaign and the White House have insisted that the president will be the nominee, and are planning a new round of campaign events and interviews. Biden faces an unscripted press-conference at the Nato summit in Washington on Thursday night, and an NBC interview next week Monday.

Biden’s campaign announced raising $127m in June, ending the month with $240m in cash on hand. Trump raised a comparatively smaller figure of $111.8m, with $285m in the bank.

Still, the Trump campaign has started to plan for contingencies, including if the Vice-President, Kamala Harris, became the nominee, although they have been less concerned about a Harris-led ticket because they believe they can hit her with the Biden administration’s policy record, the people said.

The Trump campaign has started to use ads trying to start the narrative that Harris was always planning to depose Biden, using clips of Harris laughing against the Biden-Harris logo collapsing into just the Harris text. The campaign is also accusing Democratic candidates of covering up Biden’s decline.
TL;DR Summary:

  1. Democratic Elites Protecting Biden: Contrary to the narrative that Democratic elites are trying to undermine Biden, they are actually protecting him. These elites don't believe Biden can win, yet they are manipulating the Democratic base to stay the course, despite privately expressing that they can tolerate a Trump win.
  2. Voters’ Concerns About Biden’s Age: Voters are increasingly comparing Biden to aging relatives who shouldn't be driving, let alone running the country. This analogy highlights their concerns about his age and capacity to govern, making them less inclined to support him for another term.
  3. The Role of Democratic Elites: Democratic elites have a responsibility to act on voters' concerns about Biden’s age and ability to win. They need to facilitate Biden stepping aside and arrange a fair process to select a new candidate who can effectively compete in the 2024 election. This would demonstrate their responsiveness and responsibility to the public.
TL;DR Summary:

  1. Democratic Elites Protecting Biden: Contrary to the narrative that Democratic elites are trying to undermine Biden, they are actually protecting him. These elites don't believe Biden can win, yet they are manipulating the Democratic base to stay the course, despite privately expressing that they can tolerate a Trump win.
  2. Voters’ Concerns About Biden’s Age: Voters are increasingly comparing Biden to aging relatives who shouldn't be driving, let alone running the country. This analogy highlights their concerns about his age and capacity to govern, making them less inclined to support him for another term.
  3. The Role of Democratic Elites: Democratic elites have a responsibility to act on voters' concerns about Biden’s age and ability to win. They need to facilitate Biden stepping aside and arrange a fair process to select a new candidate who can effectively compete in the 2024 election. This would demonstrate their responsiveness and responsibility to the public.
Thanks ChatGPalaskaseminole ;)

Don’t go, Joe: flummoxed Trump campaign wants Biden to stay in race​

Donald Trump and his campaign want Joe Biden to stay in the race, according to people familiar with the matter, and have discussed taking steps to ensure they don’t push the president to withdraw amid escalating panic among Democrats following his recent debate performance.

The latest thinking inside Trump’s campaign is for them not to pile on the concern about Biden’s age and mental acuity in case their attack ads push Biden to step aside.

If that happened, the campaign advisers think Trump would lose two lines of attack that have been central to his campaign if Biden steps aside: claiming that Biden is “sleepy” and lacks the fitness for another term in office, and falsely claiming that Biden is to blame for inflation and an uptick in illegal immigration.

The situation with Biden has flummoxed the Trump campaign as they now walk the tightrope of continuing to campaign against Biden in the likelihood that he remains the Democratic nominee for president, without hitting his age to the extent that it helps push him to withdraw.

Trump’s senior campaign advisers are also concerned that if Biden leaves the race, they would not be able to deploy their contingency plans until a replacement at the top of the ticket was confirmed.
A new opponent could open up new challenges for the Trump campaign. If Democrats coalesced behind a younger candidate, for instance, neither the lethargy portrayal nor the Biden administration record would work – and would need to come up with newly tailored attacks.

A Trump spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.

To preserve the status quo – Trump is marginally ahead of Biden in battleground states in private and public polling – the Trump campaign has settled on the message that it is too late for Democrats to change their nominee and Biden cannot step down.

Trump himself has downplayed the idea that Biden would be replaced. “If you listen to the professionals that do this stuff, they say it’s very hard for anybody else to come into the race,” Trump said in an interview with John Reid, a Virginia-based talk radio host.

And the message being blasted by Trump-allied Super PACs, two weeks after the debate, is that Biden has to stay in the race at least until the Democratic National Convention in August if any potential successor wants to acquire Biden’s substantial war chest.

The Biden campaign and the White House have insisted that the president will be the nominee, and are planning a new round of campaign events and interviews. Biden faces an unscripted press-conference at the Nato summit in Washington on Thursday night, and an NBC interview next week Monday.

Biden’s campaign announced raising $127m in June, ending the month with $240m in cash on hand. Trump raised a comparatively smaller figure of $111.8m, with $285m in the bank.

Still, the Trump campaign has started to plan for contingencies, including if the Vice-President, Kamala Harris, became the nominee, although they have been less concerned about a Harris-led ticket because they believe they can hit her with the Biden administration’s policy record, the people said.

The Trump campaign has started to use ads trying to start the narrative that Harris was always planning to depose Biden, using clips of Harris laughing against the Biden-Harris logo collapsing into just the Harris text. The campaign is also accusing Democratic candidates of covering up Biden’s decline.
Trump is going to lose no matter who the Dem candidate is...even Joe.

Don’t go, Joe: flummoxed Trump campaign wants Biden to stay in race​

Donald Trump and his campaign want Joe Biden to stay in the race, according to people familiar with the matter, and have discussed taking steps to ensure they don’t push the president to withdraw amid escalating panic among Democrats following his recent debate performance.

The latest thinking inside Trump’s campaign is for them not to pile on the concern about Biden’s age and mental acuity in case their attack ads push Biden to step aside.

If that happened, the campaign advisers think Trump would lose two lines of attack that have been central to his campaign if Biden steps aside: claiming that Biden is “sleepy” and lacks the fitness for another term in office, and falsely claiming that Biden is to blame for inflation and an uptick in illegal immigration.

The situation with Biden has flummoxed the Trump campaign as they now walk the tightrope of continuing to campaign against Biden in the likelihood that he remains the Democratic nominee for president, without hitting his age to the extent that it helps push him to withdraw.

Trump’s senior campaign advisers are also concerned that if Biden leaves the race, they would not be able to deploy their contingency plans until a replacement at the top of the ticket was confirmed.
A new opponent could open up new challenges for the Trump campaign. If Democrats coalesced behind a younger candidate, for instance, neither the lethargy portrayal nor the Biden administration record would work – and would need to come up with newly tailored attacks.

A Trump spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.

To preserve the status quo – Trump is marginally ahead of Biden in battleground states in private and public polling – the Trump campaign has settled on the message that it is too late for Democrats to change their nominee and Biden cannot step down.

Trump himself has downplayed the idea that Biden would be replaced. “If you listen to the professionals that do this stuff, they say it’s very hard for anybody else to come into the race,” Trump said in an interview with John Reid, a Virginia-based talk radio host.

And the message being blasted by Trump-allied Super PACs, two weeks after the debate, is that Biden has to stay in the race at least until the Democratic National Convention in August if any potential successor wants to acquire Biden’s substantial war chest.

The Biden campaign and the White House have insisted that the president will be the nominee, and are planning a new round of campaign events and interviews. Biden faces an unscripted press-conference at the Nato summit in Washington on Thursday night, and an NBC interview next week Monday.

Biden’s campaign announced raising $127m in June, ending the month with $240m in cash on hand. Trump raised a comparatively smaller figure of $111.8m, with $285m in the bank.

Still, the Trump campaign has started to plan for contingencies, including if the Vice-President, Kamala Harris, became the nominee, although they have been less concerned about a Harris-led ticket because they believe they can hit her with the Biden administration’s policy record, the people said.

The Trump campaign has started to use ads trying to start the narrative that Harris was always planning to depose Biden, using clips of Harris laughing against the Biden-Harris logo collapsing into just the Harris text. The campaign is also accusing Democratic candidates of covering up Biden’s decline.
It's pretty amazing how disciplined Trump has been at not mocking Biden's debate performance. I think he's waiting in the weeds, desperately hoping Dems are dumb enough to officially nominate him at the convention. After that, I can't imagine the ads & rhetoric that will come taking down Joe. It would be a political strategists dream. I can't envision a scenario that Biden regains support when he's unable to speak off the cuff anymore.
It's pretty amazing how disciplined Trump has been at not mocking Biden's debate performance. I think he's waiting in the weeds, desperately hoping Dems are dumb enough to officially nominate him at the convention. After that, I can't imagine the ads & rhetoric that will come taking down Joe. It would be a political strategists dream. I can't envision a scenario that Biden regains support when he's unable to speak off the cuff anymore.
Nothing focuses the mind like potentially going to prison. A semi focused Trump is a dangerous Trump.
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